How To: Scan Items in Ginesys

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How To: Scan Items in Ginesys

A common method of populating items in forms of Ginesys (both HO and Web) is through scanning their barcodes in the Scan Item feature. It is available with almost all forms which deal with items. 


  1. The user must have Add rights in whichever form the items need to be scanned.
  2. A barcode scanner must be installed and integrated with the Ginesys software to scan the items.

Step-by-step guide

Follow the given steps to use the scan item feature:

  1. Click on Quick Scan (Ginesys HO) or Scan Item (Ginesys Web) or press F7 (both Ginesys HO and Ginesys Web).

  2. The Quick Scan (Ginesys HO) window  or Item/Barcode Scanner (Ginesys Web) window opens.

  3. Select a Mode

    1. Scan (Ginesys HO) or Automatic (Ginesys Web)
    2. Entry (Ginesys HO) or Manual (Ginesys Web)

  4. Now type in (Manual) or scan (Automatic) the barcode with a scanner, depending on your selected mode of entry.

    Note: In case of manual mode of barcode entry, you may also provide the quantity of items.

  5. Now, click on Accept to enter the barcode in the form.

  6. When all barcodes are entered, click on Done to close the window..

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