Release Notes 11.111.0 - 1.111.0

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Release Notes 11.111.0 - 1.111.0


Release Date

HO Version11.111.0
POS Version1.111.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.5
Features & Enhancements06
Bug Fixes09

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker




15889 Omni Channel sales invoice posting introduced


GINESYS Web - Sales and Distribution - Retail Sale

Enhancement Summary:

In the current retail market scenario, there are different channels through which a sale is executed, i.e., "Retail Stores" and "E-commerce Websites/Apps". However, GINESYS- only had a provision to enter sale information of "Retail Stores" and not "E-commerce" sale. After this version it will be possible to update the same shall be possible.

 Channels enabled in GINESYS:

Demystifying the newly added Channels:

  • Unmanaged Owned (COCO) Store sale: The store is owned by the organization but since the store is an Exclusive Brand Outlet (EBO), the POS software is integrated with Brand’s central database. Due to this Sale & Stock information was not available in GINESYS.
  • E-commerce sale: We have classified the e-commerce sale on the basis of its "Fulfillment center", i.e., from where the goods/items shall be dispatched -
    • Fulfilled by Marketplace
    • Fulfilled by Seller (where sale can take place from marketplace as well as seller’s own web store)

What is the difference between "Fulfilled by Marketplace" and "Fulfilled by Seller"?
The major difference between the two is that the stock in case of fulfilled by marketplace is sent by the seller to marketplace’s warehouse. In case of fulfilled by seller the stock of the goods is in seller’s warehouse itself.

 Process flow for Unmanaged COCO Store:

  • Business Scenario - Consider a store which is owned by you but it is an exclusive brand outlet of brand 'ABC'. Due to this, 'ABC' brand shall enforce their software which shall sync information to their database. Previously, even if you wanted to keep your software, i.e., GINESYS updated with the receive/sale information of that store, there was no such provision for the same. Now after this update you can do so by creating a new organization site for that store and do normal Goods Receive and post the sale information by using the process specified below.
  • Key Highlights -
    • We will create an Organization Site (OS-OO-CM) for such outlets.
    • Tax/VAT posting shall be done in exclusive mode.
    • MOP Control A/C shall be debited until the transaction amount is received by Head Office.

Note: MOP Control A/C will be sub-ledgers of "others class" having AR/AP ledger tagged to it.

  • Process Detail -

    • On purchase of goods for that store from the Brand, goods receive document shall be created manually by connecting to that organization site.
    • On sale of goods from that store in the Brand software, an excel can be generated from that store and can be imported in GINESYS using new import excel option into that organization site.
    • On importing the sale, MOP Control A/C shall get debited and on receipt of money at HO, it can be set-off in AR voucher or via document adjustment.
    • Sample Masters:
      Site Name - Elgin Road Store (ABC Brand)
      MOP Control A/C - Elgin Road Store (ABC) Control A/C

Process flow for Fulfilled by Marketplace E-commerce Sale:

    • Business Scenario - Consider a scenario where you list your products in 'Flipkart'. Also, you send the goods to a Flipkart's warehouse, i.e., 'Bhiwandi Warehouse' for order and dispatch.
    • Key Highlights -
      • We will create a customer (consignment) and then unmanaged customer's site for such outlets.
      • Tax/VAT posting shall be done as per the mode specified in customer master.
      • Customer A/C shall be debited until the transaction amount is received by Head Office.
    • Process Detail -

    • GINESYS user transfer's stock from its warehouse to customer/marketplace site location.
    • Consumer purchases goods from marketplace and the marketplace delivers those items from their warehouse itself to the consumer.
    • Marketplace then shall share the sale information in excel format to GINESYS user who in turn shall import using new import excel option for that marketplace site.
    • Sample Values:
      Site Name - Bhiwandi Warehouse - Flipkart
      Customer Name - Flipkart

Process flow for Fulfilled by Seller E-commerce Sale:

  • Business Scenario - Consider a scenario where you list your products in 'Flipkart'. But the order information is shared by Flipkart to you and you further process the order and dispatch.
  • Key Highlights -
    • We will create an Organization Site (OS-OO-CM) for such warehouses.
    • Tax/VAT posting shall be done in exclusive mode.
    • MOP Control A/C shall be debited until the transaction amount is received by Head Office from Marketplace.

Important information

Note: MOP Control A/C will be sub-ledgers of "others class" having AR/AP ledger tagged to it.

  • Process Detail

    • GINESYS exposes stock information of the organization site to third party 'E-commerce Aggregators'.
    • 'E-commerce Aggregators' then further exposes same stock information to all the marketplaces / own web-store.
    • Consumer purchases goods from marketplace/own web-store.
    • This order information will get available in e-commerce aggregator website via their integrations with marketplaces/own web-store.
    • Order processing to dispatch/invoicing needs to be done in E-commerce Aggregator's website.
    • After invoicing, they will generate an excel which can be imported in GINESYS using new excel import option for that organization site.
    • Sample Values:
      Site Name - E-commerce Fulfillment Center
      MOP Control A/C - Flipkart Control A/C

    New module added in web for above processes

    Reporting Changes (OLAP)

    • New Reports Added:
      • Sales & Distribution - Retail Sale Summary: Shall show channel wise summary of sale.
      • Sales & Distribution - Retail Sale Detail: Shall show channel wise Item details of sale.
      • Sales & Distribution - Company Sale Analysis: Shall show consolidated sale view of wholesale as well as retail sale. Included Sales - Owned & Franchise (consignment) Store Sale, E-commerce Sales & Outright wholesale.
    • Existing Reports Changed:
      • Inventory - Stock Movement
      • Inventory - Stock Movement Qty.

        Important information

        Note: All store/e-commerce sale done directly from organization site shall be shown in POS sale information.

     Important Notes

    1. Release related security:
      1. Individual menu wise release related security has been introduced which can be provided via web Admin - Role menu.
      2. Franchise (Consignment) related sale approval has been removed from 'GINESYS Desktop - Sales & Distribution - Approval - Release Document'. Now it can be done directly via respective menu as we have introduced a new concept of applying operations on multiple documents at one go.
      3. Release related user profile migration is not done to role security. After this update, release related user security needs to be provided again for each role.
    2. Excel Import:
      1. No migration has been done for excel import classes. New classes can be assigned to user roles via web Admin - Role menu.
      2. Negative Stock check not available.
      3. If customer already found using mobile number, it will be updated.
      4. Customer search will be done on exact basis, i.e., system won't be finding out if it is being +91 or 0091, etc.
      5. All excel import transactions will be imported on unposted basis.
    3. Reference No.:
      1. Reference no. is mandatory. So users making consolidated sale, can use "CONSOLIDATED" as invoice no.
      2. Reference no.  is not unique since the bill reset interval can be daily/monthly, etc.






15211 Connected Site & Work Date concept introduced in GINESYS Web



Enhancement Summary:

Similar to GINESYS Desktop, connected site concept has been introduced in GINESYS web as well. The sites which are available to the user shall be allowed to be switched by the user. However, since there is no managed organization site's local transaction menu in GINESYS Web, we are not allowing the user to change the site to any managed organization site as of now.

Also, the work date (similar to GINESYS Desktop's Login date) concept has been introduced which will allow the user to select the date which needs to be populated in every transaction module automatically. However, we have removed the concept of showing document list based on login date's year. We will now show the document of every accounting year irrespective of work date (currently applicable only for GINESYS Web).

Few important points to be noted here:

  • The user shall be logged in to default site as selected in user master & current date as work date, i.e., there is no selection option in login screen.
  • We have provided an option to change site & work date after login which is present in top-right corner of GINESYS web, i.e., below the user information. Snapshot is provided below:

  • The document list will be populated in transaction forms as per user's site permission. All documents for every allowed site shall be populated in menu's document list (not depending on connected site). If required, user can filter the data in the document list site wise using filter options.






15212 Document Numbering Scheme tagging for GINESYS web related menus now needs to be tagged from GINESYS web itself


GINESYS Web - Utilities - Manage - Document Numbering Scheme

Enhancement Summary:

This new menu shall list all the GINESYS Web menus which are applicable for document numbering scheme. You can now tag the numbering schemes directly from here for GINESYS web menus.

Important information

Note: Document Numbering Scheme creation/modification (other than web modules) still remains a part of GINESYS Desktop.






15484 User Defined Field concept introduced for Retail Sale


GINESYS Web - Utilities - Manage - User Defined Fields (UDF)

Enhancement Summary:

This new menu shall list all the GINESYS Web modules which are applicable for user defined fields. User defined fields can be of the following types:

  • String Type
    1. Editable choice list: This option needs to be used when you want to allow the user to input any text and next time it shall be available for selection automatically.
      Note - No pre-defined list currently available for this type.
    2. Pre-defined choice list: This option needs to be used when you want the user to select only from a pre-defined values you have specified either hardcoded (comma separated) or via a basic select query.
    3. Text Field: This option needs to be used when you want to allow the user to input any text.
    4. Memo: This option needs to be used when you want to allow the user to input any multi-line text.

  • Number Type

Numeric field: This option needs to be used when you want to allow the user to input only numeric values.

  • Date Type

Date field: This option needs to be used when you want to allow the user to input only date values.

All the aforementioned user defined fields can be made mandatory which will enforce the user to provide a value in transaction before saving the same. Note: If mandatory UDF is configured after making certain transactions for the module, then it will not impact those transactions until it is modified again.

Currently UDF configuration has been enabled only for modules present under Retail Sale as of now. Gradually, it shall be provided in all other transactions and masters (wherever applicable).

Important information

Important Note: Retail Sale (Primary) module is applicable for all the consignment related modules like Store (owned & franchise consignment) & e-commerce modules. In other words, if UDF is enabled for Retail Sale (Primary), the same UDF shall become applicable for all aforesaid modules.






17268 Head Office can now regulate the mode of transfer from POS stores


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Site

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier Transfer Order was a one way process, to move stock from warehouse to warehouse or warehouse to managed consignment stores. The stores could send return packets to both HO and stores (through the HO) as and when they wished, with no control on the part of the HO over the items sent. However, now the HO can regulate and monitor what the stores (franchisees) send to HO or other stores. Stock movement happens for the following scenarios:

  • Stock movement from warehouse to warehouse
  • Stock refill from warehouse to all managed stores
  • Out of fashion or previous season stock call back from Managed stores to warehouse
  • Damage stock call back from managed stores to warehouse
  • Call back of Slow moving stock from one managed store to push it to Fast moving managed store

The flow of the feature is as follows:

  1. HO enters transfer order / return order for any Store to warehouse or Store to Store movement based on stock analysis, planning engine or adhoc requirement of stores (which is not captured in GINESYS) using Transfer Order's Change Site option. Note: Due date shall be provided for all such orders.
  2. Transfer order for return Items i.e. (Store to Warehouse or Store to Store) will be synced to concerned store after authorization.
  3. Stores will act based on Transfer Order, they can send all or partial stocks against GRT Advice as required. GRT Advice is basically a terminology of store used for "Transfer Order" of HO.
  4. Return of stock from store will be based on replenishment source settings of the store. It will either be against advice or adhoc.
  5. The stores can cancel return advice if there's nothing to return, the ability to cancel a GRT advice will be based on the role-privilege of the user.
  6. HO and Stores will get complete pendency reports of GRT Advices via our new analytic report, i.e., 'GRT Advice Status'.
  7. After returning/cancelling the items user will have to mark the Advice as 'Complete' at store end. Failing to do this before advice's due date shall stop settlement posting.

This feature will allow complete flexibility and 360 tracking of stock movement.



  • Transfer Orders for returns will be created for all managed and organization sites – whether they are organization owned or customer owned and consignment mode or outright mode.
  • There has been a change in the Sales and Distribution menu –
  1. Sales Order and Sales Order Wizard have been moved from Outright and Transfer Order and Transfer Order Wizard have been moved from Consignment to Order Management directly.
  2. On the POS side, a new menu item, called Goods Return Advice, has been added in the POS back office Transaction tab.








17268 Pending Packet Information will now be available at Head Office once it is 'closed' at Store


POS - Back Office - Transactions - Packet

Enhancement Summary:

Till now, until the packets got tagged to the GRT and the GRT got posted, the packet information was not synced to HO. Thus HO didn't have a clear visibility on what packed goods are pending at the store end. Stock posting was done automatically after packet creation & it was open for any modification until tagged to a GRT.

 A new field 'Packet Status' has been introduced. The concept of default stock posting on saving a packet document has also been changed. A new operation of stock posting and cancellation has been added. On stock posting for a packet document, the stock would be impacted and the packet status would change from 'Open' to 'Closed'.

 Once the packet document status becomes 'Closed' and the packet information would be synced to HO. Closed packets can be voided at a later date, which will revert the posting in Stock table in void date and the void packet information will be synced to HO.



  • Packets can be deleted before closing the packet. Once closed, it can only be made void.
  • Migration has been done as follows for new operations added -
    1. For roles with 'Add' privilege, 'Post' privilege has been provided.
    2. For 'Void' operation, no migration has been done, i.e., user will have to provide the same explicitly.
  • All existing packets has been marked as "Closed".
  • New Analytic report "Packet Analysis" has been added for reviewing the packet status.
  • Existing OLAP report "Delivery Challan Analysis" has been modified to incorporate the store's packet information.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116584 N.A.

16584 POS Bill printing  or reprinting action generating error in formula


POS – Normal POS POS – POS as Collection Centre POS – POS as Delivery Slip

Reported Version:



  1. Create a POS Bill
  2. Attempt to print the POS Bill, error is thrown
  3. Attempt to reprint the POS Bill, error is thrown

19214 In Plutus integrated POS environment, name of the bank, which had the EDC installed, was reflecting wrongly in the report


POS – Normal POS
POS – POS as Collection Centre
POS – POS as Delivery Slip

Reported Version:



  1. Create a POS Bill with MOP credit card
  2. Check in report the bank name is coming wrong

19253 Software was not opening due to space being taken up by huge size of unnecessary SMTP Service logs


GINESYS Launchpad – Mail Notification - Logs

Reported Version:



In case of Occurrence job processing, GINESYS SMTP Service was generating a log even if there was no occurrence events found in the table.


19337 Sales invoice report through mail was reflecting wrong item quantity and site information


GINESYS Launchpad – Mail Notification 

Reported Version:



Whenever the sales invoice report was sent through mail, it was reflecting wrong item quantity and site information (multiple sites were reflected for each entry).


19508 In sales return email report, short/excess quantity was not showing correctly


GINESYS Launchpad – Mail Notification 

Reported Version:



Whenever the sales invoice report was sent through mail, it was reflecting wrong short/excess quantity.


19489 GINESYS POS was not working after scanning any barcode (Invalid or Null) which has no records in database 


POS – Back Office – Store control – Barcode Printing 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to POS Back Office > Store control > Barcode Printing
  2. Enter any invalid barcode
  3. The screen turns white

19490 Error was being displayed while voiding the POS bill


POS – Normal POS
POS – POS as Collection Centre
POS – POS as Delivery Slip

Reported Version:



  1. Create a POS bill.
  2. Tag a customer with mobile number.
  3. Void the bill.
  4. The following error was shown – “Failed to convert parameter value from a Decimal to a Int32”

17890 Points were not getting earned while billing with the same card


POS – Normal POS
POS – POS as Collection Centre
POS – POS as Delivery Slip

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Manual LP card where attach point benefit and don't specify opening point.
  2. Assign the card to a customer and allocate to a store.
  3. Create a POS bill with that customer (as well as the card).
  4. Sync the bill to HO.
  5. Sync from Retail to Web.
  6. Check the loyalty points of the customer from store. Points earned by the customer on that card are not displayed.

18289 In Sample Testing tool, when promo allocation group is selected, a promo with a higher priority is getting activated irrespective of applicable activation date


GINESYS Web – Retail Management – Promotion – Sample Testing

Reported Version:



If there were two promotions having same set of assortments with different activation date, higher priority promotion was getting resolved irrespective of its activation date.

For ex: Promo Group A was having two promotions:
P1 & P2 with same assortment set.
P1 starts from 16-06-2016 ends on 30-06-2016 with priority 2
P2 starts from 10-06-2016 ends on 14-06-2016 with priority 1

Promo Allocation Group is selected with Sale Start date as 11-06-2016
Promo resolution date is 13-06-2016
P1 was getting resolved instead of P2.

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