#GV History#

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#GV History#

Report Name

#GV History#

Report Location


Report Type


Report Description

This report will show Gift Voucher Details.

Report Objective

The objective of this report is to analyze GV details. User will get all the details of GV for all sites in detail. At a glance user can have a view of GV Issued from, Issued on, Customer Name, Redeemed from which store, Redeemed Date, Redeemed Bill No., Redeemed Bill Type, Cancelled if any.

Target Audience

Operations Manager, Store Manager, Management



Selection type


GV Category


User can select particular GV Category by this selection.

GV Booklet No


User can select particular GV Booklet No. by this selection.

GV Current Status


User can select particular GV Current Status by this selection. The status includes Allocated/Cancelled/Issued/New/Redeemed.


Sync to be done both from POS & HO end.

Alternative reports to validate

GV Voucher History in POS Analytics.

Sample Output