Release Notes 11.108.1

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Release Notes 11.108.1


Release Date


HO Version11.108.1
POS Version1.108.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.5
Features & Enhancements14
Bug Fixes02

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


GIN-I-354 Selection of Items can now be done without BOM definition


Admin-User Security-User Profile
Production-Working Plan
Production-Job Order

Enhancement Summary:

Previous functionality

Earlier users had to create a BOM before they could select items in the Working Plan.

Current functionality

A new privilege has been added to the User Profile, "Allow selection of items without BOM definition". If this privilege is set to Ignore then the user will be allowed to select the items even when BOM is not defined. Warning settings are used for allowing the user to define the BOM or proceed without it. If the priviledge is assigned at the Stop status, a message is shown and user is not at all allowed to proceed without BOM creation.


GIN-I-355 Multiple Routes can now be tagged for production of single item


Admin-User Security-User Profile
Production-Setup-Route Group Master
Production-Working Plan
Production-Job Order
Production-Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

Previous functionality

Earlier there was only one route fixed for a particular item and BOM was defined for that particular route only. But in real life scenarios, for production of a single item multiple routes can be followed. Some items may undergo in-house production process as well out-sourcing the production of same item. It is also required where different job workers are making same item, in a large scale production setting, and different jobbers are executing multiple set of process. Change in Route name for an item loses track history of working plan, making it tough to recognize whether the route specified in a Plan is correct or not.

Current functionality

These complexities of the production scenarios have been handled with some new concepts that have been introduced along with a new form in the Production setup called Route Group Master.

The new concepts are:

  • Route Group is created to tag item with respective Route ID
  • The Route Group is date effective and is activated at pre-specified dates.
  • Multiple route groups can be defined for same item.
  • Mandatory selection of Route Group in Working Plan. Now there can be multiple routes for a particular item and based on those routes the BOM for those items may be defined differently.

A new privilege has been introduced in the User Profile - Production tab: "Route Group selection is mandatory in Job Order and Receipt."

Since items are now tagged in Route Group, Job Order and Receipt should ideally be tagged with it for proper tracking of Production process. However, if the user wants he can make it optional in Job Order and Receipt for more flexibility.


  1. Route ID is not tagged to Item Master any more. The previously defined routes will now be available in a pre-defined Route Group called SYSTEM DEFAULT.
  2. Back dated creation of Working Plan is not allowed in the software from this update.
  3. BOM population


GIN-I-559 Operation details modification in Working Plan is now restricted on Profile option


Production-Working Plan

Enhancement Summary:

Now the BOM and operations defined in the Working Plan can only be modified if the privilege, "Allow modification of plan operations in Working Plan", is assigned to a user’s profile in the Production tab. The entire operations and BOM modification is now controlled through profile based privileges.




GIN-I-356 Bills of Material will now have modification version with Approval required



Enhancement Summary:

Bills of Material for production of an item may undergo multiple modifications regularly. Such modification of BOM requires monitoring i.e. what gets modified when and by whom. So, BOM definition / modification now have an approval mechanism executed before getting populated in transactional modules. Moreover, once BOMs are approved and modified then each approved version of the BOM is now available for further tracking.• BOM needs to be approved to be activated.• Tracking of approved BOM modification through versioning.• Multiple BOM definition of same item can be done based on different Route ID. A new privilege, "Allow approval of Bills of Material", has been introduced in the Production tab that has to be assigned to a user for approval of BOM.

Important information


BOM population is dependent on BOM approval date and not on the date of item creation.

Suppose a BOM for an item has been created and approved on 16th July then BOM population will not be possible on any date before that.




GIN-I-357 Alternate item receiving to be allowed in all operation sequence


Production-Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

Items commonly get changed at the time of production receipt for all manufacturing units. It may happen due to many reasons like shortage of raw materials or incorrect execution of some process etc. The orders still need to be completed by receiving these items from job workers.

Previous functionality

Earlier users could only receive alternate items in either the first or last process of the route defined in the BOM.

Current functionality

Now alternate items can be received in any and all processes defined in the BOM. In Alternate Mode button>Select Matching Job Order Items window, two radio buttons (Restrict selection of items and Populate order item route) have been added in the newly created Items With Missing Routes section.

Note: Items with missing routes could either be items with unspecified routes in the route group of the working plan or items whose processes and their operational sequence do not match the processes and the operational sequence of the order items.


GIN-I-280 Profile based restriction on creating Job Receipt documents if raw material issue is pending


Admin - User Security - User Profile
Production - Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

Previous functionality

Earlier an alert was given when the user was saving a job receipt which had an item for which some component was yet to be issued. The user could choose to either save the document irrespective of component issue status or check the components to be issued.

Current functionality

A new privilege, “Allow Job Receipt for order having component pending to be issued” has been added to the user profile. The privilege if assigned will allow the user to receive items for which some of the components are pending to be issued. But if the privilege is not assigned to a user, he will be restricted from receiving the items and saving the Job Receipt document until the materials are properly issued and adjusted.




GIN-I-358 Material issue and consumption will be of receiving item in case of Alternate Receipts


Production - Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

Previous functionality

Earlier the ordered item components were issued / consumed whether or not the items received were the ordered items.

Current functionality

Now on receipt of alternate items; a return entry will be passed automatically for components issued for ordered items and an issue entry will be passed and consumed for the alternate item, i.e. material will only be issued and consumed for the received items.

Notes: The following points have to be remembered:

• If the user needs to issue/consume ordered item components for alternate receipts, it cannot be done.
• Non-standard component selected at time of order could not be determined on receiving of alternate item. If required non-standard component for alternate items have to be selected by user manually.




GIN-I-357 Selection of alternate items in Job Receipts allowed


Admin - User Security - User Profile
Production - Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

If the privilege, “Allow selection of Alternate items in Job Receipts” has been assigned to the connected user; in Job Receipt, the alternate item button will be enabled. Then the user will be allowed to receive items that are different from the ordered items i.e. alternate items.

Note:  Selecting alternate item is not allowed for Sub Assembly wise production.




GIN-I-358 Alternate Receipt without BOM is now allowed based on assigned privilege


Admin - User Security - User Profile
Production - Working plan
Production - Job Order
Production - Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

A new privilege has been added in the Production tab in User Profile, “Allow Alternate Receipt without BOM”. If the privilege is assigned, it would allow the receipt of alternate item without BOM. Depending upon the settings provided “Ignore” will allow user to proceed unchecked, “Warning” will alert user to issues. “Stop” will restrict user from saving the document.




GIN-I-518 Option of displaying Production rate now available in Job Receipt Register


Production - Register - Job Receipt Register

Enhancement Summary:

In Job receipt Register report, a new check box has been added, when ticked it will display the production rate of the item.

Note: Only Finished Goods rates will be displayed.




16443 Performance of Assembly item's Lookup (F2) has been improved


Production - Job Order

Enhancement Summary:

While creating Job Orders, the Assembly Item lookup was taking some time to open, now it will open faster, displaying all assembly items, and allowing the user to select the appropriate one.



12 16432

16432 In WIP Clearance module, performance of Job Order Cancel No Lookup (From and To LOV) has been improved


Production - WIP Clearance - WIP Details

Enhancement Summary:

On attempting to Select Item in WIP Clearance module, in the WIP Details window, the Job Order Cancel No Lookup (From and To LOV) are opening faster.



13 16229GIN-I-488

GIN-I-488 Job Order Modification is now allowed for components depending upon conditions


Production - Job Order

Enhancement Summary:

In Job Order, modification of components will only be allowed if the following conditions are fulfilled:

  1. Component item has not been issued already or the corresponding assembly item has not been received or cancelled. 
  2. Supply type cannot be 'Pull on Order' for addition of Non-Standard Component.
  3. Standard component may be replaced by alternate component, if there is no issue entry for that standard component item.
  4. Supply Type modification for Standard item is allowed, but cannot be changed to Pull on Order from Push or Pull on Completion.


14 16229

16229 Tool has been provided for Stock point population of component in Job Order Cancel


Production - Job Order Cancel

Enhancement Summary:

A new selection tool for stock point population of components in Job Order Cancel has been provided for enhanced user performance.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116821 N.A.

16821 Stock point could not be specified at the time of cancelling the Re-process type of Job Order


Production - Job Order Cancel

Reported Version:



  1. Make a job order of Re-process type with pull-on-order item(s).
  2. Now attempt to define stock point while cancelling that job order.

15532 Default stock point not populating at the time of creating the Re-process type of Job Order.


Production - Job Order

Reported Version:



  1. Attempt to create a job order of Re-process type with pull-on-order item(s).
  2. The default stock point does not get populated.

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