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How To: Upload Opening Balance for a Ledger with Managed Customer owned Outright mode Track Secondary Site


This article will describe the process of Uploading Opening Balance for a Ledger with Managed Customer owned Outright mode Track Secondary Site. 

Problem Statement:

Ginesys Opening balance upload does not allow MS-CO-OM-TS site to get uploaded. 


Let us understand the scenario by taking a case study.  

Client has a business model where he accepts security deposit from his stores. Security Deposit is Rs. 1,00,000 cr. (For MS-CO-OM-TS - 20,000 cr and for other sites - 80,000 cr).

Step1: Upload balance against Security Deposit ledger - Rs. 80,000/- (Other than MS-CO-OM-TS wise).

Step2: Create a Dummy general ledger with site applicability as No. 

Step3: Upload balance against Dummy General ledger - Rs. 20,000/-

 Step4: Create a General Journal entry on 1st day of the year as;