Release Notes 11.136.2

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Release Notes 11.136.2


Release Date

30 April 2018

HO Version11.136.2
POS Version1.136.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.11
Features & Enhancements05
Bug Fixes02


Note: Now the Release and Revert functions of Goods Receive, earlier managed through User Profiles, will now be managed by Role operations. Assign these operations to roles right after update is completed.

Redis Cache needs to be installed before you update to 11.136.2. You will be guided through the installation as you run HO AutoUpdate if you haven't already installed Redis Cache. For more knowledge, click here

VC++ 2013 Redistributable 64 bit needs to be installed before you update to 11.136.2. You will be guided through the installation as you run HO AutoUpdate if you haven't already installed VC++2013. For more knowledge, click here.

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


39905 Print Barcode Configuration can now be done from the Web


Ginesys Web – Admin - Utilities – Barcode Print File

Ginesys Web - Procurement - GRC Adhoc : Action (menu) > Print Barcode (option)

Enhancement Summary:

A barcode is the small image of lines (bars) and spaces that is affixed to store products to identify a particular item number.

This is a much simpler version of the barcode printing available from the Ginesys desktop.

Application operation rights for Add, Modify and Delete  - have to be provided at both Admin > Utilities > Barcode Print Files and Printing Barcode at Procurement > Operations > Goods Receive > Adhoc.

The Barcode Print Label is still available at -

Ginesys Desktop > Procurement > Barcode Print Label.

But Ginesys is offering an option to configuration and print the same from the web at -

Ginesys Web > Admin > Utilities > Barcode Print File to store the configuration and Ginesys Web > Procurement > GRC Adhoc : Action (menu) > Print Barcode (option) for printing.

Pre-requisite to the print barcode feature

Printer Client System Application (WCPP app) has to be downloaded and installed to handle all your printing. You will be prompted for downloading and installing the app as soon as you try to print barcode for the first time.

  • Just click on the link to download. The link appears when you click on the Print Barcode.
  • In your Download folder locate wcpp- and double-click to install the app.
  • You will be asked to confirm the location of installation. Select the proper location and click Next.
  • Click on Next
  • Your app is successfully installed.
  • Refresh your web page and you are ready to print barcodes from the web modules.

Configuration for Barcodes

Now barcode configuration files can be created and stored with a name so that whenever the file with that particular configuration needs to be printed it can be just selected from a list. In other words, maintaining and using your barcode printing file can be done in Ginesys itself.


  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Admin > Utilities > Barcode Print File.
  2. Click on the Add
  3. It opens the Print Barcode Configuration
  4. Fill in the following:

    1. Name (mandatory) – Provide an easily understood name to the configuration like Items from GRC, Summer items etc.
    2. Description – It is an optional field and can be used to describe the required details of the barcode configuration file. E.g. creation date, applicable for, number of fields etc.
    3. Upload File (mandatory) – Browse the list of barcode configuration (.ctl) file and select it.
      Note: Only (.ctl) files are visible in this list.
  5. Click on the Verify button to verify the validity of the barcode configuration file structure and upload it.
  6. You can click the File Download button to check or modify the values as needed in the barcode file and upload it again.
  7. Once the file is verified the Verify button changes to Save button, click on it to save the configuration. 

    Note: The erroneous file can be deleted later by selecting it from the list and clicking Delete in the Action menu. But the user must have the related (Delete) app operation privileges.

  8. After the verification is completed, the Tools tab becomes enabled. You can select the available Printer. The system default printer will already be selected.
  9. Click on Test Print button to test print the barcode stickers.

Printing of Barcodes

Note: All fields in this window are mandatory fields.


  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Goods Receive > Adhoc: Action (menu) > Print Barcode (option).
  2. The Barcode Print window opens.
  3. Select the appropriate printer from the drop-down.
  4. Now select the type of barcode configuration you need – Standard is for already saved configurations and Custom for customized configuration.
  5. Name / Config. File – If the user selects Standard in Step 4, the prompt for this field says Config. Name and the user has to select a pre-set barcode configuration from the LOV.

    But, if the user selects Custom in Step 4, the prompt for this field says Config. File and the user has to browse the system and select a customized barcode configuration for the particular instance.
  6. Print Quantity – This has two numeric fields and has to be provided. Zero (0) and negative value is not allowed.
    1. In multiple of item quantity in document - should be selected when number of prints for barcode label are taken from the quantity of each item in the document involved. As by default the numeric value is set to 1. Now, if a user wants to get the label 3 times of quantity received, then he will simply have to change the numeric value from 1 to 3.
    2. Fixed Qty. for each item, irrespective of document should be selected when quantity of items for each barcode is constant. E.g. if two (2) is provided; then two copies of barcode labels for each item in the document will be printed, irrespective of the quantity of the item specified in the document.
  7. Now you can either select Test Print or Print to file or Print. Checking the output of the configuration file can now be done via Test Print by printing the barcodes on labels with parameter name. Print to File would generate a text (.txt) file in Notepad with actual printing values of the parameters.

Note: Now, Ginesys will not support $ based barcode printing files, so all Ginesys users working with such files need to raise a ticket in care.ginesys.in for assistance on changing the such barcode printing files.


31985 Goods Receive Challan (Adhoc) has now been transferred to Web


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operations – Goods In/Out – Receipts

Enhancement Summary:

Adhoc Goods Receive Challan are raised when there is a direct purchase of some items without a formal order. This form allows you to receive both the types of purchases; Consignment as well as Non-Consignment. The items received through a GRC affects the Inventory stock only, in other words, it doesn't affect financial part of the purchase made, you will need to make the Purchase Invoice in order to do so.

Earlier only organization sites could log into Ginesys Web modules, now managed stores including secondary sites will be able to do so. The login has been enabled to ensure the receipt of local purchases by managed stores.

Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Goods Receive Challan (Adhoc) more user-friendly –

  1. The various sections of the form have been made collapsible. You can extend and collapse each section, like the Logistics or the Items or the Others, individually or all of them together.

    Note: The General section cannot be collapsed.

  2. The Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Vendor Details and Vendor Statistics. 

    1. Document Summary is a snapshot of:
      1. The number of items in the document
      2. The total quantity received
      3. The total quantity returned
      4. The total quantity invoiced
      5. The identity of creator
      6. The identity of last modifier

    2. Vendor Details is a snapshot of the entry in the Vendor master against the selected vendor. The salient points include
      1. GST details
      2. Communication details – Address and phone numbers
      3. Financial terms – Tax region and Terms existing between vendor and receiver.
      4. Logistics details – Permit, LR and Gate Entry.

    3. Vendor Statistics is a snapshot of the financial status of the vendor in relation to the Ginesys user. In other words, it shows the amount of outstanding the vendor has from the user or the balance left over after adjustments etc.

  3. The details displayed or captured formerly in the Others section has been absorbed in the General For example,

    1. GRC Type has become Type.
    2. Document No. has become Vendor Document No.
    3. Reference No. has become General Reference No.
    4. However, Stock Point, Agent, Currency and Trade Group have remained the same.


      Note - Vendor cannot be modified once items are selected.

  4. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are three (3) sub-sections to it:

    1. Grid Tool Bar – This is the section at the top of the item grid.

      1. All the function buttons for item selection like Select Item etc. have become menu options in the Grid Tool Bar. The user can choose to pin them out separately.
      2. The prompt for the option of creating new items is now Create Item instead of Definition.

        Change in Rate Population Logic

        Note: From this release onward, the rate populated for items created through F5 or Create Item will depend on the rate population logic as defined in the Vendor master. If the price type for a particular vendor is given as MRP in Vendor master - then the Create Item will populate the rate of the item from MRP only.

      3. Items can now be created & populated in the GRC through Import Excel.
      4. Already created items can also be imported by CSV files (Import Barcode).
      5. The Copy button, which earlier allowed for copying items from previously created other GRCs, is now called Copy Challan in the menu option.

    2. Grid Actions – This is the section which is at the left hand side of the grid. Here are two buttons:

      1. Allow Selection, which enables selection of one or more rows from the item grid.
      2. The other button below it, Delete, deletes the selected rows.

    3. Grid Row Menu – This appears on the left of each item in the grid, in the form of three dots (image).

      1. Earlier known as Item Property, View Properties displays the properties of the selected item.
      2. Edit Item, which was formerly a button, is now a grid row menu option.
      3. The former Line Level Charges section has also become, an item menu option, Item Charge.

        Note - Only the factors of the charges defined in the Charge master are editable provided the charges have been defined as Allow user to modify in document. Factors of Charges are not modifiable when they are defined at any other source like Excise master, Vat master.

      4. The Price Population button has also become an item menu option.

  5. The Invoice Details button appears at the bottom left hand corner of the form, in the edit mode, after the Purchase Invoice have been raised for this document. The Invoice Details cannot be modified here but can only be view.

  6. The Print Barcode has been provided with greater flexibility with provision for printing multiple documents from list view or selected items from a document while editing it.

  7. The Charge Details button has now become Calculate Charges and it does not open any window. It directly calculates the charges. The functionality of the button has the following salient points:

    1. For the following changes in item grid, the charges are cleared and have to be calculated again as per selected terms.

      1. Addition of item
      2. Removal of item,
      3. Change in quantity
      4. Change in rate of item.

    2. If the factor of any particular charge needs to be modified, then that change must be done after calculation of charge by selected terms. The subsequent modification of factor will be auto calculated in the document.

    3. Terms cannot be edited from here anymore. Modification of terms is restricted from GRC and any addition, deletion or modification of charges or their application formula in a Term has to be done in the Term master or a different Term has to be selected in the GRC document.

    4. Trade Group and Term Selection has been shifted to General section.

    5. Recalculate Charges button is no more required as any changes in the charge factors are auto calculated in the document.

  8. The following actions can be executed from the Action menu; Edit, Delete, Revert, Print Barcode and Print and Export to Excel. The Release functionality is operable through an alert at the time of the save.

    Note: The User Profiles - Allow Authorization of GRC and GRT made from Store Site and Allow to revert GRC and GRT made from Store Site - will be ineffective for GRC Adhoc after this update.

  9. Auto PI generation and Item Combination will be provided in the future.


Note: The items, on which each charge has been applied, can be seen by clicking on the individual hyper-linked charges, in the Charge summary area below the item grid.

Note: All operations of the GRC Adhoc are role and user policy driven and can be executed only by those with proper privileges.
GRC Adhoc has been removed from Ginesys Desktop.


38505 Installation of Redis Cache



Enhancement Summary:

Redis is an in-memory database/data structure store. Ginesys requires its users to mandatorily install Redis Cache for updating and using Ginesys with all its features version 11.136.2 onward. The installation link and more about the software is available here.



36105 Managed sites (including Secondary) now allowed to login to Ginesys Web Application


Ginesys Web – Admin – Security – Roles

Ginesys Web – Change Site (login)

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier only organization sites could log into Ginesys Web modules, now managed stores including secondary sites will be able to do so. The login has been enabled to ensure the receipt of local purchases by managed stores.

A drop-down selection option (Display modules for:) has been added in the menu tree to filter and view the menu available as per respective sites.

The drop-down has a fixed list to be provided with options -

  • Head Office only
  • Owned stores only
  • Secondary Stores only
  • All


    1. User can neither tag a menu or change the applicability for the sites. It is system managed.
    2. Login for Customer Owned Consignment Mode Managed Sites is not available now, it will probably be allowed in some forthcoming release.
5 28933

28933 Uniquely identifiable items can now be created from web transactional forms like Goods Receipt 


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operations – Goods In/Out – Receipts

Enhancement Summary:

An option for, Generate unique barcode for each quantity, has been added in the Create Item option which will get enabled from web transactional forms like Goods Receipt. Selection this option will create multiple item code for same item combination specified w.r.t. the quantity provided for the item.
Eg.: On enabling the option, if 10 quantity is purchased for red color-small size-full sleeve shirt; then 10 item-barcodes will get created for red color-small size-full sleeve shirt with 1 quantity of each getting populated. 
The Short Name for these items will be auto-populated from sequence, making the items uniquely identifiable. The Short Name field will be marked as disabled for modification. 

Note: On selecting this option, OEM barcode generation will be disabled.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
140533 N.A.

40533 Inventory Valuation Report showing wrong values


Inventory - Analysis - Inventory Valuation

Reported Version:



  1. Run the Inventory Valuation Report
  2. Observe that it is showing wrong values

40544 COGS performance has been enhanced


Admin - Utilities - Application Tools - Recalculate COGS

Reported Version:



COGS internal logic has been altered to enhance performance.

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