Release Notes 11.140.2

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Release Notes 11.140.2


Release Date

05 November 2018

HO Version11.140.2
POS Version1.140.0
Web Database Compatibility Version


Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes01


Note: The Search function has been removed from the list-view in Item master, you can see details of particular items by Filtering.

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


6180 Route Group Master in Production - Ginesys Web has been revamped


Ginesys Web - Production - Route Group

Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Manage - Data Import

Enhancement Summary:

Several changes have been brought about in the Edit Route Group as editing from UI module was taking time -

  1. Default population of items on opening a Route Group record in edit mode has been changed.
  2. Any item addition or modification must be done by selecting items through the item selection functions.
  3. On selection of new items - if the Route Details are already provided, it will be auto-populated. Then they can be modified the user.
Import Excel for Route Group Details

Production: Route Group class has been added to Import Excel functionality. The following actions are enabled through it - 

  1. Creation of Route Group via Import Excel.
  2. Creation of Multiple Routes from a single Excel can be imported.
  3. Multiple items can be defined in one or more Route Group from an Excel file.
  4. Existing Item definition in a Route Group can be made Extinct or Active from Excel file, depending upon particular effective date and particular item.




6515 Manage Item form in Item master has been revamped


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Item > Manage Item

Enhancement Summary: 

The Manage Item functionality has undergone some major changes to improve usability and clarity. The changes are - 

  • The way of modifying items has been enhanced
  • Price Population button (F9) has been incorporated 


Modification logic of Items changed

Earlier, items to be modified had to be selected in the left side grid of the Manage Item window and the actual modifications were done in the right side Edit Information section.

After this update,

  1. Once selected on the left side grid of the Manage Item window, modifications of items can be done in the grid itself.
  2. A slider button on the top right corner increases the window space for better clarity.
  3. Any changes made to an item - will mark the item as well as the field in which values have been modified.
  4. None, of the modifications done, in the Edit Information section, will be saved directly. The Apply button, will update the changed values in Edit Information section to the selected items in the grid and then the Update Item button will finally save the information shown in the left hand grid.
  5. The Clear button on the top right corner has been removed and the Delete Record and Multi-Delete options have been enabled in the grid.
  6. In the Edit Information section, default values in fields have been changed from Use Existing Values to Blank.
  7. The Generate GS1 Code button has been removed and a checkbox for the same has been provided, now multiple selected items can have their GS1 barcodes generated in one go. Once the Apply button is clicked the OEM Barcode field shows - To be generated - and finally with clicking Update Items the barcode is created and saved in the database. 
  8. Update Pending Sales / Transfer Order Rate checkbox has been removed from the Pricing block and put in bottom left corner of Manage Item. 

Prerequisite for Update pending Sales / Transfer Order Rate

It will be enabled if Allow to update pending Orders from Global Change is enabled in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - User Profile.

Price Population button (F9) has been incorporated

Prerequisite for Price Population Tool

It will be enabled if Allow multiple items price population from Manage Item is enabled in Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - User Profile.

Multiple items can now have markup or markdown assigned to them through the Price Population (F9) button. You can provide the Type (Markup / Markdown) Factor % (numeric), Multiples of (numeric) Round off (upper, lower and nearest value). Once the Apply button is clicked all the selected items get their prices readjusted at the rates provided. The values in the Price Population Tool will be retained for the entire session unless changed by user and calculations will be done on the basis of original values in the database.  

How does the Price Population Tool Work

Suppose the following values are carried by the items A001 and A002 in the Item master - 


Now, let's edit the WSP rate to a markup of 10% - 1650 (A001), 1100 (A002)

Suppose, we then want to re-calculate it to a markup of 50%, then it will be - 2200 and not 2475 (A001) 1500 and not 1650 (A002); as the new calculations are based on the amount saved in the database and not the previously modified value.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
17216 N.A.

7216 Item cannot be modified by Excel import if both, new and existing item are in the same column.


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Admin> Utilities > Data Import
  2. Select Add button and Import Item creation / Modification class
  3. Browse the relevant Excel sheet 
  4. Then select the Import button
  5. Observe that this Excel sheet does not import if barcode column has both new and existing Barcodes together.

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