Purging the Audit Trail records

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Purging the Audit Trail records

Audit records are required to track any changes of data made in a particular module. Old audit data, not required for any further analysis, can be flushed or deleted from the Purge function of Audit Trail module. This article describes how to Purge Audit Trail record in Ginesys Web.


  1. The users' role must have access to the Purge feature in Admin - Utility - Audit Trail  through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

  2. Audit Data must be present.

Step-by-step guide

The process is divided in the following steps:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Utility > Audit Trail > Purge.

  2. Audit Trail : Data Purge window will open.

  3. You will get Purge Date Up to search criteria to search log data. Set the date up to which you want to get the audit log. You cannot set the date more than current date.

  4. Click on the Search Log Data button to get the audit data. If no data is found according to the provided date for "Purge Date Up to" date-field and clicks on "Search Log Data" button, then the message will be displayed - "No data found for purging."

  5. You will get the list of filtered data with Area, Module, Status and Status Details. A search button is available to search the list items.

  6. Select one or more than one data to purge. 

  7. Click on the Purge button.

  8. You will get a message - "Purging the module will delete all the audit records of the selected module(s). Note: It is recommended to take an export before purging the audit data."

  9. If you click on the Purge without Export, the data will be be removed without any backup. Otherwise, if you click on the Do not Purge button, the purge will be cancelled.

  10. After successfully completing the purge, you will get a message - "Data purged successfully".

System will maintain a purging history with the following information :

Who purged?, When Purged?, What modules were purged?, which date trail data was purged ?

Note : Purging history can not be purged from any UI option.

To go back to the main page click on Managing the Audit Trail in Ginesys HO Admin


If some of the selected modules purged successfully, then the message will be displayed - "Data purging is partially successful. Please refer the grid for better understanding."

If none of the modules could be purged successfully, then the message will be displayed - "Data purging failed."

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