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We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Adding, Editing & Deleting Narration
A narration is description of the entry you are making in each voucher and journal. Pre-decided and fixed narrations available in a master allow for two advantages -
- Instead of writing the same narration for a recurrent expense or income head again and again, it can just be selected.
- Reports of recurrent expense or income can also be generated based on the selected narration.
Below is an example -
There is a daily expense of snacks in an office for 50 employees, so for that cash payment is made to a food vendor.
General voucher entry:
General expense a/c Debit
Cash a/c Credit
Narration for General ledger in master:
Snacks expenses paid in cash.
Since this is a recurrent expense on a daily or weekly basis, it can be fetched from master. One more important objective of giving same narration for similar entry is the ledger report can be analyzed on the basis of narration if they are similar.
This article describes how to manage the Narration master at HO. The Narration master has three operations -
Online Printing option is now available from version 12.6.6 onwards.
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