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Report Name


Report Location

Finance\Financial Statement

Report Type


Report Description

Financial Statement of all Income & Expenses for a company till a given date, starting from first date of working accounting year.

Report Objective

This Report is designed to have Profit & Loss during a period (from the starting date of the Financial Year till the date selected by user).

Target Audience

Accounts Executives, Accounts Manager, Finance Manager, Finance Executive, Senior Managment



Selection type


To Date


Report to be shown based on transaction happened for the period ends to this date from the first day of the same Financial Year

Include Unposted Entries


If it is 'Yes' then report will also consider all those transactions which is not released/posted yet also.

Include Zero Balance Records


If it is 'Yes' then report will show all the Ledger (or group which do not have non-zero balance)

Amount display format


User can opt to display the value as per the following formats :

Actual, Crore,Lacs,Million,Thousand,

Show Opening Records Only


If it is ‘Yes’ then data will be shown for the period which is considered as Opening at the time of Ginesys Installation. It is to be noted that If it is considered as ‘Yes’ then data range should also be as per the opening period (i.e. before Ginesys Start Year) It is recommended to not to choose this option as ‘Yes’ if it is other wise required.



Alternative reports to validate

Ledger level balance will be same as with #Profit & Loss Tabular# , #Profit & Loss Periodic# (during the period).

Sample Output


Data Source Category Used

Finance\Profit And Loss [TV_PROFIT_AND_LOSS]


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