Release Notes 11.108.0 - 1.108.0

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Release Notes 11.108.0 - 1.108.0


Release Date


HO Version11.108.0
POS Version1.108.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.5.0
Features & Enhancements


Bug Fixes5

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea TrackerDescription

OFFPOS-I-49 New items can now be included in activated Stock Audit Journal during Cycle Count


POS - Back Office - Transactions - Physical Stock Audit - Audit Journal

Enhancement Summary:

A new button, ‘View Journal Items’ has been added to the right of the Verify button in Audit Journal window. If clicked it opens Audit Journal Items window, which is a list of the items included in the particular Audit Journal. The ‘Include New Items’ button, in the Audit Journal window, allows the inclusion of the new items if they satisfy the assortment criteria defined for that Audit Journal.

Please note that the ‘View Journal Items’ button is visible only when the Audit Journal is in Activated state.


Suppose there is an item (I001) in the Item Master which matches the assortment criteria defined in an activated Audit Journal. But it is not included in the assortment of that Audit Journal. Earlier if the item (I001) was scanned during the cycle count of that activated audit journal, a message was shown that I001 is not part of the assortment. The item could not be included in the audit cycle. Now if I001 is scanned, the same message will come up. But the user can now click the ‘View Journal Items’ button and then in Audit Journal Items window include such items into the stock audit journal by clicking on ‘Include New Items’ button.


OFFPOS-I-34 Last Receive Date and Last Receive Price of Items can now be printed in barcode printing at POS


POS - Back Office - Store Control - Barcode Printing

Enhancement Summary:

Last Receive Date and Last Receive Price of Items issued to POS can now be tracked. These two new parameters can now be printed through barcode printing at POS, the two parameters are -





OFFPOS-I-14 Document report for 'Goods Receive’ is now available


POS - Administration - POS Terminals
GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Master Policy
POS – Back Office - Transactions - Goods Receive

Enhancement Summary:

A new document report for Goods Receive has been added in POS. It is possible to show the following fields among others:

  1. GRC No.
  2. GRC Date
  3. GRC Advice No.
  4. Receive Stock Point
  5. Source Site
  6. No. of Packets
  7. Remarks
  8. Sl. No.
  9. Item
  10. Receive Qty
  11. Rate
  12. Amount
  13. Barcode - Item Name
  14. Total




GIN-I-615 PAN Card Number of Customer mandatory for POS Bill value greater or equal to threshold value defined through policy


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Master Policy
POS - Normal POS (Add /Edit Customer)
POS - POS as Collection Center (Add /Edit Customer)
POS - Back Office - POS Control - Bill Modification

Enhancement Summary:

According to a new government statute, the PAN card Number of the customer must be provided for any retail bill amount equal or more than INR 200,000. In Retail Management of GINESYS HO there is a new Master Policy in the System Settings – PAN no. mandatory in POS Bill from specified bill value. This policy allows you to enforce the government’s statutory requirement at POS end.
In POS, for a retail bill value exceeding the value given in the policy definition the PAN card number of the tagged customer is now mandatory. In case it is unavailable, it will open a message box to warn the user that for the current bill amount PAN number is mandatory. Then a box opens where the user has to enter the PAN ID.


  1. Set the policy of PAN no. mandatory in POS Bill from specified bill value to the required value. (GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Manage > Master Policy > System Settings)
  2. Sync the policy to the stores.
  3. The user creates a POS Bill exceeding the bill value specified in the policy tagging a customer with unspecified PAN no.
  4. A message box opens to warn the user that for the current bill amount PAN number is mandatory.
  5. On clicking “OK” another box opens where the user can enter the PAN ID.

Note: Same feature will be available for POS as Collection Center and POS Bill Modification in the POS Back Office.


GIN-I-570 Privilege based user login in License Manager (Back Office) introduced


Retail - Admin - User - Role
GINESYS Launchpad - License Manager

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier, any user who had server access could open the 'License Manager' application from GINESYS Launchpad by clicking on the license manager icon. License manager access has now been made privilege based. If any user attempts to login to license manager, the software would only allow the login if the user has the required privilege. This has been done to increase the security of the software.


  1. Set the policy of PAN no. mandatory in POS Bill from specified bill value to the required value. (GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Manage > Master Policy > System Settings)
  2. Sync the policy to the stores.
  3. The user creates a POS Bill exceeding the bill value specified in the policy tagging a customer with unspecified PAN no.
  4. A message box opens to warn the user that for the current bill amount PAN number is mandatory.
  5. On clicking “OK” another box opens where the user can enter the PAN ID.

Note: License Manager is available to ‘admin’ user by default.


GIN-I-510 Replenishment Source Information is now printed in Packet & GRT Document report


Goods Return Document Report Service
Packet Document Report Service
Goods Return Analysis - Analytic Report

Enhancement Summary:

Replenishment Source short-code can now be printed in Packet & GRT Document report; requisite data can now be displayed in custom reports or viewed through POS Analytic reports of Goods Return as per our customers’ need.




GIN-I-190 Editing customer details has become privilege based in POS


POS MODE - POS as Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

Although in POS Back Office, there are two separate privileges for Creating and Modifying customer details; there was no separate privilege for customer modification in POS mode (both Normal POS and POS as Collection Center). In POS mode, anyone who could create customers could also modify their details.

Now a new privilege is added in POS mode for customer details modification. The HO can choose which specific users can have the privilege to modify customers in POS mode; this increases the possibility of greater data security and integrity.

Now during customer search the software shall check if the user has the privilege for modification of customers – the edit button will only be enabled if the privilege is present for the currently logged user.




GIN-I-569 Item RSP will be displayed in stock audit reports


POS - Transactions - Stock Audit - Audit Journal
Analytic Report - Audit Journal
OLAP Report - Stock Audit Verification
OLAP Report - Store Stock Audit

Enhancement Summary:

Item RSP will be displayed in verification view in Stock Audit Journal, Stock Audit's OLAP & Analytic Reports. The present RSP of item has to be recorded in Stock Audit reports as the RSP and MRP of an item may not be the same and the RSP may change due to many different reasons during a time period and these changes need to be mapped in stock audit for proper planning and replenishment.




GIN-I-264 Vendor Sale Stock report is now available through Auto-Email



Enhancement Summary:

This excel based report shows the POS Store wise, Item wise, Vendor (Supplier) wise details of:

  • Sold Items
  • Item's Detail (Only those items which were procured from these particular suppliers)
  • Item Stock (Closing stock of the item at the end of report period)

The report will be generated and sent to all the suppliers whose stock is either present or sale is done in any of the stores within the report date range, unless filters are applied which will restrict the reports receivers list to those present in the filtered list only.
The report will show data for a particular date range only. The default date range being that of a week.



Note: Sub ledger class wise filters can be applied to this report through a configuration setting added to the GinApps.config file, please contact GINESYS Helpdesk to apply the same.

 10 15489GIN-I-516

GIN-I-516 Miscellaneous issues with reprinting of multiple POS/Void bills are resolved


POS Mode - Normal POS
POS Mode - Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier reprinting of multiple POS / Void bills was not privilege based and was a difficult process. Void bills could not be printed at all. Now it is privilege based and in offline printing mode, PDF is generated with a message. The message has a quick-link which will open the PDF for printing.

It opens the correct folder path so that all POS / Void bills that need to be reprinted can be printed at once. This operation has been enhanced to reduce the time and manual intervention during reprinting of multiple POS bill.



 11 14665 GIN-I-495

GIN-I-495 Resend OTP request on Point redemption for easyrewardz has been introduced


GINESYS Web - Admin - User - Role

Enhancement Summary:

It may happen that even though an OTP is generated, the text message did not reach the customer, for various reasons like heavy network traffic or low quality of mobile transmission. In such cases, a new OTP needs to be regenerated and resend to the customer. So the new resend OTP concept has been introduced for loyalty point redemption with easyrewardz.

The Send Request button on first hit automatically changes into the Resend OTP Request and if the message is not received at the customer’s registered mobile number; it can generate and resend a new OTP.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116754 N.A.

16754 Promo resolution is not happening properly at store for a particular item although it is working perfectly with the sample testing tool in HO


POS mode –Normal POS – Payment (F8)

Reported Version:



There was a bug in assortment matching at the time of promo resolution.


16861 Delivery Slip Void Summary was showing blank report in Daily Summary


POS – Back Office – Reports – Daily Summary – Delivery Slip Void Summary

Reported Version:



  1. Go to POS > Back Office > Reports > Daily Summary > Delivery Slip Void Summary
  2. Check the 'Delivery Slip Void Summary ' box.
  3. Run the report.
  4. Blank data is shown.

16890 Differential backup zip file was not being copied to secondary backup location even if secondary backup location was configured


POS - System – Database
POS - Administration - Application Settings

Reported Version:



  1. Configure secondary backup location from POS > Administration > Application Settings
  2. Run Full Backup utility from POS > System > Database
  3. Note that the differential backup zip is not copied to the secondary location

16895 Apportioned bill discount is calculated wrongly in time of coupon redemption only in case of easyrewardz


POS MODE - POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. Make a bill with multiple items
  2. Apply coupon for bill discount
  3. The apportioned discount is wrongly displayed

16905 An error message "Attempted to divide by zero" was displayed when bill level discount is applied on a bill having free item(s)


POS MODE - POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. POS Bill is having some promo items and item level discount was applied to some of the item(s) to make them free. 
  2. Now Bill level discount was also applied to that bill. 
  3. On promo resolution, while breaking items in 1 qty each and apportioning item level bill discount amount to them, the system tries to apportion the bill level discount to those free items also and the error message is shown "Attempted to divide by zero".





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