Exporting Audit Trail Reports Legacy (pre - 12.17.2)

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Exporting Audit Trail Reports Legacy (pre - 12.17.2)

Sometimes audit data backup needs to be taken for future use before flushing out or just to keep a record. Export to Excel is always a convenient process of taking a backup of any data. The process is performed through the Export module of Audit Trail. This article describes the process of export in Audit Trail


Note: Every time you export, a db(.db5) file is created in the Ginesys Web Application server and you can locally download a copy and browse it. Browsing the Audit Trail can be done through DB Browser for SQLite.


  1. The user's role must have access to the Export feature in Admin - Utility - Audit Trail through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Audit Data must be present.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Utility > Audit Trail > Export.

  2. Audit Trail : Data Export window will open.

  3. You will get Search Criteria like - From Date, To Date and User Name.

  4. After putting the search criteria, click on the Search button.

  5. Searched result will be listed as per provided searched criteria. 

  6. Select one or more than one module to export. 

  7. Click on the Export button.

  8. The message will be displayed - "Audit data exported successfully."

In a particular instance of export activity, if user select multiple modules simultaneously then the system will create individual excel file against each selected modules and consolidate them in a single zip file. Also, in each excel file the data will be divided into different sheet for different tables involved in that specific module.

Additionally, user can apply the following filter criteria at the time of export:

Date From, Date To, Application User, Audit Module. Among those, Date From and Date To are mandatory and rest are optional.

To go back to the main page click on Managing the Audit Trail in Ginesys ERP Admin

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