FAQs for HSN Master

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FAQs for HSN Master

1. How to import HSN code in Bulk?

Ans - User can import HSN code by Excel Import.

2. How to define slab wise GST rate?

Ans - When Govt. defines more that one GST rate in same HSN / SAC code. Then we have to define Slab wise GST.

          a. Go to Inventory > Product Definition > Tax Definition > HSN / SAC Master.

          b. Click on Add button.

          c. After providing all the necessary fields, click on Add Row.

          d. Provide Effective Date and Slap Applicable as 'Yes'.

          e. Then click on Define GST Slab.

          f.  Put in the values in all the necessary fields and Provide Amount From and GST Rate Name and click on Ok.

3. How to define SAC code for Service?

Ans - User can define SAC code for Service in Item Master.

4. What is the effect of selection of Net Price and RSP on charge GST?

Ans - GST will be applicable On the selected type of price. Suppose, If we select Net Price then the GST will be applicable on Net Price and if we select RSP then the GST will be applicable on RSP. 

5. How to modify HSN rate?

Ans -  It is recommended by Ginesys that If GST Rate changes against any HSN/SAC Code then add a new row below the rows of existing GST Rate and fill the required details.

6. What is the purpose of Effective date in HSN master?

Ans - It means HSN master will be Effective from that particular date.

7. How can we delete HSN Code which was created by mistake?

Ans - We can't delete HSN Code, we can only extinct it. 

8. What is the purpose of Extinct ?

Ans - Suppose any HSN Code is no more needed now or Any HSN code is created by by mistake, in that situation user can extinct that particular HSN Code.

9. What Is The Function of GST slab/Non Slab Applicability?

Ans - When Govt. defines more that one GST rate in same HSN / SAC code. Then we have to define Slab wise GST. Otherwise NON Slab GST is being used.

10. Can we activate the extinct HSN Code?

Ans - Yes, we can activate the extinct HSN Code by withdrawing the tick from the 'This Record is Extinct option'.

11. If GST Rate change against any HSN/SAC Code then how to define?

Ans - If GST Rate changes against any HSN/SAC Code then add a new row below the rows of existing GST Rate and fill the required details.

12. How to import the Slab Detail Via Excel ?

Ans - Slab Details can be imported though HSN/SAC Code - GST Rates class.

13. How to export the HSN List on Excel ?

Ans - HSN  List on excel can be exported through Action > Export.

14. How to get the HSN list with Effective Date Wise GST Rate on Excel ?

Ans - HSN list with Effective Date Wise GST Rate can not be exported through Excel. However it can be seen by running the #HSN SAC GST Rate Master# report on Report module.

15. How to get the HSN list with Effective Date & Slab Wise GST Rate on Excel ?

Ans - HSN list with Effective Date & Slab Wise GST Rate can not be exported through Excel. However it can be seen by running the #HSN SAC GST Rate Master# report on Report module.

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