Release Notes 11.135.0 - 1.135.0

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Release Notes 11.135.0 - 1.135.0


Release Date

13 March 2018

HO Version11.135.0
POS Version1.135.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.11
Features & Enhancements19
Bug Fixes05


A new Installation kit for Ginesys Web Reports version 2017.3.0 has been released. To know more click here.

To download the installation kit for Ginesys Web Reports version 2017.3.0, click here.

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


37914 Now Ginesys has option of paperless POS billing through SMS 


POS - Normal POS / POS as Collection Centre

Enhancement Summary:

Ginesys is ready to offer its users the option of paperless billing through SMS to the customer's registered mobile.


As soon as a POS bill is saved in the system, the SMS would be received by the customer with an attachment of the POS Bill. The following conditions need to be fulfilled for this feature to be operational.

  1. Buying SMS Services from Textlocal (Currently Ginesys has integration for the POS Bill SMS feature only with Textlocal)
  2. Policy Setting at HO (Retail Management) - 
    A new policy has been added to the Systems Settings tab in Retail Management at Ginesys Web. The policy is called Email Domain for Email2SMS ServiceProvider here the value shown must be the default domain of the sms service provider's  or a customised domain for the particular Ginesys user . In other words, it is a dedicated email domain for Email2SMS service (allotted by service provider)
  3. Create event for POS Bill SMS in the SMS Notification feature of Ginesys HO. The  SMS message body must have the keyword #attachment# written at the end, to allow the addition of the POS Bill PDF version as an attachment to be accessed from the sms.
  4. Email configuration in Ginesys HO has been done and subsequent syncing of all related data to POS has been done.

    Click here for more.

37908 After POS Settlement, store will automatically sync with HO irrespective of the next scheduled sync


POS - Back office - Transactions - Settlement

Enhancement Summary:

Auto Sync on Settlement will help in minimizing time to update the Day close statement details to HO without waiting for the auto scheduler service to get executed.

Operational Execution:
New master policy has been added in Retail Management - Setup - Master policy named as "Auto Sync on Settlement", which needs to be checked for enabling Auto Sync process on Settlement.

Note: On enabling the policy, Settlement option will not be executable from POS Terminal, it can only be accessed from Store Server.


37911 Printer Setting can now be done locally from POS


Ginesys POS -  POS (all modes)

Enhancement Summary:

Printers of nodes are not available in POS server while configuring the Terminal master. So now printer settings can be handled from the node itself. The cashier can now configure his local printer and print the POS bills, GV bills, etc. as required.


37912 Now RPT & XML generated directly from List View of POS BackOffice Transactions


POS - Back Office - POS Control 
POS - Back Office - Transactions 

Enhancement Summary:

An utility has been provided to directly generate the RPT layout and XML of the data of the currently selected record in any POS Back Office Transaction forms. The modules have a button in their list view called, 'Export Data for Report Design'. On clicking the button, a folder is created in the Desktop containing the assigned RPT layout of the form and XML of the data of the currently selected record.

Note: In case no RPT has been assigned to the form, the default RPT shall get exported.

The following transactions currently display this feature:


  • Goods Receive
  • Packet
  • Goods Return
  • Gift Voucher Issue
  • Deposit / Refund
  • Petty Cash
  • POS Order

POS Control

  • Bill Modification
  • Pay In/Out
  • Payment Drop

37924 POS Reason Master now has an extinct option in Retail Management


Retail Management - Setup - Reason

Enhancement Summary:

Now the Reasons for various POS Operations like Goods Return, POS Return, POS Order Return, POS Bill Void, Delivery Slip Void etc. can be made extinct at Ginesys HO and synced to the POS.

Note: The Reason Lookup will only display the non-extinct reasons only.


35210 Production Data is now available for creation of Web reports


Ginesys Web - Reports

Enhancement Summary:

Now data for following masters and transactions for Production module are available for creation of Ginesys Web Reports.

  • Process Master
  • Process Rate
  • Process Article Rate
  • Process Item Rate
  • Route Master
  • Route Detail
  • Route Group Master
  • Route Group Detail
  • Sub-Assembly Item
  • Sub-Component Item
  • Component Item
  • BOM Master
  • BOM Version
  • BOM Details
  • BOM Operation
  • Cost Sheet Master
  • Cost Sheet BOM
  • Cost Sheet Operation

35653 Site wise MOP wise summarized collection report for a given period is now available


Ginesys Web - Reports

Enhancement Summary:

Site wise MOP wise summarized collection report  is now available for creation from Ginesys Reports.




37793 Format for Purchase Order Document Report is now available in Ginesys Web Reports


Procurement - Order Management - Purchase Order

Enhancement Summary:

Ginesys Web Reports now offers Purchase Order Document Report.




37871 Format for Delivery Challan Document Report is now available in Ginesys Web Reports


Sales and Distribution - Delivery -  Delivery Challan (Against Order)

Sales and Distribution - Delivery -  Delivery Challan (Adhoc)

Enhancement Summary:

Delivery Challan (Against Order) and Delivery Challan (Adhoc) document report is available in Ginesys Web Reports

Note: Delivery Challan (Against Reservation) does not offer any document reports in Ginesys Web Reports.


37872 Format for Sales Order Document Report is now available in Ginesys Web Reports


Sales and Distribution - Order Management - Sales Order

Enhancement Summary:

Ginesys Web Reports now offers Sales Order Document Report.


37877 Now only validated e-mail ids will be updated in POS Customers in HO


Ginesys Web - Retail Management - Setup - POS Customers
Ginesys POS - Customer - Add / Modify Customer

Enhancement Summary:

Often junk e-mail ids (i.e. without @ emailservice engines) get updated in the database of POS Customers. After this update, POS Customer database will only update properly validated syntax of email-id.


37879 Web Report Kit version will now be visible in the landing page of Home, Repository and Server


Ginesys Web - Reports

Enhancement Summary:

Web Report Kit version (in the  XX.YY.ZZ  format) and the compatible Ginesys Version will now be visible throughout the Web modules in the footer section. Please follow New Ginesys Reports Update Guide - Ginesys Version 11.135.0 for greater clarity.


37907 Only pre-filtered entries will be shown initially, when the some of the modules is opened at POS


POS - Back Office - All transaction modules with list

Enhancement Summary:

Currently data of some modules, like POS Bill List view in Bill Modification, takes lots of time to show the details in the grid. So now when the following modules are opened, only unsettled data will be shown initially. If required, user can change it by removing the pre-filter.


  • If already a filter exists as default for the module, system will not mark the new new pre-filter as default.
  • If no filter exists for the module, system will add new pre-filter and set it as default.

The data will be filtered for the following modules:

  • POS Bill Modification
  • GRC Advice
  • GRC
  • GRT Advice
  • Packet List
  • GRT
  • Settlement
  • Stock Point Transfer
  • GV Bill
  • Deposit Refund Bill
  • Petty Cash Bill
  • POS Order
  • Purchase Order
  • Purchase Return

37915 Multiple application server removal has been made easier



Enhancement Summary:

Multiple application servers existing in the same LAN (Local Area Network) stops POS from functioning. Now, demoting the Application server will also clear information of the obsolete server from the database. Message for the same has been changed and made more user-friendly and caption for the button has been changed to 'Clear Obsolete Application Servers'.


37917 The POS Application automatically detects and installs the Sync service if not available in the server



Enhancement Summary:

Sometimes it has been found that the POS Application Server does not have the Sync service installed. During POS Start-up, if the POS application detects that the machine is not running on shared mode but does not have the GINESYS POS Scheduler Service installed; then it asks for user confirmation for POS Application Server identification. On confirmation, it installs the GINESYS POS Scheduler Service.


37918 In case of abnormal shutdown, allow to open Database Backup utility and not the Database Locator during POS startup


Database Backup Utility

Enhancement Summary:

In case of abnormal shutdown, it is necessary to take a full database backup to enable POS Startup.  So now, in case of an abnormal shutdown at POS, the Database Backup Utility is opened to facilitate the flow of work. The following message is displayed - 

An abnormal shutdown has been detected for SQL Server.

Please take a full database backup to proceed.

Take Database Backup now?


38868 Some generic format enhancements have been done in Sales Invoice Web report


Ginesys Web - Reports

Enhancement Summary:

The generic format of the Sales Invoice Web report has been enhanced for greater clarity.


38939 Configuring the link between Ginesys and Ginesys Web Reports, through GinApps.config, has been simplified



Enhancement Summary:

Earlier, two keys had to be provided in GinApps.config to configure Ginesys Web Reports but now only ReportUI Key will be required for the configuration. Please follow

Ginesys Reports Installation Guide for greater clarity.


31469 Item download in POS will now be possible through web API


Retail Management - Utilities - Web API

Enhancement Summary:

Item download is now possible through Web API. Please follow the given steps to configure the web API for Item Download in POS.

Note: In the users' role the access to Web API in Retail Management module must be provided through Admin > Security > Role.

Web API User Creation

  1. Create a POS user in Retail Management as an API user by selecting the text box for Is API User
  2. Click on Generate Key button. A key will be generated for security authentication.
  3. Save the user.

Web API Configuration

  1. Go to Retail Management > Utilities > Configure > Web API
  2. Specify the Base URL through which the HO API is communicated to the store application. (eg. http://<machine name of the server or the IP address of the server>/WebAPI)
  3. Provide the effective date from which the Web API can be used in POS.

    Note: The date selected can only be the date of configuration or any future date.

  4. Select the API user earlier created. This will ensure the secure use of the API.
  5. Save the configuration.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
137779 N.A.


GINESYS - Web Report 

Reported Version:



1. Set the Company Logo in path ...GSL\GINESYS12\WebUI\UI\resources\images as 'GinesysLogoNew'.
2. After version update GinesysLogoNew image change as GINESYS logo.
3. Report is showing GINESYS logo.


38383 If the same Item with same rate is captured multiple times in some documents, it is displayed multiple times in the report



Procurement - Goods Receive Challan

Procurement - Order Management - Purchase Order

Procurement - Goods Return Challan

Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice

Sales and Distribution

Sales and Distribution - Order Management - Sales Order

Sales and Distribution - Order Management - Transfer Order

Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan

Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Out

Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In

Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Return Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Open any one of the above forms.
  2. Select or scan the same item with same rate multiple times.
  3. Save the form. 
  4. Now run Ginesys Web Reports for the afore mentioned form.
  5. Observe that the selected item is displayed multiple times in the report.

38876 Basic rate of the item is getting wrongly populated in automatic Transfer Out and Sales Invoices


Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Out

Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Ensure that Auto-Transfer Out and Auto-Sales Invoice is enabled in User's profile
  2. Define a Price List with following configuration: 
    1. Mark Down
    2. Tax Inclusion setting: "Based on Selected price type after Markdown" 
  3. Observe that the time of doing Auto Transfer Out from Delivery challan, wrong Basic Amount is getting calculated. 

  4. The Net Amount is getting populated in Basic. 

Suppose Item's basic is ₹100, and 5% IGST is charged. After charge amount calculation, the net amount i.e., ₹105 is getting populated as item's Basic Amount in Transfer Out. 

Note: Correct amount is getting calculated for manual Transfer Out and Sales Invoice 


38941 The Home and the Server modules of Ginesys Web reports are not opening


GINESYS - Web Report 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Reports.
  2. Click on both Home and Server modules separately.
  3. Observe that neither of them are opening.

    Note: The above issue occurs due to mismatch of ports between public and local IP, after updating to this version our users will not face this issue any more.


39194 1. Ledger: This field is required. Select a value from the list. - Incorrect message displayed when user tries to save document for secondary store


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Retail Sale - Store - Franchise (Secondary)

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Retail Sale > Store > Franchise (Secondary).
  2. Try to add or edit a store.
  3. Observe that the following incorrect message is displayed and the document cannot be saved - "1. Ledger: This field is required. Select a value from the list."

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