#Composite GST Report#

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#Composite GST Report#

Report Name

#Composite GST Report#

Report Location


Report Type


Report Description

This Report will display consolidated all transactions done in Ginesys for the specified date range in which GST has been charged. This report can be used as help for GSTR filling. This is Cube based report (Cube Name : Composite GST Transactions).

Report Objective

This Report designed as flat tabular format so that it can be used for any further analysis or can be modified in spreadsheet to change the format as per any statutory format. Since, Ginesys do not provide any statutory report format for GST filing, this report can be used for the purpose after custom modification. This Report have all the information required for for statutory GST filing purpose.

Target Audience

Accounts Executives, Accounts Manager, Finance Manager, Finance Executive



Selection type


Cube Name


Report to be shown based on user selected Cube Name. This is the name which user has given during refreshing the cube.

NB : Not recommended to see the report with out selecting any Cube Code as this may lead to wrong representation of data.



User can select a particular GSTI No. for which all GST charged documents to be shown in Report.

NB: Date range of the documents will be based on the date range for which the cube has been refreshed. User can add additional filter in Report (if required) within the date range of cube’s date.


Transaction should be Posted / Released

Alternative reports to validate

Individual Transaction Register Reports

Sample Output


NB : Few Columns has been shown in this Sample Output as there are lots of Column in this report which is not possible to accommodate here.

Data Source Category Used

08-Cross Module\03-Composite\Composite GST Transactions [PV_COMPOSITE_GST_TRNX]

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