Syncing to easeMYGST

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Syncing to easeMYGST

Sync to easeMYGST is present to enable our customers to sync their transactions to easeMYGST for easy calculation and handling of GST operations.


  1. The user's role must have the Sync application operation enabled for the Sync to easeMYGST feature in Admin - Utilities - Process through Roles in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security.

Step-by-step guide

The steps are given below:

  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Admin > UtilitiesProcess > Sync to easeMYGST.

  2. Sync to easeMYGST module will open. 

  3. OU Name (Mandatory field) will be populated automatically.

  4. Select Month (Mandatory field) & Year (Mandatory field) from the drop-down list.

  5. Next you will get two options - Primary & Secondary.

    1. Primary:

      1. In left side, you will get GSTIN with Sate Code and Name. and in right side Return Name with Type.

      2. Select GSTIN and Return Name from both window.

      3. Once done,click on Generate & Upload.

      4. A popup window will appear with selected details.

      5. Click on Generate,you will get a confirmation message - "Data generated successfully.Do you want to upload now?".

      6. If you click on Yes , the Sync will be generated.

    2. Secondary:

      1. In left side, you will get Party Name with GSTIN,Sate Code and Name. and in right side Return Name with Type.

      2. Select Party Name and Return Name from both window.

      3. Once done,click on Generate & Upload.

      4. A popup window will appear with selected details.

      5. Click on Generate,you will get a confirmation message - "Data generated successfully.Do you want to upload now?".

      6. If you click on Yes , the Sync will be generated.

To go back to the main page click on Managing Utilities tab in Ginesys ERP Admin Module

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