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Release Notes 11.127.0 -1.127.0


Release Date

09 August 2017 

HO Version 11.127.0
POS Version 1.127.0
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 00
Bug Fixes 02

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 31779 N.A.

31779 In Delivery Challan against Reservation pending item is not populating


Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan (Against Reservation)

Reported Version:



1. Create Sales Order as reservation.
2. Create Pick list for order item.
3. Save the pick list.
4. Confirm the Pick List.
5. Going to create DC against Reservation.
6. After selection of pick list pending item is not populating.

2 31802 N.A.

31802 Performance optimized for Recalculate Tax for Store 


Retail Management - Utilities - Recalculate Tax

Reported Version:

11.126.4 /1.126.3


Recalculate Tax feature for POS has been optimized to perform better and quicker.