Release Notes 11.140.5

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Release Notes 11.140.5


Release Date

3rd December 2018

HO Version11.140.5
POS Version1.140.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.14
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes10

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


42022 Actual consumption of Component Items is now captured in Job Receipt


Production - Job Receipt

Enhancement Summary:

Job Receipt document can now capture the actual consumption of raw materials (Component Items) for the items being received from the jobbers with "Pull on Completion" issuing system. This feature allows users to account for excess or shortage of raw materials (Component Items) and properly streamline and plan the Production process.


Steps are as follows - 
  1. The Job Order details are tagged to the Job Receipt in Advance Mode.
  2. Click on Save.
  3. The Material Transaction window opens. 
  4. Now click the Component Summary button on the bottom left corner of Material Transaction.
  5. Now, the Component Summary window opens, the Total Consumption field flows in from the Job Order (either Working Plan > Job Order > Job Receipt or Job Order > Job Receipt). It may be edited to show correct consumption quantity of component items.
  6. Click the Process button on the bottom right corner of Component Summary.
  7. Now in the Detail tab of Component Summary, the actual consumption (Act. Cons) of the Raw Materials (Component Items) shows a weighted distribution of component consumption. This value may also edited to reflect correct actual consumption.
  8. The user may modify the actual consumption but the modified value must be within the set Tolerance percentage.
    1. If the Tolerance percentage is set to a particular value then the actual consumption value must be set within that limit only; i.e. if Tolerance percentage is set to 10% then actual consumption must be limited to 10% more or less of the Required Quantity.
    2. If the Tolerance percentage is set to zero then the Required Quantity must be the actual consumption and there can be no deviation from it.
    3. If the Tolerance percentage is set to blank then the user can put in any value in Act. Cons (actual consumption) field.

      Important Alert

      Ginesys recommends its users to put in a Tolerance percentage in the interest of data reliability.

  9. Now click on OK and Save.
  10. This captures the actual consumption of the raw material.

41917 New profile added to Finance tab of User Profile -  Allow to populate exception rate for Advance Payments and Manual TDS Journals


Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - User - User Profile

Finance - Voucher - AP Voucher

Finance - TDS - TDS Journal

Enhancement Summary:

TDS Rate will now be calculated first from Exception Rate defined in Vendor Master and go to TDS Section Definition only if its not defined in the Vendor master. The system makes the decision based on the Profile of the user who is operating the application. A new profile has been added to the Finance tab of User Profile -  Allow to populate exception rate for Advance Payments and Manual TDS Journals - which enables selection of exception rate from the Vendor master. If the above profile is left disabled, then the TDS Rate, defined in TDS Section Definition, is operational.


Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
141185 N.A.

41185 Barcode(), quantity must be multiplier of barunit() - Alert message being shown incorrectly in Production - Conversion form


Inventory - Conversion - Production

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Production conversion form.
  2. Ensure that tab selection is Consumption.
  3. Select item from the option "Populate Consumption from Stock Transfer items".
  4. Ensure that item bar unit is in decimal (Ex, 1.25, 2.11)
  5. During saving the form, message showing as - Barcode(), quantity must be multiplier of barunit().

41260 Auto Invoice and Auto Transfer Out were not getting generated


Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan Adhoc
Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan Against Order

Reported Version:



  1. Open Delivery Challan [Adhoc] or Delivery Challan [Against Order] form.
  2. Try to create Sales Invoice or Transfer Out automatically.
  3. Observe that the Sales / Consignment Invoice and Transfer Out cannot be created automatically.

41627 The percentage (%) sign is not displayed in the F2 LOV of Open Adjustment window in Purchase Return form


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Purchase Return form
  2. Open Adjustment windows and open LOV by pressing F2.
  3. Observe that the percentage (%) sign is not coming in the pop -up window.

41891 Sub ledger details report was showing incorrect information - 'Basic Amount' was not being displayed in the report if the item had no General Ledger


Finance - Register - Sub Ledger

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Purchase Invoice in which there should be an item for which General Ledger should not be provided. (PID entry for that item)
  2. Now go to Finance module and check Sub ledger details report for that PI
  3. Observe that the report was showing only the charge amount, and not the Basic amount.

41915 The value of Gross Amount was not matching in the summary and detail reports of Transfer OUT


 Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer OUT

Reported Version:



  1. Run the Transfer Out Register Report; first as a "Summary", then as a "Detailed" report
  2. Compare the two reports.
  3. Observe that the value of Gross Amount is different in both reports all other parameters remaining same.

41925 The Plan Date is getting changed to current date on saving second time


Production - Working Plan

Reported Version:



  1. Go to above module.
  2. Create a Plan with an item having BOM in 1st op.seq.
  3. Save the Plan.
  4. Now add an item which has no BOM in the above plan and save.
  5. Observe that the Plan Date is getting changed to current date on saving second time.

41955 Cannot Save Record: Reason: package body <package name> has errors - Error message shown while importing new POs through Excel


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import > PO Creation

Reported Version:



  1. Go to above module.
  2. Try to import POs
  3. Observe that the above error message is seen - Cannot Save Record: Reason: package body <package name> has errors.

42019 Unable to adjust vouchers in Adjustment Document in Finance module


Finance - Journal - Document Adjustment

Reported Version:



  1. Create an AP voucher with multiple sub ledger selection in grid level
  2. Now create AR voucher with the same sub ledgers which are given in AP voucher
  3. Now go to Document Adjustment form and try to adjust the sub ledgers one by one.
  4. Observe that the first adjustment is done properly but for subsequent sub ledger adjustments, vouchers are not showing.

42044 Unable to open Select Item window for non-standard component in Job Receipt


Production - Job Receipt

Reported Version:



  1. Create an adhoc Job Order with 1 item.
  2. Go to Job Receipt and go Alternate Item window. 
  3. Select item and go to Non - Standard component window.
  4. Click on 'Select Item' window.
  5. Observe that an Error log appears.

42068 Incorrect flow of Terms at transaction level for Purchase Order of Franchisee Location


Procurement - Purchase Order

Reported Version:



  1. Create a vendor, assigning Document details information in Procurement tab.
  2. Assign the vendor the MS_CO_OM_TS site from 'Assign Organization site', specifying Purchase Information in Site wise Details.
  3. Change Site to  MS_CO_OM_TS  for Order creation.
  4. Select the vendor name.
  5. Observe that, in Charge details window, Term name is populating from Vendor Master instead of  'Assign Organization site' .

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