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Allocating & Approving Assortment and Edit Priority & Incentive Details

 Assortment Allocation


  1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling Assortment Allocation operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Management - Incentive - Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment and site must be already created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to POS Management > Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Allocate Assortment window opens. There are 3 steps -

    1. Step 1: Select Assortment Name from given list. You can select more than one from both lists.

    2. Step 2: Site Name has to be selected from given list. You can select more than one from both lists.

    3. Step 3: Start Date and Till Date field have to be given as present date or future date.

  3. Value of Basis field can be chosen from two option - Percentage , Amount. The default value of Basis field is Percentage. 

  4. Factor field only accepts number.

  5. Now click on Apply.

  6. Once done, click on Allocate or Allocate & Close or Close.

    1.  If you click on Allocate then the assortment will be allocated to the Site but the window remains open.

    2.  If you click on Allocate & Close then the assortment will be allocated to the Site and window will be closed automatically.

    3.  If you click on Close then the assortment will not be allocated to the Site and window will be closed automatically.
 Approve Assortment


  1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling Approve app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Management- Incentive - Assortment Definition.

  2. The Assortment must be already created and allocated.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to POS Management > Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment module opens.

  3. Click Approve option from the Action button.

  4. Select the Assortment Name from Assortment Name list. In the Site Name section only Unapproved site will be seen only against the selected Assortment. Then select Site(s) which you want to approve. 

  5. once done, click on Approve or Approve & Close or Cancel.  

               If you click on Approve then the assortment will be approved to the Site but the window remains open.

               If you click on Approved & Close then the assortment will be approved to the Site and window will be closed automatically.

               If you click on Cancel then the assortment will not be approved to the Site and window will be closed automatically.

 De-Allocate Assortment


  1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling De-Allocate app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Management - Incentive - Assortment Definition.

  2. The Assortment must be already Created but Un-Approved.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to POS Management > Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment module opens.

  3. Click De-Allocate option from the Action button.

  4. Select the Assortment Name from Assortment Name list. In the Site Name section only Unapproved site will be seen only against the selected Assortment. Then select Site(s) which you want to De-Allocate. 

  5. once done, click on De-Allocate or De-Allocate & Close or Cancel.  

               If you click on De-Allocate then the assortment will be deallocated from the Site but the window remains open.

               If you click on De-Allocate & Close then the assortment will be deallocated from the Site and window will be closed automatically.

               If you click on Cancel then the assortment will not be deallocated from the Site and window will be closed automatically.

 Edit Priority


  1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling Edit Priority app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through  POS Management- Incentive - Assortment Definition.

  2. The Assortment must be already created.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to POS Management > Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment module opens.

  3. Click Edit Priority option from the Action button.

  4. Select the Assortment Name from Assortment Name list. In the Site Name section all sites where the selected Assortment has been selected. Then you change the priority by dragging down the assortments with lower priority and drop.
  5. Once done, click on Save or Save & Close or Cancel.  

               If you click on Save then the changes will be saved but the window remains open.

               If you click on Save & Close then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.

               If you click on Cancel then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.

 Edit Incentive Details


  1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling De-Allocate app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through POS Management- Incentive - Assortment Definition.

  2. The Assortment must be already created .

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to POS Management > Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment module opens.

  3. Click Edit Incentive Details option from the Action button.

  4. Select the Assortment Name from Assortment Name list. In the Site Name section all sites will be seen only against the selected Assortment .Then select Site(s) for which you want to modify the incentive details. 

  5. A new Section will be seen where you can modify your Incentive details. Then click on apply.

  6. Once done, click on Save or Save & Close or Cancel. 

               If you click on Save then the changes will be saved but the window remains open.

               If you click on Save & Close then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.

               If you click on Cancel then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.



    1. The users' role must have access to the Assortment feature by enabling Closure app operation for the feature in Admin - Security - User - Role through  POS Management - Incentive - Assortment Definition.

    2. The Assortment must be already created .

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to  POS Management> Incentive > Assortment Allocation.

  2. The Assortment module opens.

  3. Click Closure option from the Action button.

  4. Select the Assortment Name from Assortment Name list. In the Site Name section all sites will be seen only against the selected Assortment .Then select Site(s) .

  5. once done, click on Closure or Closure & Close or Cancel. 

               If you click on Closure then the changes will be saved but the window remains open.

               If you click on Closure & Close then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.

               If you click on Cancel then the changes will be saved and window will be closed automatically.