Release Notes 11.125.0 - 1.125.0

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Release Notes 11.125.0 - 1.125.0


Release Date

13 July 2017

HO Version11.125.0
POS Version1.125.0 
Web Database Compatibility Version1.9
Features & Enhancements03
Bug Fixes06

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID


GST slab calculation for 'Tax Inclusive' process has been revised


Ginesys POS - Normal POS / Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

Government of India has published slabs on certain category of goods like apprarels. As per the published rates, the slab has been defined as per taxable value/transaction value, i.e., as per 'Net Price'. However, in case of retail sales where tax is inclusive in the price on which the Item is being sold, the slab derivation was done as per the net price. This was leading to some confusion and clarification was received from industry experts on how this calculation should be done. We have updated our slab derivation process and below are the details on how this shall work.


In Apparels, if the slab is defined as 0-1000.00 @ 5% and 1000.01 & above 12%. For any Item with Net Amount upto Rs. 1050.00, the tax will be applied @ 5%. For Items above Rs. 1050.00 tax shall be applied @ 12%.

Recalculate Tax shall be released shortly for wrong slab tax calculations

We shall be releasing a recalculate tax option for existing Point of Sale invoices which shall rectify the Items with Net Amount from Rs. 1000.01 upto Rs. 1050.00. 5% GST shall be charged on those items.

Redefine Apprarels Slab to 1000.01 from 1050

We came across some installations who have defined slabs as per tax inclusive, i.e., they have specified 'Amount From' for second slab as 1050.00 or 1051.00 to cater this tax inclusive billing at Point of Sale. Please ensure to update your slab to 1000.01 from 1050.00 or 1051.00 or any other value.

If this is not updated, tax derivation will not work properly and wrong tax shall be calculated.

2 30847

Extra Charge in Promotions Introduced


Ginesys Web - Retail Management - Promotion - Definition
Ginesys POS - Normal POS / Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

We have introduced a concept of charging fixed extra charge on promotional discounted items. Previously, using 'Charge Tax Extra on all discounted promotional Items' option only extra tax used to be calculated but fixed extra charge (percentage wise) was not possible. Consider a scenario where extra charge needs to be calculated on discounted items but not entire GST %, only partial of the same needs to be charged. You can use this option to calculate fixed charge on the discounted value.

Note: Existing flow of "Extra Tax" on discounted items is now mapped as -

  • Mark 'Charges Extra on all discounted promotional Items' as 'Yes'
  • Select Charge basis as 'Taxes'


A product of RSP of Rs. 3000.00 is being offered at flat 50% off. Post applying promotional discount, the price becomes Rs. 1500.00. However, if extra tax is charged, 12% GST would have been applied. But few retailers doesn't want to charge entire GST 12% to the customers, they want to charge only 5% extra (as per previous tax regime). This scenario is now possible in Ginesys using "Extra Charge" option with Fixed factor.


Promotional discounts in Buy / Get promotions can now be apportioned to both Buy / Get Items


Ginesys Web - Retail Management - Promotion - Definition
Ginesys POS - Normal POS / Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

Ginesys now allows you to apportion the discounted value of Get Items to both Buy as well as Get Items. This is optional and can be configured while defining promotions using 'Apply discount to all Items' option. If this is enabled and extra charge is also enabled for the promotion, then extra charge shall be calculated on both buy & get Items.

Note: This is applicable only for Item level promotions. It is not applicable for Memo/Bill level promotions.


Consider a scenario where there was an offer going on of Buy 1 Get 1 free. 2 Items are selected in the bill: Item A: Rs. 3000, Item B: 2000

When Apply discount to all Items = 'No'When Apply discount to all Items = 'Yes'

Item AItem BItem AItem B
Discounted Item Values

Rs. 3000.00
(Rs. 0.00 discount)

Rs. 0.00
(Rs. 2000.00 discount)
Rs. 1800.00
(Rs. 1200.00 discount)
Rs. 1200.00
(Rs. 800.00 discount)
Extra Charge (5%)0.00
(As no discount applied)
(As principal value is 0.00)
Rs. 90.00
(5% on Rs. 1800.00)
Rs. 60.00
(5% on Rs. 1200.00)
Item Net AmountRs. 3000.00Rs. 0.00Rs. 1890.00Rs. 1260.00
Total Bill ValueRs. 3000.00Rs. 3150.00

Returns/Exchanges for these sale needs to be handled operationally

We recommend you to exchange these promotional items on adhoc basis and not using return against bill option.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 30932 N.A.

 30932 An error is being generated, if tax name is not defined in Excel Import or in Article while item is created


Inventory - Item Definition - Create Item 

Reported Version:



An error is being generated, if tax name is not defined in Excel Import or in Article while item is created.

2 30923N.A.

30923 If a user has more than one site tagged then he is not being able to switch to his default site from another assigned connected site


Change Site

Reported Version:



  1. Create a user with more than one site tagged.
  2. Connect from the default site.
  3. Change site to any other assigned site.
  4. Now attempt to change back to default site.
  5. Observe error being displayed.
3 30908N.A.

 30908 In Delivery Challan [Against Order] - Populate Pending Order - Advance Mode; Set Barcode Scan Quantity is not populating proper quantity


Sales and Distribution - Delivery Challan - Delivery Challan [Against Order] - Populate Pending Order - Advance Mode 

Reported Version:



1. Create Set with 5 quantity in one item.
2. Make Sales Order for single set (quantity 5)
3. User create DC against Sales Order but scan set multiple times.
4. System is not restricting scanning the set multiple times.

4 30894N.A.

30894 Day End check was appearing in Release Document (Finance and Sales & Distribution)


Sales and Distribution - Approval - Release Document

Finance - Approval - Release Document

Reported Version:



1. Day status should be Close
2. Create Sales Invoice and General Voucher as Unposted document.
3. Now try to release the document from Finance and Sales and Distribution Approval module.

5 30941N.A.

30941 Goods Received Against order was generating data validation error when user is editing the term factor.


Procurement - Order Management - Goods Receive Challan Agst Order 

Reported Version:



1. Create PO with some item and tagged the term as (Freight+ CGST+SGST+Compensation Charge)
2. Make GRC against above Order .
3. Now edit the freight charge with some value.
4.  " A data validation error" is displayed when user going to save the document.


30940 If the codes of the connected OU and the connected site do not match, the Sales Return register report was generating blank data


Sales and Distribution - Outright - Registers - Sales Return Register Report 

Reported Version:



If the codes of the connected OU and the connected site do not match, the Sales Return register report was generating blank data.




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