Release Notes 11.130.0 - 1.130.0

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Release Notes 11.130.0 - 1.130.0


Release Date

30 August 2017 

HO Version 11.130.0
POS Version 1.130.0
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 01
Bug Fixes 07


Note: The Sales Promotion module in Retail Management will be removed from Ginesys Desktop permanently in our next release. It will be available only from Ginesys Web > Retail Management > Promotion.

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

1 31619 GIN-I-984

GIN-I-984 Enhancements made in exception criteria in Price List


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Setup - Customers - Price List 

Enhancement Summary:

Several enhancements have been made to the S&D Price List in Ginesys Web in the Exception Criteria of the Add / Edit mode. Follow the table below for greater clarity.

Changes madeFunctionality
Scan ItemThis new button has been added to the section and allows to add an item to the Price List - Exception Criteria by scanning its barcode. However, the scanning will be only in Automatic mode as inclusion of quantity is not required.
Exception Basis

This field has two (2) options, Fixed Price and As per Master config. and denotes the basis on which the exception to the price given in this price list will be calculated.

As per Master config. - In case of this option the base price would be the price type mentioned in the Application section with the Markdown or Markup as defined in the Item Master. For example, if the price type in the Application section of a Price List is RSP, and the RSP for Item A001 is 500; then on selection of the option As per Master config. in the Exception criteria for Item A001; the RSP of 500 will be considered as base price for calculations.

Note: For option As per Master config. the applicable price will be calculated as per the factor specified in Factor/Price field and the values of the following fields in Application section - Price type (RSP / WSP/ MRP / Standard Rate / Effective Rate / FIFO), Include TaxRound Off, Up to multiples of.

Fixed Price -  In case of this option the base price would be the price mentioned in the Factor/Price field of the same row as the item or assortment criteria. For example, on selection of the option Fixed Price in the Exception criteria for for Item A001, if the Factor/Price field has a value of 600 - then it will update the base price as600 and not as500 on applying the price list within the stipulated date range.


Note: The Fixed Price is the final price and no other calculation is possible on it, i.e. no discounts are allowed on the Fixed Price of an item.


This field gives the factor based on which the calculations of applicable price, of the item or assortment criteria, would be made in case of Exception Basis option As per Master config. To illustrate, in the above example, if the factor specified is 10, the a discount of 10% will be considered for  Item A001 on applying the price list within the stipulated date range.

On selecting Exception Basis option Fixed Price, the value given in Factor/Price field is taken as the base price of all applicable price calculations of the item or assortment criteria. For example, on selection of the option Fixed Price in the Exception criteria for for Item A001, if the Factor/Price field has a value of 600 - then it will update the base price as600 and not as500 on applying the price list within the stipulated date range.

Retail Price From / Retail Price To

These two (2) fields, coming at the end of the Assortment Criteria, provide the values for the two ends of the price range of the item or Assortment Criteria.

Note: The range defined here would be for the Price Type selected above, i.e. if RSP is selected as price type in the Application section for markup or markdown calculation: then the price range defined would also be for RSP.

Set Priority

This button opens a new window to show the priority of the applicability of the various prices in the price list. You can set different priorities for same / different prices of items / assortment criteria for same / different date range. 




Note: Earlier the Add Row function added a row to the bottom of the list and the record at the botttom had greater priority. Now the Add Row function will add a row to the top of the list and the record at the top will have greater priority.

A very useful feature has been provided - on right clicking the records, you get the option to move the record directly to the top or bottom of the list.

Please follow the link for the video explaining the above issue -



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription

32203 Error log being generated while creating Transfer In against Transfer out


Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In (Against Transfer Out)

Reported Version:



  1. Open Transfer In (Against Transfer Out). 
  2. Select the Transfer out entry number. 
  3. Open the packet detail window. 
  4. Select & populate Delivery Challan and press OK button. 
  5. Observe it is generating an error.

32137 HSN code is not getting printed through Barcode printing when item is scanned or selected


Procurement - Print Barcode Label 

Reported Version:



HSN code is not getting printed through Barcode printing when item is scanned or selected


32093 Unable to delete the entries in Conversion - Bundle


Inventory - Conversion - Bundle

Reported Version:



Unable to delete the entries in Inventory > Conversion > Bundle.


32049 Error is being displayed when OU address is greater than 100 characters in Inventory > Register > Production / Conversion Register


Inventory - Register - Production / Conversion Register 

Reported Version:



Error is being displayed when OU address is greater than 100 characters in Inventory > Register > Production / Conversion Register


30315 In GL lookup of Opening Sub Ledger module those General Ledgers where site is not applicable are not showing


Finance - Setup - Opening - Sub-Ledger 

Reported Version:



  1. Open the above module in Edit mode.
  2. In the Ledger lookup of the Opening Sub Ledger select the 'General'  option.
  3. Observe that the General Ledgers which are Sub-ledger applicable but not Site Applicable then those ledgers are not showing in lookup.

27253 Unable to exit from charge window for partially received PO once clear button is pressed


Procurement - Order Management - Purchase Order

Reported Version:



  1. Make a PO with three items having more than 1 quantity each.
  2. Make partial receipt against that PO. 
  3. Now retrieve that PO and add some quantity into all three items. 
  4. Go to the charge window, press clear button and try to exit.
  5. Observe that the software is not allowing to exit.

32287 Payment Advice (GST) report is not showing data as per party wise document


Finance - Voucher - AP voucher (Payment Advice (GST) document report)

Reported Version:



1. Create AP Voucher with multiple Sub ledger.
2. Execute the report ( (Payment Advice (GST) document report.).
3. Report data is showing in single page for multi sub ledger.

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