Release Notes 11.112.0 - 1.112.0

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Release Notes 11.112.0 - 1.112.0


Release Date


HO Version11.112.0
POS Version1.112.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.5
Features & Enhancements15
Bug Fixes23

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


17557 Settlement of POS transaction data will now be done at HO end only after matching the data count


POS - Back Office – Transactions – Settlement
GINESYS Launchpad – POS Settlement

Enhancement Summary:

Sometimes due to application bugs or even erroneous data rectification there used to be a mismatch between POS settlement data and the data finally posted in HO. This caused major alterations in reports and caused their data to become questionable.

Now, there is an alert mechanism in place. After sync when the POS Settlement data will be finally posted in HO, it will perform a data sanity check. It will be comparing the number of transactions in the synced physical data detail with the data count that was also synced from the POS, for that date. If the counts match, settlement will be done, otherwise it will display an error message. This will ensure that all the relevant data - i.e. no. of POS bills, PTC bills, Deposit/ Refund bills, Gift Voucher bills, Packets and GRC and GRTs etc. – are correctly synced to HO before Settlement can be posted. In case there is a mismatch in the data, Settlement Posting will be stopped till the data mismatch is rectified. So now the data reflected in reports will be accurate and complete.

There will be a link in red in the Settlement form in HO which when clicked will open a list to show erroneous settlement data document level count. 




13744 New system parameters introduced for Planning Module


GINESYS Launchpad –  GINESYS Planning - Settings

Enhancement Summary:

Apart from the existing system parameters, the GINESYS Planning module will now have the following parameters which can be included for generating more comprehensive planning output.

PENDING PACKET (To be received)

There are other system parameters too.

The exhaustive list of new as well as earlier system parameters can be visible in the following location in Planning : Parameters > Manage System Parameter

There is modification of Warehouse Stock [where packet stock is now not included] and POS sales [earlier only POS sales were considered but now sales from different site types are also considered]




17351 Now automated Customized database operation can be done after normal flow of Planning with the new hooking option called ‘Manage Post Run’


GINESYS Launchpad –  GINESYS Planning

Enhancement Summary:

Customized database procedure can now be run to address customized requirement after the normal process of Planning. . But this customized procedure can only be configured by GINESYS Support and Implementation staff.



418380 18533N.A.

18380/18533 Unmanaged customer owned outright mode track secondary sites are now available for selection in the Planning module


GINESYS Launchpad –  GINESYS Planning

Enhancement Summary:

Unmanaged customer owned outright mode track secondary sites are now available for selection in various menus and submenus of the Planning module. The real stock situation of these sites will now be effectively reflected in the Planning module.
The excel import feature can also be used for ranging such sites. Unmanaged customer owned outright mode track secondary sites are now available for ranging through the Excel Import function. Now the minimum and maximum amount of particular assortments, to be made available to the store, can be inserted into the system easily.




17523 New User Role Privilege for different operations within Planning Module has been introduced


GINESYS Launchpad –  GINESYS Planning

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier there were no role privileges involved in the management of the Planning Module. Anyone could log in and work with full access of all features. But since this is neither safe nor required, User Role Privileges have been introduced for different operations in the Planning Module. Now users may have right to add and save with no right to edit. A user can also edit and save and not be given the right to delete. There may also be users who can delete data.

On upgrading to this version all existing users need to provide the privilege for using the Planning.




15508 Privilege to make transactions on  last date of any open accounting year has been provided


Admin – Security Settings - Users 

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier users could only operate on back date as allowed by the user lock days – i.e. if the user lock days in the profile of a user was 2 days; then he could only operate till two days before the system date. But now irrespective of the assigned lock days; users can operate on the last date of any open accounting year. The privilege to do so is provided through a check box in the Users form in Security Settings, called Ignore lock days on last date of any open accounting year(only for financial documents). As the name suggests, the option added will only allow the user to make financial transactions, like purchase/sales invoices and all financial documents.


Feature is only for the last date of the open accounting years – 31st March of each open accounting year only.
User will be allowed to make transaction only if that day and the last day of the financial year is in open state.


Let's imagine some financial documents have been left open in the last financial year of 2015-2016. Then the user will be able to post the open documents by logging in on 31st March, 2015; provided the following conditions are fulfilled.

  1. The unposted documents are those having financial impact.
  2. The year having the open and unposted documents is open (Note : year cannot be closed with open documents).
  3. The last day of the year which has the unposted documents is also open.
  4. The dates, for which unposted documents exist, are open.
  5. The user has the profile "Ignore lock days on last date of any open accounting year" assigned to his name.

18468 Speed Search for Select Item has been provided


Wherever there is Select Item button / option (Speed search)

Enhancement Summary:

Presently in Select Item, user can search item on the basis of Barcode or Product Attributes but that is time consuming and depend heavily on the users’ abilities to remember the details. But now, a new option – Speed Search – has been included with a radio button beside barcode scanning option. When selected this opens a search box which allows the user to provide the following inputs related to an item and the LOV will be populated with a global search of the characters typed in.

The search strings accepted by the Speed search option:

• Division
• Section
• Department
• Item name
• Article name
• Barcode
• Categories and even

So now not only will it be faster and more efficient, but it will also allow the user to have the peace of mind when preparing documents under pressure because he will not need to remember item details anymore.




18595 Site tagging option now available in Incoming LR


Inventory – Logistics – Incoming – LR
Inventory – Logistics – Incoming – Gate Entry
Procurement – Print Barcode Level
Sales and Distribution – Consignment – Transfer IN (Against Transfer OUT)
Sales and Distribution – Consignment – Transfer IN (Adhoc)
Sales and Distribution – Outright – Sales Return

Enhancement Summary:

Previously Incoming LRs could not be tagged to a site for consignors who are tagged to multiple sites. Often LRs created for one site was sent to another causing possible data mismatch and data corruption.

While creating an Incoming LR/Gate Entry, site of the selected consignor can now be tagged. Accordingly, LOV for the LR in Sales Return/Transfer IN documents or Sales Return document will show those LRs which were created for the particular site of the particular consignee along with those LRs which have not been tagged to any site.

Follow the tables below for more clarity.

When LR is applicable

LRGate Entry (If applicable)Sales Return / Transfer IN
Only Customer SelectedOnly Customer needs to be selected, then only GE can be prepared against that LR.This LR/GE shall show for all sites of the customer
Customer & Site both selectedCustomer & Site both needs to be selected, then only GE can be prepared against that LRThis LR/GE shall show only for the site selected in the LR
Organization Site selectedOnly Organization Site needs to be selected, then only GE can be prepared against that LRThis LR/GE shall show only for the site selected in the LR

When only GE is applicable

Gate Entry

Sales Return / Transfer IN

Only Customer selectedThis GE shall show for all sites of the customer
Customer & Site both selectedThis GE shall show only for the site selected in the LR
Only Organization Site selectedThis GE shall show only for the site selected in the LR

Site selection option has been provided in search criteria of both Incoming and Outgoing Logistics tab of Print barcode label form. Operator will now be able to print Incoming & Outgoing Logistics label site wise. 

Important information

Note: This field shall only be visible if the LR Type is S&D: Sales Return/Transfer In




18596 ‘Station From’ and ‘Station To’ will now be populated by default based on LR type


Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment Shipped - Create Logistics Entry
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment In Transit - Edit Logistics
Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing – LR

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier station population logic was same for all LR types. Now, default population of station to be made as per the LR type in-order to make it more user friendly.

Follow the table given below for more clarity:

For Incoming LRs 

Station From

Logistic typeStation From
Goods Receive Challan

Selected Consignor's Shipping city will be populated

Note: If not found then the Consignor's billing city will be populated

Sales Return / Transfer In

If only consignor is selected, then billing city will be populated. Otherwise the city of the selected site will be populated.

If Organization Site is selected, then selected site's city will be populated

Inter-Stock point Transfer

Station will not get auto populated

Job Receipt

Selected Consignor's Shipping city will be populated
Note: If not found then the Consignor's billing city will be populated

WIP Material Transaction

Selected Consignor's Shipping city will be populated
Note: If not found then the Consignor's billing city will be populated

Station To
If connected site’s city has been defined, it will be auto-populated. Otherwise the Organization Unit’s city or the Company’s city will be populated.

For Outgoing LRs

Station To

Logistic typeStation To
Purchase Return Invoice

Selected Consignee's Shipping city will be populated
Note: If not found then the Consignee's billing city will be populated

Sales Invoice / Transfer Out

If only consignee is selected, then billing city will be populated. Otherwise the selected city will be populated.
To be changed: similar to Incoming LR
If Organization Site is selected, then selected site's city will be populated


If only consignee is selected, then billing city will be populated. Otherwise the city of the selected site will be populated.
If Organization Site is selected, then selected site's city will be populated

WIP Material Issue

Selected Consignee's Shipping city will be populated
Note: If not found then the Consignee's billing city will be populated

Station From

If connected site’s city has been defined, it will be auto-populated. Otherwise the Organization Unit’s city or the Company’s city will be populated.

Important information

Note: The auto populated city will get cleared on change of LR type.




18594 Modification of freight in LR has been restricted


Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - LR
Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - LR
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment Shipped - Create Logistics Entry
Shipment Tracking - Logistics - Manage - Shipment In Transit - Edit Logistics

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier if the freight charges were to be paid, then in both Incoming and Outgoing LR –

It allowed the manual manipulation of the freight charges despite providing the Chargeable Weight and the Rate.

Now, if the freight charges are to be paid, then in both Incoming and Outgoing LR –

The freight charge is a calculated display field (calculated as a product of Charged weight and Rate) and does not allow manual manipulation. Total Freight amount can then be calculated by adding up with other charges. And in case rate and charged weight information is unavailable, entire amount can be placed as other charges.

Same logic has been applied in Shipment Tracking Logistics.




18602 The form amount can now be captured in the Purchase Form and a new quick assignment function added in both Sales Form entry & Purchase Form entry for Form Amount


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Form
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice
Procurement - Invoicing - Consignment Invoice
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return Debit Note
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice [ Against Document ]
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice [ Adhoc ]

Register Report
Procurement - Register - Pending Purchase Form

OLAP Reports - Procurement
Procurement - Procurement Invoice Analysis
Procurement - Procurement Invoice Summary Analysis
Procurement - Service Invoice Analysis
Procurement - Procurement Charge Analysis

Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Form Entry
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Invoice
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Return

Register Report
Sales & Distribution - Register - Pending Sales Form

OLAP Reports – Sales and Distribution
Sales & Distribution - Invoice Analysis
Sales & Distribution - Invoice Summary Analysis
Sales & Distribution - Charge Analysis

Enhancement Summary:

Previously there was only Form Number and Form Date in the Purchase Form Entry, now Form Amount will also be captured just like in the Sales Form Entry.

Moreover, the Assign button at the bottom of both Purchase Form Entry and Sales Form Entry will serve to quickly populate - Form Number, Form Date, and Form Amount – with the given values in one shot. That is if there is a Purchase Form Entry in which there are 5 documents with no values in Form No., date, or amount; and if the fields beside the Assign button are provided values for the Form No., Form Date and Form Amount and the Assign button is clicked – the values will be updated in the respective fields in the grid.

Important information

Note: Overwriting existing values are not possible through the Assign button.




19089 Sub Ledger ID will now be displayed with Sub Ledger Name in Payment advice


Finance - Documents - Payment advice

Enhancement Summary:

Now Sub Ledger ID will be displayed with Sub Ledger Name in Payment advice allowing report to be generated easily.




18574 Import Excel option has been added to Process Master


GINESYS Web - Admin – Securities – Roles
GINESYS Web - Admin – Utilities – Manage – Data Import

Enhancement Summary:

Item wise - Jobber wise - Process wise Import Excel Option has been added in Process Master. Option has also been provided to update pending Job Orders and Job receipts with the item rate through Import Excel.

Important information

Note :

Pending Job Orders are those job orders in which all ordered items have not been received yet.
Pending Job Receipt are those job receipts whose service Invoice has not yet been made.




19217 Route Group will now be shown against items while cancelling Job Order


Production - Job Order Cancel

Enhancement Summary:

Route Group name will now be shown against items while cancelling Job Orders.




19272 Negative quantity of item is now allowed in "Opening Stock"


Inventory - Setup - Opening Stock

Enhancement Summary:

During migration of stock from other software to GINESYS, if any negative quantity of item was existent in the previous software; it can now be entered as "Opening Stock" to enable reflection of actual stock scenario vis-à-vis the business. Application of this feature has also been enabled through import Excel.

Important information

Negative stock related state of the User Profile will not be taken into consideration for this functionality.
FIFO calculation for negative stock has not been handled in this feature.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
118162 N.A.

18162 More than 14 records could not be created in the Organization Owned Site tab of the Customer master of the Sales and Distribution module and Supplier master of the Procurement module


Procurement Setup Supplier Organization Owned Site tab

Sales and Distribution – Setup – Customer – Organization Owned Site tab

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Customer master / Supplier master Organization Owned Site tab.
  2. 13 sites are available in the list.
  3. Try to create 14th site. It will be created.
  4. Try to create 15th one. It will not be created as the cursor is not allowed to move to the next field.

18207 PO status was not updated from back end procedure and error was getting generated but error was not showing at front end and document was successfully being saved


Procurement - Order Management - Goods Receive Challan -Agst Order

Reported Version:



  1. Go to GRC against PO
  2. Create a document against a PO and save
  3. Sometimes it is found that the PO status is not getting updated

18319 Sorting option was not working properly in the Site tab at Customer master


Sales and Distribution - Setup - Customer Master - Site tab - Sorting Tool (Right click on site)

Reported Version:



  1. Open customer master
  2. Select a customer who is tagged to multiple sites.
  3. Right click on Site Name field.
  4. Sorting field is not showing.


18415 In Sales Order Cancellation, the filtration of last year documents was not working properly, the current year's documents were also showing along with last year's documents


Sales and Distribution - Order Management - Consignment - Order Cancellation - Sales Order details

Reported Version:



  1. Open the Sales Order Cancellation window.
  2. Go to Sales Order Details form by clicking on Select Order Items
  3. Set the filter from date and to date such that the last financial year’s document will be retrieved.
  4. Click search option.
  5. All the expected documents are retrieved and displayed along with the current year.


18480 Cheque Number was showing status 'New'  in Cheque book although the cheque was already tagged with General Voucher


Finance – Cheque – Cheque Book

Reported Version:



  1. Create General Voucher and tag a cheque number.
  2. Check the Status of the cheque in Cheque Book. It will show as Issued.
  3. Again create another General voucher with same value as previous Voucher using the Copy option.
  4. Save the document. The cheque no is also copied in the second voucher along with other details. The cheque number should not be copied in such cases.
  5. Now delete the cheque no from first Voucher.
  6. Again check the status of that cheque number in the Cheque Book.
  7. The status of that cheque will be showing as "New".
  8. But the cheque is still tagged with the second voucher.


18534 User was unable to make a sales return due to error displayed by the system while selecting items


Sales and Distribution – Outright – Sales Return – Add Item

Reported Version:



  1. Create Items with providing category from cat1 to cat6 with a total length of character for the values more 100
  2. Open Sales return form
  3. Select 'Add/Remove items' and press F4 option for selection of item
  4. System was generating an error - "Current operation could not be completed"


18567 Line level charge amount was not flowing from Service Order document to Service Invoice


Procurement – Order Management – Purchase Service Order
Procurement – Invoicing – Service Invoice against Document

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Purchase Service Order with line level charges on items
  2. Create a Service invoice against document for the previously mentioned Purchase Service Order.
  3. Check the line level charges that should be auto-populated are not populating

18975 Quantity above 5 digit including 3 decimal places could not be edited and inserted in goods return challan


Procurement – Goods Return Challan – Goods Return Challan - Adhoc
Procurement – Goods Return Challan – Goods Return Challan – Agst Goods Receive

Reported Version:



After creating a Goods Return Challan; it was observed that - during goods return when an item is selected from item selection and populated thereafter user was unable to edit the quantity and make it 6 digit including 3 places of decimal. Let's say instead of 100.00 the user wants to make the quantity 1285.357 but the system was only accepting till 1285.3 in the quantity field.


19017 "Available to Forward" column was not getting updated on clearing the WIP Clearance Entry


Production - WIP Clearance

Reported Version:



Available to forward column was not getting updated on clearing the WIP Clearance Entry in the report, Planning Master.

  1. Create job order and job receipts for intermediate processes.
  2. Create a WIP Entry after the job receipt.
  3. Now delete that WIP Clearance Entry.
  4. Available to forward column was not updated as required.

19243 In Select item module; item quantity in the set was not populating correctly as defined in Item Set master



Reported Version:



  1. Create Item Set master as A100 with 2 QUANTITY and A1001 with 4 QUANTITY.
  2. Scan the set barcode in select item module.
  3. Set QUANTITY is not populating as per Item set master.


19335 In the secondary sales form gross amount was showing wrong


Sales and Distribution – Outright – Secondary Sales

Reported Version:



  1. Create a new document of Secondary Sales form.
  2. Now change the quantity or rate or discount.
  3. Observe that the totals do not change accordingly.


19344 In BOM master,  by default BOM versions were not displayed in descending order


Production - Setup - Bills of Material

Reported Version:



In BOM master, by default BOM versions were not displayed in descending order.


19347 Populated items in Job Order could not be deleted even before entry was saved, if user's role privileges were defined as Save Only


Production – Job Order

Reported Version:



Populated items could not be deleted even before entry was saved, if user's role privileges were defined as Save Only

  1. Make role privilege for user 'Save Only' ie. "Add" privilege
  2. Open Job order Form
  3. Add items through Select Items (F4) option
  4. Now try to delete the items from item details window
  5. Observe that the items cannot be deleted

19349 In the item details grid of Job receipts Consolidate Mode, item's were not populating based on item's Category name


Production – Job Receipts – Consolidate Mode

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Production > Job Receipts > Consolidate Mode
  2. Observe that item's were not populating based on item's Category name


19353 While adding intermediate process into the Working plan,supply type wrongly showing  as 'Push' for the new process


Production – Working Plan

Reported Version:



  1. Open Working plan with and select item which has more than single process defined into the BOM
  2. Now click on 'Edit'
  3. Click on 'Add Process'
  4. Provide required process and click on ‘OK’ button.
  5. Item Details grid showing default supply type as 'Push'


19396 Authorized Orders are not showing documents in the expected date wise descending, as well as document no. wise descending


Procurement - Approval - Authorize Order

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Procurement > Approval > Authorize Order
  2. Right now it’s showing only date wise descending


19576 The loyalty point card number is missing for some of the members


Customer Masters in both HO and POS

Reported Version:



A customer is created with the name 'C' without the loyalty point card information and synced to HO. Then in the store the client updates the customer's name to 'Rajni' and tags a loyalty point card.  During the next sync cycle from the HO it updates the customer information in the store with its previous sync’s state as available in the HO. So now, the customer name again shows as ‘C’ and shows no loyalty card tagged to it.


19643 Error shown while sync at HO – “Column 'Isdenoapplicable' does not belong to table POSBillMOP”


POS – Administration – Data Exchange

Reported Version:



Error shown while sync if the event contains Petty Cash Bill


18360 At HO in bill detail analytical report, Extra Tax amount is showing correctly but the same report is showing 0 for

Extra Tax at store end


POS Analytical Report

Reported Version:



At HO in bill detail analytical report, "Extra Tax" amount is showing correctly but the same report is showing '0' value for all the fields at store end.


19658 If no record is existing in Sales Person Assignment list  then the Manage button was disabled


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Security – Process – Sales Person Assignments

Reported Version:



If no record is existing in Sales Person Assignment list then the Manage button was disabled.


18848 In some cases, user was unable to define Route Group Master


Production – Setup – Route Group Master

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Route master.
  2. Create a Route Group Master.
  3. Route Master and Route Group Master sequence should be same.
  4. Now define Item in same sequence Route Group Master with same sequence Route master.
  5. On saving, it is generating an error. "FRM-40508: ORACLE error: unable to INSERT record.


19432 Selection of Alternate Component item was also populating its standard component


Production - Job Order

Reported Version:



Saving of Job Order populated BOM for assembly items with both Standard or Alternate Components.

This is required coz, selecting of alternate component against standard component was repopulating the standard component again resulting generation of double components.


19405 User was unable to change the  jobber and stock point while modifying Job Receipts


Production - Job Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Make order with 'Pull on Completion' and receive this order.
  2. Now delete item details from 'Tag order' and delete item from item gird also.
  3. Now try to change the Jobber and stock point.
  4. Observe they cannot be modified.

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