Release Notes 11.109.0 - 1.109.0

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Release Notes 11.109.0 - 1.109.0


Release Date


HO Version11.109.0
POS Version1.109.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.5.0
Features & Enhancements19
Bug Fixes41

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


BO-I-48 New price type Basic Rate(Last Purchase Rate) introduced for Procurement work-flow


Procurement - Goods Receive Challan
Procurement - Goods Receive Challan - Wizard (for adhoc GRC created)
Procurement - Order Management -Purchase Order
Procurement - Goods Return - Goods Return Challan-Adhoc
Procurement - Goods Return - Goods Return Challan-Wizard (for adhoc GRT created)

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier our users were facing a particular issue for Adhoc returns. The return value of item was becoming greater than the transactional rate due to charge calculations. Now, a new price type has been introduced - Basic Rate (Last Purchase Rate) - which is the last transactional rate with charges excluded. If the calculation of the rate at which the item must be returned is based on the new price type Basic Rate (Last Purchase Rate); then all the applicable charge calculations will be based on Basic Rate only. This will provide more clarity and resolve anomalies like return rate being greater than the purchase rate.


Scenario in previous versions

Suppose, Item's Transactional Rate (Basic Rate) - 100.00
(-) Discount (not included in cost) - (10.00)
(+) Tax (included in cost) - 12.60
Effective Rate = 112.60 (Effective Rate = Transactional Rate + Charges included in cost)
Here, Net Amount = 102.60

Now suppose, if Item needs to be returned on ADHOC basis considering Effective Rate, following calculation takes place:
Item's Basic Rate (as updated in Effective Rate column of Item Master) - 112.60
(-) Discount (not included in cost) - (11.26)
(+) Tax (included in cost) - 14.19
Here, Net Amt. = 115.53

So in this scenario, when Item is purchased in Rs. 102.60 but is returned 115.53, it is not unacceptable by the suppliers.

Scenario in current version

Now, Item’s Transactional Rate (Basic Rate) - 100.00 [Basic Rate (Last Purchase Rate)] will be used for adhoc returns and all calculations will be based on it. So returns can be done at the Last Purchased Rate.


GIN-I-541 Price List's assortment resolution has been changed


Sales & Distribution - Setup - Price List
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Outright - Sales Order
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Outright - Sales Order (Wizard)
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Consignment - Transfer Order
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Consignment - Transfer Order (Wizard)
Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan (Adhoc)
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Out
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In (Adhoc)
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In (Against Transfer Out)
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Consignment Sales
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Invoice
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Return
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Secondary Sales
Retail Management - Control - Explore -Goods Return From Site
POS - Back Office -Transactions - Goods Return

Enhancement Summary:

The resolution logic of Price list assortment order has been changed. Earlier, if an Item used to belong to two different assortments, the first assortment (in definition order) was getting considered for calculating the price. But now the second assortment will be considered. 


Note: The lastly defined assortment will be considered in case of Item belonging to more than 2 assortments.


Suppose there is a price list’s assortments are defined in the following way:
Row Assortment Definition Factor
1 Category1 - Solid 10%
2 Division - Shirt 15%

Earlier, if the Item was a shirt of “Solid” category1 as well, the factor was considered as 10% but now it will be considered as 15%.


GIN-I-775 Item’s vendor applicability in Goods Return wizard has been enhanced


Procurement - Goods Return - Goods Return (Wizard)

Enhancement Summary:

Item population in the GRT Wizard for a particular vendor was happening based on GRC made against the last supplier from whom the item was procured irrespective of the connected site.

Now, the changed logic has been changed as follows:
1. The system first checks if that Item is purchased in the connected site. If purchased, the system allows to return to only that supplier from whom it was purchased last in that site.
2. If not, the system checks if that Item is purchased in the any other site of same tax region. If purchased, the system allows to return to only that supplier from whom it was purchased last in that region.
3. If not, the system checks the Item master for its vendor.


Case 1
• There are 2 warehouses, Warehouse A and Warehouse B.
• Warehouse A and Warehouse B are in the same tax region.
• An Item was purchased at ‘Warehouse A’ from supplier H.
• The system will allow the user to return from both ‘Warehouse A’ and ‘Warehouse B’ to supplier H.
Case 2
• In continuation of above case, the Item was purchased in ‘Warehouse B’ as well but from supplier S.
• Now the system will still allow the Item to be returned to supplier H from ‘Warehouse A’ but it won’t allow the Item to be returned from ‘Warehouse B’ to the supplier H.
• From ‘Warehouse B’, the Item shall be allowed to be returned to supplier S.
Case 3
In continuation, if suppose there is another warehouse ‘Warehouse C’ in some other region, then system will only allow the Item to be returned to supplier S as this Item is lastly purchased from that supplier.


GIN-I-225 Packet Item reconciliation goods receive method in POS has become policy driven


Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Master Policy
POS - Back Office -Transaction - Goods Receive Advices
POS - Back Office -Transaction - Goods Receive

Enhancement Summary:

Currently, there are two different processes to receive goods in POS stores:

(1) Packet reconciliation (2) Packet Item reconciliation.

But often, while booking Goods Receive in the system, the store users follow the 'Packet Reconciliation' process as a faster option. In 'Packet reconciliation' process, the entire 'Send Quantity' is converted to 'Received Quantity'. As a result, even if there is an actual shortage of packet items in the cartons, the GRC still gets updated with complete send quantity as received quantity, since item wise reconciliation is not performed while receiving.

A new policy has been added for the POS users, where the user can be given the privilege of receiving goods through packet reconciliation. If the policy has not been implemented, on a default basis, each item in the packet will have to be individually reconciled to ensure whether there are any short or excess items in the packets. The policy is called, 'Allow packet reconciliation in Goods Receive'.


Note: If the privilege is not given to the POS site user, they have to use the Goods Receive form to scan items individually.




GIN-I-250 Options like Copy/Search/Sort assortment are now available in Price List


Sales & Distribution - Setup - Price List

Enhancement Summary:

The former ‘Copy Assortment’ button has now become ‘Copy Selected Assortment’ button and ‘Copy Assortment from another Price List’ has been provided to copy selected assortments and tag to a price list. This enables faster and more efficient implementation of multiple price lists with similar assortments for different suppliers or customers. This functionality is only available in new price list creation mode.

All the fields in Price List have been made searchable and sort-able; enabling right click Search-Sort option for all columns of assortment details block in a Price List has made it easier to find any assortment from a pool of assortment for a price List with high volume of assortments defined.




BO-I-42 Ledger tagging option is now available in Tax Slab level


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice
Procurement - Invoicing - Consignment Invoice
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return Debit Note
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Adhoc)
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Against Document)
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Liability Workbench
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Sales Order
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Sales Order Wizard
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Invoice
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Return
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Consignment Sales (VAT/Tax Recalculation)
GINESYS Launchpad - POS Settlement

Enhancement Summary:

Now there is an option of defining ledgers and sub-ledgers of Procurement (Purchase Ledger & Purchase Sub-ledger) and Sales and Distribution (Sales Ledger & Sales Sub-ledger) in the Tax slab definition.

At the time of financial posting from the aforesaid transactions, the ledger shall be picked up from the slab level (if defined). If not defined at slab level, then the base ledgers shall be considered.



716998GIN-I-451; GIN-I-662

GIN-I-451; GIN-I-662 Some of the fields have been made mandatory in Customer/Supplier master and rupee has been made the default currency


Sales & Distribution - Setup - Customer
Procurement - Setup - Supplier/Agent/Jobber/Transporter

Enhancement Summary:

1. Some more fields have been made mandatory in defining customers and suppliers to ensure ethical practices in future and smoother operations for our users. Both the new and existing mandatory fields are the most useful information without which no business operation with the Customers or Suppliers can be executed. Following are the new fields which are made mandatory:
a. PAN Number
b. Mobile Number (business)
c. Contact Person
d. VAT Number
e. CST Number

2. Another important change is “Rupees” will now be the Default currency for both new and existing parties but will be subject to manual modification by user. It will reduce our user's effort as most of our business belongs to India and it will also give calculative advantage.


1. For any supplier or customer if any field is not applicable, please specify either “Not Applicable” or “NA” but some value must be provided.
2. Mobile Number will now be only accepted in digits.
3. If an others class SL is opened in supplier master, then the aforesaid fields will get mandatory for them as well.




GIN-I-315 System will automatically restrict tax reversal after certain days as provided in Tax Region


Inventory - Product Definition - Tax Definition - Tax Region
Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Return
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return Debit Note

Enhancement Summary:

At the time of sales/purchase return, in some cases, the law does not allow reversal of tax amount after a pre-determined number of days. In other words, as per norms setup by Government, if sold items are returned the beyond time limit set for the tax region, then government would not return the tax amount charged at the time of invoice creation.

The return period validity for tax calculation will now be based as per the tax region master and then would be applicable for PRDN (Purchase Return Debit Note) and Sales Return for Outright sales.


1. Return period shall be picked up from connected site’s Tax region for S&D transactions and supplier’s tax region for Procurement transactions.
2. Excise Duty charged is not a part of this change.


Tax Reversal allowed up to (in days)Effect
BlankNo limit on return
0Only same day return shall be allowed
1Return shall be allowed for Invoice date + 1

GIN-I-714 Purchase order’s “valid to” will now get updated as per Item’s due date


Procurement - Order Management - Purchase Order

Enhancement Summary:

Although PO validity date is still being calculated from Supplier Master Due Date field; now, the PO “Valid to” will first take into account Item level validity. In other words, item validity gains precedence over Supplier Master due date value. However, still if the user wants to extend the validity of PO, he can manually change it.


Note: In case the Item validity date is not provided, then the PO “Valid to” remains unchanged.


Suppose there are 3 items scanned in the PO and the longest validity assigned to one of the items is 7 days; then the PO validity would be of 7 days, regardless of the value of the due date in Supplier Master. Similarly, if the Supplier Master Due Date is 15 days and items’ validity is greater than that, then the validity of the PO will be the maximum possible validity of the items.


BO-I-28 Balance can now be transferred even with unposted documents of last year


Admin - Organization Hierarchy - Close Book
Finance - Financial Analysis - Trial Balance
Finance - Financial Analysis - Balance Sheet

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier, ledger balances could not be transferred until following conditions had been met:

• All documents had been posted
• No challan was pending to be invoiced

Transfer balance is now allowed even with unposted documents but with confirmation from user, i.e., if any unposted record is found, user is asked for confirmation and when confirmed, only then transferring balance is allowed. Only posted balance is considered for transfer. The Profit & Loss account balance is updated as per the posted records itself, i.e., unposted balance will not be considered. Also, an option has been provided in transfer balance form for viewing unposted documents.

In Trial balance and balance sheet, user is shown a difference message in bold red if the last year isn’t closed yet.


Note: User will not be allowed to Close Books with un-posted records and neither can he transfer the balance in presence of documents pending invoice.




GIN-I-281 Working Plan will now automatically include component items needed to be produced separately as per Assembly BOM


Production - Working Plan
Sales & Distribution - Order Management - Sales Order

Enhancement Summary:

Now if a semi finished goods is part of the BOM of a finished goods then the semi finished item will be considered as a component item of the assembly item and its production will be processed accordingly. If a dress set includes a scarf (individual SKU and it has a BOM defined), and the scarf is a component item of the dress set; then the scarf will be auto processed as part of the BOM of the dress set.


Note: The following conditions must be fulfilled for the above features to work:

1. The semi finished goods must be an individual SKU.
2. The semi finished goods must be defined as a component item of the finished goods.
3. The semi finished goods must have a BOM defined.





GIN-I-519 Default Population of Short/Excess Quantity has been restricted in Transfer In (Against Transfer Out)


Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In (Against Transfer Out)

Enhancement Summary:

Automatic population of Short/Excess Quantity during creation of Transfer In (Against Transfer Out) has been restricted now. Now it will only be populated if there is an actual shortage or excess during the receiving of items. The receive items column now has to be explicitly entered even if the received quantity for some item is zero (0). The Short/Excess field will be updated with the difference of the Send Quantity and Receive Quantity.




11917 Quick scan (F7) option provided in Stock Entry form


Inventory - Stock Audit - Stock Entry

Enhancement Summary:

A quick scan option has been provided in Stock Entry form which can be activated by pressing F7 allowing users to enter the quantity right at the time of scanning the items.




16915 Goods Forwarding Note now shows the 'Excise Registration No.' 


Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - Goods Forwarding Note

Enhancement Summary:

Now if the Excise Registration No. is provided in the Customer / Supplier master then it will be displayed in the Goods Forwarding Note report. 




GIN-I-759 Selected Site’s filter added for Sales Return Adjust window


Sales & Distribution - Outright - Sales Return

Enhancement Summary:

In the Adjustment window of the Sales Return form; F2 button will now display all Pending Documents of the site from which the Sales Return is being made - i.e. the Pending Documents list for the selected site. The F3 button has been assigned the former function of the F2 button - i.e. it will show the Pending Documents list for all sites.


Note: F4 button is still assigned its former role of listing Pending Documents grouped site-wise.




OFFPOS-I-19 Web search for customer has been made default in POS


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Collection Centre

Enhancement Summary:

Sometimes during rush hours it becomes tough for cashiers to check for the existence of customers in the Web. In such instances often duplicate customer entries get created. Now, the Web search for customers, not available in the local database, will become automatic. The Search in Web checkbox will be checked by default and even if the reset button is clicked.


Note: The checkbox can be unchecked for a “local database only” search.




GIN-I-263 Automated mailer report for 'Transfer Out' invoice is now available 


GINESYS Launchpad - Mail Notification

Enhancement Summary:

Now Transfer Out Invoice related Mail Notification can be configured in GINESYS. It will be issued once the Transfer Out is “posted”, from -
1. S&D > Consignment > Transfer Out
2. S&D > Approval > Release Document

Please call GINESYS Helpdesk for assistance in configuration of the above mail.




17207 Delivery Challan Register report has been improved with more visual clarity and sorting options included


Sales and Distribution - Registers - Delivery Challan Register

Enhancement Summary:

In the Delivery Challan, some improvements have been made which are listed below.

1. Delivery Challan number which was being displayed was not getting printed completely - The width of the field has been increased to handle the issue.
2. Date wise Delivery No. wise sorting has been applied to the report.
3. Delivery Date will now be shown in the first column.




GIN-I-709 User and system details of POS Settlement in HO will now be available in report


GINESYS Launchpad - POS Settlement

Enhancement Summary:

Now GINESYS can store and reflect in OLAP report the 'settlement date/time' and 'user information' of the user by whom settlement of POS store data in HO was done.


Note: The above information will be reflected in only OLAP cube for “POS Settlement Status”.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
117270 N.A.

17270 Warehouse could not be tagged as replenishment source in Retail Management


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Site - Replenishment Source

Reported Version:



  1. Open a record in edit mode.
  2. Load large number of sites (more than 200 sites) on left side grid of Replenishment Source Tab.
  3. Now attempt to add single or multiple sites from left to right, but site is not adding to the right hand side allocation grid.
  4. It was not working.


17119 Import Excel of GINESYS Web was generating error when opened in Internet Explorer


GINESYS - Web - Admin - Data Import

Reported Version:



  1. Open GINESYS Web in Internet Explorer
  2. Go to GINESYS Web > Admin > Data Import
  3. Open the Customer Master class and browse the Customer excel
  4. Press Next
  5. An error message is shown.

16798 Modification of stock audit plans by HO was removing the plans from POS on sync of the modified plans


GINESYS Web - Retail Management – Operations – Process - Stock Audit Plans POS – Back Office – Physical Stock Audit – Audit Plan

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Plan P1 with some assortment
  2. Allocate to a Site
  3. Change the assortment of the same plan
  4. Sync it to the store
  5. Check to see that the plan is not available in the store.

17588 Site to site Goods Return Document was being reverted


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Operations – Explore – Goods Return from Site

Reported Version:



  1. Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Operations > Explore > Goods Return from Site
  2. Select a transaction whose target site is other than Warehouse
  3. Click on Revert
  4. Transaction was getting reverted.

17474 Voucher type MOP was getting saved without specifying Ledger for organisation owned consignment mode site in edit mode


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Setup – Manage – Site – Mode of Payment

Reported Version:



  1. Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Manage > Site > Mode of Payment for an organisation owned site
  2. Assign voucher type mode of payment to the site without specifying ledger
  3. Save the changes
  4. Changes are getting saved

17699 The replenishment site was wrongly selected while Copy from another site option is used


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Setup – Manage – Site – Replenishment Source

Reported Version:



  1. Suppose Site A has Site B as its Replenishment source
  2. Now we need to assign a replenishment source for Site B
  3. Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Manage > Site > Replenishment Source for Site B
  4. Click on Copy from Another Site button
  5. Select Site A as replenishment site
  6. Observe Site B is also being selected as replenishment site of B

17592 Some of the UDFs are not showing in ‘OutgoingLogistics’ edit job


GINESYS Launchpad – Mail Notification

Reported Version:



  1. Open the GINESYS Launchpad > Mail Notification
  2. Click on OutgoingLogistics job (name of job will be as configured during implementation of tool)
  3. Click on Edit job and within Mail tab UDF were not showing in TO / CC / BCC


17477 Error message was showing for receiving data if void deposit refund bill with voucher type MOP having denomination was included


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Utilities – Explore – Data Sync

Reported Version:



  1. Sync data from POS in which there is at least one void deposit/refund bill with voucher type
  2. MOP Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Utilities > Explore > Data Sync and perform a sync
  3. The error message is displayed.


17198 In some cases, global credit notes appear to be adjusted in web but the saved data is not available in the local database


POS – Normal POS POS – POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. Attempt to create and save a POS bill with an adjusted global credit note
  2. Suppose the save fails
  3. Next time when the same global credit is about to be adjusted, the credit note cannot be found in the database with message that it has already been adjusted.


17191 In case of POS bill Save event the discount percentage was displayed with more than 2 decimal places


GINESYS Launchpad – SMS notification

Reported Version:



  1. Suppose a POS bill is saved with a 15% discount.
  2. In the SMS to the customer’s registered number it was appearing as ‘15.0000’


16738 While checking online stock, the following error message is displayed "An error has occurred while fetching the data. The connection string property has not been initialized."

POS – Normal POS POS – POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. Open Normal POS/Collection Center
  2. Click on Item
  3. Attempt to search Item/Item with stock
  4. Error message is displayed.

17785 The petty cash heads were missing in case of settlement reports of some dates


POS – Back Office – Reports – Settlement Summary

Reported Version:



  1. Go to POS > Back Office > Reports > Settlement Summary
  2. Run the report
  3. Observe that some of the PTC heads are missing in the report.


17747 Error was generated when user defined the stock plan activation date


Inventory - Stock Audit - Plan Stock Audit

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Stock Audit > Plan Stock Audit
  2. Attempt to provide the plan date
  3. Error message is displayed

17709 Auto-issue entries of component item(s) for Adhoc and Re-process type job order were being saved without stock points


Production – Job Order Production – Job Receive Production – WIP Material Transaction

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Production > Job Order or Job Receive or WIP Material Transaction
  2. Select Adhoc or Re-process type Job Order / Job Receive / WIP Material Transaction
  3. Create an auto issue entry for component item(s)
  4. Save the Job Order / Job Receive / WIP Material Transaction without providing stock point
  5. It is saved.


17631 In Job Receipt -Advance mode: Item grid of Working Plan was not being displayed in sorting order


Production - Job Receipt - Advance Mode

Reported Version:



  1. Create multiple job orders for a single process of a working plan
  2. Go to Job Receipt with Advance Mode
  3. Select working plan and search item
  4. Items in the grid were being displayed in random order


17627 Sub Assembly Item in Bills of Materials modification could not be deleted using the Delete button

Production - Setup – Bills of Materials

Reported Version:



  1. Define a Bills of Materials with multiple Sub Assembly Items
  2. Modify the Bills of Materials
  3. Try to delete a process which is having Sub Assembly Items
  4. Error was occurring

17620 When the User profile option for "Allow BOM Approval" was not selected/ticked, on approving the BOM, system displayed alert twice for privilege not being allowed, but still retained the changes


Production - Setup – Bills of Materials

Reported Version:



  1. Restrict Bills of Materials Approval for the user in profile
  2. Login through the restricted profile
  3. Create a Bills of Materials
  4. Click on the Approval check box in the version block
  5. System displaying alert twice for privilege not provided
  6. Even after displaying the message the Bills of Materials were getting approved


17617 Voucher Note document report is showing wrong Tagged Site name


Finance - Voucher - General Vouchers - Voucher Note Document Report Finance - Voucher - General Vouchers - Voucher Note Document Report (Date Only) Finance - Voucher - General Vouchers - Voucher Note Document Report (Without Creation Time)

Reported Version:



  1. Create a new voucher
  2. Tag Track secondary site at voucher detail level
  3. Now check the document report, it is showing connected site instead of tagged site


17574 Cost Center summary report is showing double record for some General Ledger and Cost Center


Finance – Register – Cost Center

Reported Version:



  1. Create records against same GL and cost center for simultaneous two years which is prior current year.
  2. Check the summary and detail report of a particular GL and Cost Center


17424 Jobber and Order No. information is getting repeated for each assembly item in the report for Component Order Status


Production - Analysis - Component Order Status

Reported Version:



This issue is seen in case of a job order with multiple assembly items and each assembly item is having more than one component items with at least one common component. In the Component Order Status Analytic report of Production module, the Jobber and Order No. information is getting repeated for each assembly item and Assembly item is getting repeated for each component item.


17395 An error was being generated while deleting general voucher


Finance – Voucher – General Voucher

Reported Version:



  1. Create a general voucher with cheque book information
  2. Again reopen it.
  3. Delete cheque manually and save it again
  4. Cheque no. information is deleted from voucher but not update in Cheque Book module
  5. Now delete the general voucher, it is generating an error

17362 There was a cursor navigation issue in General Journal


Finance – Voucher – General Voucher

Reported Version:



  1. Cursor movement in the form was restrictive

17348 Amount  in Transfer In register report does not match with respective document


Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Register - Transfer In Register

Reported Version:



  1. Create Delivery Challan with item A1000, A1001
  2. Create another Delivery Challan with item A1000, A1001 with different Rate
  3. Tagged both Delivery Challan in Transfer Out
  4. Create Transfer In document against above Transfer Out document
  5. Now check the Transfer In register report
  6. Amount is not matching with document

17262 "Exact Fetch return more than one row" message was being thrown while editing the charge from Charge detail window in GRC against Order


Procurement – Order Management – Goods Receive Challan – Agst Order 

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Goods Receive Challan – Agst Order with items having multiple-tax-applied to them and save it
  2. Now retrieve the document created above and attempt to edit the charges  
  3. Above mentioned error message is shown

17259 Outstanding balance is not showing in Purchase Invoice and Purchase Return Debit Note


Procurement – Invoicing – Purchase Invoice
Procurement – Invoicing – Purchase Return Debit Note

Reported Version:



  1. Create the Purchase Invoice or Purchase Return Debit Note in the ‘Status’ block of the form.
  2. Now open the saved invoice or PRDN and check the Outstanding figure

17212 Unique constraint violation error was being generated in Sales Invoice at the time of reattachment of same Delivery Challan


Sales & Distribution – Outright – Sales Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Sales Invoice
  2. Tag a delivery challan
  3. Un- tag the delivery challan
  4. Retag the delivery challan
  5. Error is generated

17171 In GRC against Order, Excise charge was not being included in cost while it is applicable to be "Included in Cost"


Procurement – Order Management – Goods Receive Challan – Agst Order

Reported Version:



  1. Create Excise applicable document and item
  2. Create PO with above value
  3. Now create GRC against PO
  4. Excise charge is calculating properly but it is not included in cost

17125 In tagged document window of Service Invoice against document the Cancel button is not working properly


Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Against Document) – Service Details – Tag Document

Reported Version:



  1. In Service Invoice [Against Document] create an entry with one tagged document
  2. Then go into tagged document window and select another document and press cancel button or close button of the window
  3. Total amount will not be populated , but the document tagged in 2nd time will also be saved as checked

16898 Sub Ledger Detail  report is not showing correct data in particular block


Finance - Register  -  Sub Ledger  (Detail)

Reported Version:



  1. Create a General Journal Entry with A, B & C ledgers
  2. Now see the report for Sub ledger A
  3. Report will show only Sub ledger A detail in Particulars block

16821 Cannot tag stock point at the time of cancelling for Re-process type of Job Order


Production – Job Order Cancel

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Re-process type job order with pull-on-order item(s)
  2. Now cancel that job order while attempting to provide stock point
  3. Error message is displayed

16788 'Source Site' filter option was not available in Pending Sales Form register report


Sales & Distribution - Register - Pending Sales form register report

Reported Version:



  1. Go to - S & D > Register > Pending Sales form register report
  2. Pending sales form for a particular source site cannot be seen

16767 In Consignment Sales, F4(select Item) Search criteria is not populating any records


Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Consignment Sale

Reported Version:



  1. Create Delivery Challan for Unmanaged Consignment Site
  2. Create Transfer Out for that Delivery Challan
  3. Now create Consignment Sale- Select F4 option for search item from search criteria
  4. No record is populating

16758 Import Excel was not opening in Price Control


Inventory - Item Definition - Price Control

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Item Definition > Price Control
  2. Choose site name and then click on import excel button
  3. Import Excel does not work

16732 Transfer In (Against Transfer Out) document report is not showing data as per document no. range value


Sales & Distribution – Consignment – Transfer IN (Against Transfer OUT)

Reported Version:



  1. Create two documents in Transfer IN (Against Transfer OUT)
  2. Then create Sales Return.
  3. Again create another Transfer IN (Against Transfer OUT)
  4. Now check the Transfer IN (Against Transfer OUT) document report with range value which includes the entire range of documents created above
  5. The Sales Return are also shown as part of the Transfer In (Against Transfer Out) document report

16569 Inventory Movement Amount report is showing asterix for Transfer Out total amount


Inventory - Analysis - Inventory Movement (Amt)

Reported Version:



In Inventory Movement (Amt) Report - Transfer Out Total showing *****


16526 Item Category and Bar code selection wise filter wise data was not showing in Transfer in Register and Transfer Out Register


Sales & Distribution – Consignment – Register - Transfer In Register
Sales & Distribution – Consignment – Register - Transfer Out Register

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Registers - Transfer Out Register OR Go to Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Registers - Transfer in Register
  2. Now Go to Selection tab, and open Selection drop down list
  3. Select a particular Item category and a particular Barcode to generate the report
  4. Attempt to generate the report
  5. Report is showing data without filtering

17634 Select Item should have check box for item selection, instead of quantity field in  Bills of Materials master


Production – Setup –  Bills of Materials  

Reported Version:



Quantity not required during item population in BOM, so only item selection checkbox required.


17703 Error was showing while creating duplicate Bills of Materials


Production - Setup – Bills of Materials

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Production > Setup > Bills of Materials
  2. Select multiple of items to the item Window
  3. Select those items and click on 'duplicate' option
  4. Provide cat1, route id and then click on process

17624 Charge selection was not based on selected Trade Group basis


Sales and Distribution – Setup – Invoice terms – Charge
Sales and Distribution – Setup – Invoice terms – Term

Reported Version:



Now in Charge master if a charge has been tagged to a term, then its trade group cannot be changed. Similarly in the Term master, in both the header and line level, only those charges would be displayed which are part of the selected trade group or those that do not have a trade group defined for it.


17718 While adding alternate item in GRC against Order from Import Excel an error was being  generated


Procurement – Order Management – Goods Receive

Reported Version:



  1. Open a GRC against Order
  2. Attempt to receive an alternate item through Import Excel
  3. Error is generated

17456 In case of multiple vouchers MOPs, the denomination details of the voucher was getting tagged incorrectly


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Deposit/Refund

Reported Version:




Suppose there are two voucher MOPs: Cheque,Some Finance
When the user inserts the voucher details for Some Finance the details shows up for the cheque MOP in the payment grid.

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