Ginesys Reports Installation Guide

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Ginesys Reports Installation Guide


Ginesys Reports is a self-service Business Intelligence solution that provides a unique balance of operational and ad-hoc reporting, dashboards and interactive data visualization for non-technical business users. End users can easily build and format analytics report. The Ginesys Reports module has to be configured before it can become operational. Follow the given steps to configure the Reports module in Ginesys. 


Ginesys Reports can be deployed in two ways. Though there is little difference in installation procedure in either scenarios, the differences are only in pre-requisites installation.

Common Applications Servers + DB server Model:

Ginesys Application and Report Application are installed in a single machine. Database may be installed in same or in another machine.


NOTE : If Ginesys Application and Report Application both are running on the same machine, it is recommended to create separate Application Pool (App Pool) for Report Application and assign the newly created App Pool for the virtual directory in which the report application resides.

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Individual Server Model:

Ginesys Application and Report Application are installed in separate machines. Database may be installed in Ginesys Application machine or in another machine.



  • OS: Windows Server 2008 R2 or above

  • IIS Server Role

  • Framework V 3.5 SP1

  • Framework V 4.7.2

  • Oracle Client:

    • ODAC 12c 64 bit  [If Ginesys Database is on Oracle Database 12c]

    • ODAC 11g 64 bit  [If Ginesys Database is on Oracle Database 10g]

In case of single server deployment, all pre-requisites for Ginesys Reports would already be available on the server as those are as same as required for Ginesys Application.


Ginesys supports both Oracle Database 10g and 12c. If Oracle Database 10g is in use, then the required client would be ODAC 11g  64 bit and in case of Oracle Database 12c ODAC 12c 64 bit will be required.



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Download and extract Ginesys Report Kit

  1. Download the Ginesys Report Kit compatible with Ginesys version from the link - Common Downloads

  2. Create a folder named GinesysReport, preferably within Ginesys installation directory GINESYS12

  3. Extract the zip file in newly created GinesysReport folder

  4. Ensure the extracted report application folders should appear in GinesysReport folder's root.

    Preferred path is 

    <GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport.

The adjacent figure shows the folder structure.


Create an Application Pool for Ginesys Report Module - name it GinesysReportAppPool.

  1. Open IIS Manager by pressing on 

     + R and opening the Run window

  2. Then entering inetmgr

  3. In the left hand side Connections pane, expand the server node

  4. Right click the Application Pools, and click Add Application Pool.

  5. On the Add Application Pool dialog box, enter following information. Click OK

  • Name: GinesysReportAppPool

  • .NET CLR Version: .NET CLR Version V4.x

  • Managed Pipeline Mode: Integrated

  • Start application pool immediately: Selected

Detailed info: How To: Create an application pool on a Web server


Create three new applications in IIS


If Ginesys Reports is being configured on same server where Ginesys Application is installed, then Ginesys Web Applications and Ginesys Report Applications will appear under same site, here it will be Default Web Site if the installation as it is done following this guide.

  1. In IIS manager, right click on Default Web Site and click Add Application...

  2. Input details in Add Application window for three respective Applications as per following details

    1. First application GINESYSReportUI

      1. Alias: GINESYSReportUI

      2. Application Pool: GinesysReportAppPool  (Select from the list)

      3. Physical Path: Path to the \GinesysReport\ReportUI

        (e.g. D:\GSL\GINESY12\GinesyReport\ReportUI)

    2. Second application GINESYSReportAPI

      1. Alias: GINESYSReportAPI

      2. Application Pool: GinesysReportAppPool  (Select from the list)

      3. Physical Path: Path to the \GinesysReport\ReportAPI

        (e.g. D:\GSL\GINESY12\GinesyReport\ReportAPI)

    3. Third application GINESYSImages

      1. Alias: GINESYSImages

      2. Application Pool: DefaultAppPool  (Select from the list)

      3. Physical Path: Ginesys image folder path,  \Shared\ItemImage

        (e.g. D:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared\ItemImage)

Detailed Info: How To: Add an application in IIS manager

Sample Image of IIS Manager with Report Applications created.


Add permission on new Applications

On all three newly added applications, GINESYSReportUI, GINESYSReportAPI, GINESYSImages  'Full Control' access need to be given to 'IIS User' (IIS_IUSRS). Repeat the above steps for all three applications.

  1. Right click on each applications in IIS, click on Edit Permissions...

  2. It will open the Folder property, go to Security tab, click Edit

  3. Click Add...  to add new permission

  4. Ensure the system name is selected in Locations.. field.

  5. In the box where to Enter the object names to select type IIS_IUSRS, then click Check Names. Click OK.

  6. In this windows, in Permission for IIS_IUSRS field, check the box under Allow beside Full Control.

  7. Click Apply and OK.

On all three applications, GINESYSReportUI, GINESYSReportAPI, GINESYSImages  'Full Control' access need to be given to 'IIS User' (IIS_IUSRS). To do this,

Repeat the above steps for all three applications.

How to provide read and write access to Application Pool Identities


Modification of GinApps.Config

 Keys need to be added in its configuration files on GINESYS Application Server (File location: C:\GSL\GINESYS12\Shared):

  1. Open GinApps.config in Notepad or any text editor.

  2. Find <appSettings tag in xml file and add the following two keys:

<add key="ReportURI" value="/GinesysReportUI/" />
<add key="CustomPort" value="" />


Starting up ASP.NET State Service

Open Services management console (Go to RUN > Type Services.msc > Enter)

Double click on ASP.NET State Service

Set Startup Type: Automatic

Click on Start button

Click on OK button to close the window. Close Services management console.


Install the Report Scheduler Windows Service:

  • Ensure that eWebReportsScheduler.xml is available in <GINESYS_Installed_Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ReportScheduler

  • In case it is not available, find eWebReportsScheduler<Kit Version>.xml and rename it to eWebReportsScheduler.xml.

  • Open Command Prompt (cmd) in Administration mode 

  • Run the following commands in command prompt, need to replace the angular brackets with the values specific to particular installation:

cd <GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReportInstallReportSchedulerService -install <GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ReportScheduler


Provide access to Report Module -

  • Go to the GINESYS WEB - ADMIN - Security - Roles 

  • Select the appropriate Role from the list and open it.

  • Select Report module along with all sub-menus.

  • Re-login in the assigned roles to gain access to the REPORT module.


Synchronize configuration of Ginesys Reports with Ginesys Application

  • Go to the Repository tab of the Report module.

  • Click on the Sync button to access the GINESYS Report Folder Hierarchy.


Grant appropriate Report role to user 

  • Go to GINESYS WEB - ADMIN - Security - Users

  • Select the appropriate User from the list and open it.

  • Select appropriate Report Role from the drop-down list.

  • Save the changes made.

  • Now users will be able to login and access Report module.



Verification for Database Connectivity

In the Report Server tab, under Data>Sources; Double click on GINESYS. Some setting details are shown on the right side (check attached image), click on the icon beside Connection String and automatically the connection string is checked for validity. If valid the message displayed on the right is shown.


Verification for Report Path Access

In the same location, under General>Main Settings; Some setting details are shown on the right side (check attached image), click on the icon beside Report Path and automatically the path is checked for validity. If valid the message is shown.


Verification for Schedule Host Connectivity

In the same location, under General>Scheduler Settings; Some setting details are shown on the right side (check attached image), click on the icon beside Schedule Remoting Host and automatically the path is checked for validity. If valid the message is shown.

Schedule Remoting Host format -

<channel_type>://<machine>or<ipaddress>:<port> (<machine> or <ipaddress> of Report server and scheduler service must be in running state)

Sample value - tcp://SERVERNAME:2001


Opening the Report > Home 

Now the Report Home should open without any issues.


Configuring the Repository Tab

The report tree structure has to be created by the Admin user in the Repository tab.

The report folders can be mapped by drag and drop Report folders from left side (Repository) into right side (Configurable View).

IMPORTANT - Report Folder sequence



Configure the Scheduler following the steps given - (Optional) 

This step is only required if reports need to be scheduled to be send by auto-email. 

To configure the GINESYS Reports Scheduler Service API, edit the file ‘eWebReportsScheduler.xml’ in the folder where the scheduler service was installed.

Location - <GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ReportScheduler\eWebReportsScheduler.xml

Set the following items - values within the brackets() are random sample values:

smtp_server – The smtp server used to email reports. (e.g. <smtp_server>smtp.gmail.com:587</smtp_server>)

smtp_enable_ssl - Set to ‘true’ to enable SSL.(e.g. <smtp_enable_ssl>true</smtp_enable_ssl>)

smtp_user_id - The user id that is used to login into the smtp server. (e.g. <smtp_user_id>reports@myorg.com</smtp_user_id>)

smtp_password - The password id that is used to login into the smtp server. (e.g. <smtp_password>mypasswordl</smtp_password>)

smtp_from - The ‘From’ email address used in the report emails. (e.g. <smtp_from>reports@myorg.com</smtp_from>)

smtp_from_name - The ‘From’ name used in the report emails. (e.g. <smtp_from_name>MyOrgReports</smtp_from_name>)

error_report_to - The email address to send error reports to. (e.g. <error_report_to>admin@myorg.com</error_report_to>)

channel_type - tcp or http – must match the setting of the Remote Host in the Scheduler Settings of the Administration Console. (e.g. <channel_type>tcp</channel_type>)

port - The port number of GINESYS Report will use to trigger Ginesys Report Scheduler jobs, default is 2001. This should also be entered in the Scheduler Settings of the Administration Console. (e.g. <port>2001</port>)





In case of separate servers for the GINESYS Application, GINESYS Reports Application and the Oracle Database, the GINESYS Reports Server needs to have the following prerequisites installed - 

Step by step installation



Need to enable IIS role. 


Create an Application Pool for GINESYS Report Module 

Download and extract Ginesys Report Kit

Add two new applications under the GinesysReportAppPool and one in the Default App Pool under the Default Web site

Add file read and write access to both folders for Application pool user


Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Modification of GinApps.Config

Start ASP.net State Service from Windows Services

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Install the Report Scheduler Windows Service:

Open Command Prompt in Administration mode 
Install windows service with following command, replacing the angular brackets with the values specific to particular installation:

<GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ InstallReportSchedulerService -install

<GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ReportScheduler

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Provide access to Report Module 

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Synchronize configuration of Ginesys Reports with Ginesys Application

Grant appropriate Report role to user 

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Verification for Database Connectivity

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Verification for Report Path Access

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Verification for Schedule Host Connectivity

Sample value - http://dev-02/GINESYS12/Admin.aspx

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Configuring the Repository Tab

Admin user has to create or map the Report-Folder structure in Right Side Configurable View.

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide#Configure the Scheduler following the steps given - (Optional) 

To configure the GINESYS Reports Scheduler Service API, edit the file ‘eWebReportsScheduler.xml’ in the folder where the scheduler service was installed.

Location - <GINESYS Installed Drive>\GSL\GINESYS12\GinesysReport\ReportScheduler\eWebReportsScheduler.xml

Set the following items - values within the brackets() are random sample values:

smtp_server – The smtp server used to email reports. (<smtp_server>smtp.gmail.com:587</smtp_server>)

smtp_enable_ssl - Set to ‘true’ to enable SSL.(<smtp_enable_ssl>true</smtp_enable_ssl>)

smtp_user_id - The user id that is used to login into the smtp server. (<smtp_user_id>reports@gsl.in</smtp_user_id>)

smtp_password - The password id that is used to login into the smtp server. ( <smtp_password>Reports#gsl</smtp_password>)

smtp_from - The ‘From’ email address used in the report emails. ( <smtp_from>reports@gsl.in</smtp_from>)

smtp_from_name - The ‘From’ name used in the report emails. ( <smtp_from_name>GINESYS Reports</smtp_from_name>)

error_report_to - The email address to send error reports to. (<error_report_to>admin@gsl.in</error_report_to>)

channel_type - tcp or http – must match the setting of the Remote Host in the Scheduler Settings of the Administration Console. (<channel_type>http</channel_type>)

port - The port number of the .NET remote object used to communicate with GINESYS Report; this should also be entered in the Scheduler Settings of the Administration Console. (<port>2001</port>)

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