Release Notes 11.116.0 - 1.116.0

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Release Notes 11.116.0 - 1.116.0


Release Date

HO Version11.116.0
POS Version1.116.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.6
Features & Enhancements23
Bug Fixes00

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

123294 GIN-I-902

GIN-I-902 Cash Discount percentage can now be modified while making payments using AP Voucher or AP Workbench


Finance – Voucher - AP Voucher

Finance - Voucher - AP Workbench

Enhancement Summary:

Manual cash discounts are now applicable on AP entries during document adjustment. The flexibility of applying different cash discounts for the same vendor depending upon payment conditions and different items is now available in GINESYS.

Please note: Cash Discount percentage modification will only be allowed to those users who have privilege of of the user profile, ‘Allow to override Cash Discount rule while making payments’.


Case 1:

        Suppose a vendor offers a cash discount of 10%, if payments are made within 60 days. Now, for some reason and if the payment is delayed after 60 days then he will only allow 5% cash discount. Previous architecture did not allow user to do the same. User will now be allowed to provide cash discount at a modified rate even after eligible days have crossed, if allowed from user profile.

Case 2:

        Suppose a vendor offers various cash discounts on different departments under his company. Previously, only single discount percentage could be provided, which was restricted from modification. User will now be able to modify discounts.


GIN-I-993 During Job Receipt creation, chargeable processes will be displayed


Production – Job Receipt

Production – Setup – Process Master

Procurement – Invoicing – Service Invoice [against document]

Enhancement Summary:

During Job receipt a new display field 'Invoicing Applicable' will appear. The default value for this field will flow from the Process Master. The user can change the value from 'Yes' to 'No' or 'No to 'Yes' in Process Master window using the Update Job Receipt button if they have permission. In addition, earlier the field caption was called ‘Chargeable’ in the Process Master which has been changed to ‘Invoicing Applicable’ considering Process definition.

During Service Invoice creation only the Job Receipts marked as 'Invoicing Applicable' with a positive value (Yes) will be populated in pending Job Receipts. This check will ensure creation of invoices only where applicable.




BO-I-58 Site Name and Customer Name filter options have been added in the Search Criteria of Release Documents window of S&D Module


Sales & Distribution - Approval - Release Document

Enhancement Summary:

Site Name and Customer Name filter options have been added in the Search Criteria of Release Documents window of S&D Module so that any documents in the Document Information module can be searched by using this new filter option along with the existing filter options. The filtered information depending upon selected customer and sites will allow for easy identification of required documents.

The allotted field width for Ledger and Sub-Ledger fields of Release Document have also been increased so that the Ledger Name and Sub Ledger Name can be viewed properly before releasing them.




BO-I-35 Document tagging in Service Invoice (Against Document) will now become mandatory at the time of posting the invoice


Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice [Against Document]

Enhancement Summary:

Previously, if user had to make any modifications to the documents tagged with the Service Invoice; User was unable to do so, as un-tagging of such documents was not possible as Invoice could not be saved without tagging. User can now un-tag documents tagged so that any required changes in the supporting document may be made easily.

Important information

Note: Document tagging can be removed only if the document is in unposted state. Once a document is posted, un-tagging will become restricted. And, document can only be posted with document tagging.


Earlier during creation of Service Invoice [Against Document] support document tagging was mandatory; otherwise user was restricted from saving that document. However, once any support document was tagged against any Service Invoice, user was unable to modify that tagged document and could not even untag it. So to prevent such deadlock situation document tagging in Service Invoice has been made optional.


GIN-I-349 Now Purchase Orders can be created automatically for multiple sites at once through Import Excel


Procurement – Order  Management – Purchase Order

Enhancement Summary:

Now Purchase Orders can be created automatically for multiple sites at once through Import Excel. A new Excel import class option has been provided to help users to create Multiple PO for Multiple Sites at one go.




GIN-I-1056 Speed Search option has now been provided in Modify/Manage Item window


Inventory - Item Definition - Modify/Manage Item

F4 Select Item - All Modules

Enhancement Summary:

A new option for item search has been provided in Modify/Manage Item, i.e., F6 = Speed Search, using which users can select the required Items into Modify/Manage Item and do further processes. F6 shortcut has also been provided to access speed search option.

Along with this, F6 shortcut for Speed search has been provided in Select Item window to access the option with ease.




GIN-I-1027 Item import Excel has now been transferred to the web


GINESYS Web – Admin – Utilities – Data import

Enhancement Summary:

Items can now be created in GINESYS Web through importing from a Microsoft Excel file.




GIN-I-911 Login date will now be populated as default entry date for all transaction forms


All Transaction Modules

Enhancement Summary:

Login date will now be populated as default entry date for all transaction forms. This will help the user to avoid entry date related mishaps. Previously, when the user modified or deleted any back dated record, date of the last transaction document would get populated as the entry date, which would lead the to creation of new transaction documents at back date. To avoid such invalid entries, login date will now be populated as the entry date.


Exception: At the time of document creation if previous document is created at a back date, the date will be retained for further entries until manually modified.


Suppose the login date is 31/01/17.

In this scenario, if the user creates any new document at a back date, suppose on 20/01/17, then he can go on creating documents at the modified date i.e. 20/01/17, unless he manually changes it. But if he opens a backdated document to edit, clear or delete, of any other date (for example 18/01/17); then after performing any of the function, the entry date again resets to the login date.

In other words, the date will be reset to login date after working on any previously dated document opened in edit mode (modify, clear and delete operations).


GIN-I-1128 Reconciliation option for Contra Voucher entries for cash deposits done at bank is now available.


Finance - Voucher - Bank Reconciliation

Enhancement Summary:

Reconciliation option for Contra Voucher entries for cash deposits done at bank is now available.

These transactions will be reflected when payment mode is set as All.


Earlier cash deposits made at the bank were not considered for bank reconciliation. But now the same can be done for better maintenance of account books through GINESYS.


GIN-I-1109 Various status options are now available for tracking status of the packets once packed through the Delivery Challan Register


Sales and Distribution – Registers – Delivery Challan Register

Enhancement Summary:

Following Status options have been provided in the DC Register to track packets once packed:

  • Pending

  • Cancelled

  • Invoiced (unposted)

  • Transit

  • Received

  • All


Earlier it was not possible to track the status of DC after the packets were created and scanned, so reports were not accurately reflecting the location of the packets. They could be cancelled, in transit or even have been received but there would be no update on the status of the packages tagged in those DCs.

Now it will reflect actual status of packets in Delivery Challan Register reports.


BO-I-45 Pending Sales Order information is now reflected while scanning items in Delivery Challan


Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan (Against Order)

Enhancement Summary:

Pending Order Quantity will now be reflected at the time of creating Delivery Challan using Advance Mode. Previously, only the total of scanned quantity was reflected. Now it will reflect total pending quantity to be scanned in the order.


Suppose an order was created with 3 items A1, A2 & A3 of 5 quantities each, and currently 1 unit each of A1 & A2 has been scanned. Earlier total pending quantity was reflected as 10, i.e., total quantity of the currently scanned items (A1 and A2). But actual total order quantity is 15 now the same will also be reflected.


BO-I-29 New Quick Scan option provided in Conversion module


Inventory – Conversion – Bundle

Inventory – Conversion – Production

Enhancement Summary:

The new user friendly quick scan option in the Conversion module allows the user to provide scan unit at the time of scanning the item. Earlier the same had to be done from the grid area after item population.




GIN-I-324 Delivery Challan Packet barcode can now be printed at the time of DC creation or modification


Sales and Distribution – Delivery – Delivery Challan

Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan (Against Order)

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier printing Barcode for any Delivery Challan from Print Barcode Label form was a lengthy procedure. Going to the Print Barcode Label form and scanning the DC so that the Barcode can be printed. This cumbersome process will now be alleviated; to reduce the effort of an user; by implementing a new option in which users can print Barcode automatically after saving a Delivery Challan.

A New checkbox has been added for the same, namely, Online Packet Barcode Printing.

And, the existing checkbox has been renamed to Online Document Printing from Online printing.



  1. On saving any Delivery Challan, if both the above mentioned checkbox is checked, then user will be directed for Packet Barcode printing first and once barcode is printed, document printing window will open.
  2. Online Packet Barcode Printing checkbox value will remain unchanged, until manually modified.
  3. Online Packet Barcode Printing option will be available to the user until Transfer Out/Sales Invoice has been created against the same. Post that, packet barcode can only be created manually by going to Print Barcode Label form.




GIN-I-1026 A new system parameter of Unsettled Sales added for GINESYS Planning


GINESYS Launchpad – Planning

Enhancement Summary:

A new system parameter of Unsettled Sales has been added for Replenishment Planning. This parameter can be used in Model to track the sales of a site which is due to settle at HO end.




GIN-I-1066 Two new system parameters of Summation of Sales of All Sites to be Replenished and Daily Average Sales of Sites to be Replenished added in GINESYS Planning


GINESYS Launchpad – Planning

Enhancement Summary:

Two new system parameters of Summation of Sales of All Sites to be Replenished and Daily Average Sales of Sites to be Replenished added in GINESYS Planning. This parameter can be user for Warehouse Planning to consider the sales of the sites to which the warehouse is going to be replenished.




GIN-I-1052 A new system parameter of Total Inward added for GINESYS Planning


GINESYS Launchpad – Planning

Enhancement Summary:

A new system parameter of Total Inward has been added for GINESYS Planning. This parameter can be used in Model to track total inward movement of stock in a particular site for a specified date range.




BO-I-177 Option for changing the sign (+/-) for Purchase Order header level charges provided


Procurement – Order Management – Purchase Order

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier the signs for Header level charges for Purchase Orders could not be modified during invoice creation. For this reason user had to create two charges of same type for application in different invoices - e.g. Round Off (+) / Round Off (-) / Rate Difference (+) / Rate Difference (-).

Now the signs will be modifiable at the invoicing stage, allowing for more flexibility in creating applicable charges.




GIN-I-749 Date filter has now been added in Advance Search option of Select Item window


F4 Select Item - All Modules

Enhancement Summary:

Previously, documents could not be filtered on the basis of date range. The date range fields not only allow the user to filter the documents but will also allow the user to select documents of any previous financial year.




GIN-I-1121 Item wise stock information has now been provided for searched Items in Select Item window


F4 Select Item - All Modules

Enhancement Summary:

Item stock information has been provided in F4 = Select Item window. So that item’s dispatch can be planned as per the availability of the item.

Important information

Note: When item is being dispatched, item quantity available at the stockpoint from where it is being dispatched will be reflected. But, when the item is being procured or when the item is being received as Sales Return item quantity of the receiving site will be reflected.




GIN-I-1097 JioMoney integration with GINESYS POS


POS Mode - Normal POS
POS Mode - Collection Center
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Deposit Bill
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Gift Voucher Issue

Enhancement Summary:

GINESYS is now integrated with JioMoney wallet. Customers can now use their registered JioMoney wallet account to make purchases from POS stores.

Integration Process -

  • Wallet configuration template would be available for download from GINESYS Wiki.
  • Wallet configuration values would be provided by wallet vendor (Reliance JIO)
  • Mobile Wallet type new MOP should be configured and shared to POS stores (Contact GINESYS Helpdesk to avail MOP Short Name for JioMoney)
  • Start accepting payment using JioMoney.




GIN-I-1143 PayTM wallet operation has been enhanced with the addition of payment status verification


POS Mode - Normal POS
POS Mode - Collection Center
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Deposit Bill
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Gift Voucher Issue

Enhancement Summary:

Post performance of the payment option using PayTM mobile wallet, a payment status verification operation has been introduced that confirm the cashier whether the payment made was successful or a failure.

Check Status button has been added in the PayTM wallet payment window. Cashier can explicitly click on the button to confirm the payment status once the payment has been processed.

Policy controlled promotion application on POS order items in POS bill.




GIN-I-969 Policy controlled promotion application on POS order items in POS bill


Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Master Policy
POS Mode - Normal POS
POS Mode - Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

A new system policy has been introduced to control the applicability of promotion in POS bill on POS order items. Unlike earlier, when promotion was always applied on POS order items in POS bill, now it would happen depending upon the system policy configuration.

The policy can be configured in the following ways -

  1. Only memo level promotion.
  2. Only item level promotion.
  3. Both item level & memo level promotion.
  4. Do not apply.




GIN-I-1135 Item description wise assortment creation for promotion


Retail Management - Promotion - Manage - Assortment

Enhancement Summary:

Item description fields (Description to Description 6) have been added in the Add Assortment window. It is now possible to create assortments on the basis of item descriptions.

At the time of promotion resolution in POS, item descriptions would be included among the validation parameters for promo resolution.



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