Issue in Downloading Item Image

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Issue in Downloading Item Image


Requested by: Gyanesh Kumar, 13/Feb/2019 

User was unable to download the Item Image instead of public IP due to some connectivity issue.


Multiple IP present in Default Web Site in IIS Bound. Screenshot are given below:


In a normal scenario, it looks like -


At first you need to verify with the client, why the multiple bindings exist here. If the client is not sure about this or he has no idea why it is configured like this, then we will suggest them to talk with their IT person or we can remove those invalid bindings in IIS with a simple process.

Removing steps are given below:

  1. Open IIS (Type Inetmgr in run window).
  2. Select default web site in left panel.
  3. Select Bindings from the right panel.
  4. This kind of window will appear.

  5. After selecting invalid bindings Remove button will be enabled in right side.

  6. Select those invalid bindings and remove.

This should resolve the issue,