How To: Redeem a Gift Voucher

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How To: Redeem a Gift Voucher

Redeeming a Gift Voucher means to use it as a payment mode for purchasing products from the GV Issuer. This article describes how to redeem a Gift Voucher.

To know how to issue a Gift Voucher, follow the link: /wiki/spaces/~5570584eb70e2b10514081a4b0925399f77519/pages/84639788


  1. The Gift Voucher / Vouchers must be present in the Web.

  2. The Gift Voucher to be redeemed must not have crossed it's validity or expiry date.

  3. Gift Voucher as a MOP must be assigned to the POS.

  4. A valid bill must be present.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are as follows:

  1. Click on the Payments button or press the F8 key.

  2. In the Accept Payments window, click on the Gift Voucher option.

  3. Click on the GV Details button. The Redeem Gift Voucher(s) window opens.

  4. Scan the Gift Voucher provided by the customer or manually type in the GV No. in the Scan a Gift Voucher field and press Enter.

  5. If you want to add more Gift Vouchers, repeat the above process.

  6. Once done, click on the Close button.

  7. If some amount is still due to be paid by the customer, use any other available MOPs to pay the remaining amount.

  8. Then click on Save the Bill / Give Change and Save button.

  9. A dialog box appears, asking you if you want to print the bill. If you want to print the bill, click Yes or else click No.

Important information regarding redemption of issued Gift Voucher

GVs once sold can only be redeemed by the customer once the information of Gift Voucher sale has been synced to HO and then HO syncs the same back to Web DB.

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