Release Notes 11.105.0 - 1.105.0

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Release Notes 11.105.0 - 1.105.0


Release Date


HO Version11.105.0
POS Version1.105.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.3.0
Features & Enhancements08
Bug Fixes03

Features & Enhancements



Easyrewardz coupon redemption is now possible in GINESYS POS


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Admin - Security
GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Site
GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Coupon - Manage - Coupon Offer
POS Mode – Normal POS
POS Mode – POS as Collection Center

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier only accrual and redemption of points for Easyrewardz member customers were done. Now GINESYS will allow redemption of Easyrewardz generated coupons at POS.


Customer provides Easyrewardz coupon at the time of billing. The coupon is scanned and on customer validation through OTP (optional) the benefit attached to the coupon is applied. Coupons will be generated and validated by Easyrewardz and redeemed by GINESYS POS. The customer may get the coupons either by mail or through SMS. The coupon redemption conditions may vary – coupons may be customer specific, store specific, assortment specific, OTP enabled or non-enabled etc. depending on the understanding between our users and Easyrewardz.


Stock Point Transfer Report now provided in Analytics


POS Mode - Normal POS - Back office - Analytics
GINESYS Launchpad – POS Analytics

Enhancement Summary:

When stock point transfers are made at POS sites, no reports of such transfers were earlier possible through Analytics whether at POS or Retail Management (HO). However, now, such details can be presented in the Stock Point Transfers Analytics Report.


Stock transfers are continuously being made between the various stock points (showroom and godowns) in each of the POS sites, it is important to know the products being transferred, the dates, the source and the destination stock points especially for planning and delivery.


Changes in promo-benefit (X no of item(s) from GET pool) and 'Amount' based discount type.


Retail - Sales Promotion - Define Promo
Web Retail Management - Promotion - Manage - Sample Testing

Enhancement Summary:

Defining complex promotions based on buy-get assortment and different benefits are now possible. Please note that all changes are Item Level and not Memo Level and will be applicable on Quantity Based Simple Benefit, Quantity Based Slabwise Benefit and Value Based Slabwise Benefit.
Now it is possible to define promotions with conditions like

  • Benefit of 'Any number of item(s) from assortment' for promo-benefit 'X no if item(s) from GET pool'.
  • "Amount" based discount benefit resolution on BUY/GET assortment items are now apportioned.
  • "Fixed Price" discount type is now applicable only on EACH basis when 'Any number of item(s) from assortment' option is selected for promo-benefit 'X no if item(s) from GET pool'.


Suppose there are two assortments Assortment 1 is a BUY assortment while Assortment 2 is a GET assortment. Now it will be possible to define a promotion in which a customer while buying any number of items of value X from Assortment 1 can get a discount of value Y on Assortment 2 with the discount being apportioned to any number of items bought following a definite apportion logic.
Another promotion can be defined as on buying X no. of items from Assortment 1 customer can get Y no. of items free from Assortment 2.


MOP modification provided in Deposit/Refund bill


POS – Back Office – Transaction – Deposit / Refund bill

Enhancement Summary:

In deposit / refund bill there was no provision for editing the MOP, now MOP types – Cash / Credit Card / Voucher can now be modified however the total amount in the Deposit / Refund Bill cannot change. Note: The privilege in policy setting "Allow mode of payment modification" should be given for allowing the operator to modify MOP.


Sometimes either due to human error or due to rush hour sales traffic, wrong MOP gets tagged in the Deposit / Refund Bill; now GINESYS provides a way to correct such inadvertent mistakes.


Multiple price of POS items can now be captured while creating Goods Receive Challan


Admin - Security Setting - User Profile Procurement - Goods Receive Challan
Procurement - Order Management - Goods Receive Challan (Against Order)

Enhancement Summary:

Since it is tedious to enter new "RSP" from Price Control, the multiple applicable prices of an item can now be captured from the GRC screen.


If there are a large number of items in a GRC with multiple prices then it becomes easier and more meaningful to capture the multiple price details from the GRC screen itself rather than again opening the Price Control.


Excise Calculation Compatibility as per budget 2016 is now incorporated


Procurement - GRC Adhoc
Procurement - GRC wizard
Procurement – Order Management - GRC Against Order
Procurement – Order Management - Purchase Order
Procurement – Invoicing - Purchase invoice
Procurement – Invoicing - Consignment Invoice
Procurement – Goods Return Challan - Goods Return Challan – Adhoc
Procurement – Goods Return Challan - Goods Return Challan – Wizard
Procurement – Goods Return Challan - Goods Return Challan – Against GRC
Procurement – Invoicing - Purchase Return Debit Note
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Order
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Order Wizard
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Order
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer order wizard
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Invoice
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Return
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Order
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In(Against Transfer Out)
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In Adhoc
Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In(Against Transfer Out) for managed site
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Return for managed site

Enhancement Summary:

The Excise Duty has been re-imposed on garments ranging from garments with RSP INR1000 and above with an abatement of 40% in the National Budget of 2016-17. GINESYS has made the application compatible to this change. The modules which have been affected by the above changes lie in Procurement and Sales and Distribution.

For, Managed Outright Store i.e. Outright sale where Secondary Stock is tracked, if Term selected is having Excise charge whose rate is picked from Tariff Master – then, Saving of Sales Invoice is not allowed. The error message displayed is:
"Excise Duty charged extra is not allowed for Outright Sales of Managed Sites, it is considered to be inclusive of item's RSP. Unable to Save."

Steps to implement:
Please follow the steps given below to ensure the smooth functioning of the software related to the above.
Step 1. Create a Document Numbering Scheme with 'Excise Applicable' check box ticked. (Admin>> Utilities >> Document Settings >> Document Numbering Scheme)
Step 2. Tag the Excise document scheme with the respective module.
Step 3. Select the excise document numbering scheme in the Organization Site - Document numbering Scheme list (Admin >> Organization Hierarchy >>Organization Unit)
Step 4. Create Excise Tariff Master as on date, as per applicable tariff. (Inventory >> Tax Definition >> Excise Tariff)
Step 5. Tag Excise Tariff with Inventory Group at Department level. (Inventory >> Product Definition >> Product Hierarchy)
Step 6. Select the Excise document numbering scheme to create new document.


Performance of Excel Import enhanced


GINESYS Web - Admin – Roles
GINESYS Web - Admin – Utilities – Data Import

Enhancement Summary:

Importing Excel is one of the most efficient processes of populating data in the system and saves on time and effort. Earlier in the Retail it was used for adding data related to customer, gift voucher etc. However, it took some time to import a large amount of data.
Now the import excel functionality has been improved and brought to GINESYS web. Three existing import operations have been migrated: import of retail customer, gift voucher and gift voucher allocation.


Excel Import performance enhancement technical notes

If you are having 32 bit Microsoft Office in a 64 bit server machine and you are trying to launch AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe (Microsoft ACE OLEDB Provider) then you may find the following errors,

either - You cannot install the 64-bit version of Microsoft Access Database Engine 2010 because you currently have 32-bit products installed

or - The Microsoft Ace OLEDB 12.0 is not registered on the GINESYS APPLICATION SERVER

To have it run properly you need to launch it from a command line with the “/passive” argument specified. To install the Microsoft ACE OLEDB Provider 64-bit on a machine running Office 2010 32-bit: C:\> AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe /passive [where C:\ stands for the drive in which the Microsoft Office is installed] You can download and install AccessDatabaseEngine_X64.exe from the following link



Suppose a lot of customers or gift voucher details need to be added to the database within a short time, then this import excel feature allows users to do that with a few clicks and minimum fuss.


Goods should be returned from the supplier last in the particular site


Procurement - Goods Return Challan - Goods Return Challan-Wizard

Enhancement Summary:

In HO, a particular item should be returned to the last supplier who had supplied it to that particular site. This helps in maintaining clarity and data integrity in the software.


Let’s say if Supplier A has supplied some items to Site 1 and Supplier B has provided the same items to Site 2. Then the GRT has to be made with respect to Supplier A when the goods are returned from Site 1 and GRT will be made against Supplier B when the goods are returned from Site 2. No GRT can be created for Supplier B from Site 1 or Supplier A from Site 2 for those items if supplier is selected in the first step of the wizard.

Bug Fixes



Wrong scan factor was not allowing transaction to take place


Wherever Item selection is applicable in -

  • Inventory
  • Procurement
  • Sales and Distribution

Reported Version:



Transaction quantity must be multiples of the scan factor. The Sales/Scan factor in all Procurement/S&D/Inventory forms where items, which are transacted in fractional quantities, were becoming nonfunctional due to wrong scan factor.


In case of those items which are transacted in fractional quantities and have the wrong scan factor, please make the necessary changes in the scan unit through Global Change in Modify/Manage Item. If neglected it could result in work-stopper issues.


Transit stock points were showing in all analytic reports


GINESYS Launchpad – POS Analytics – Category - Stock

Reported Version:



Transit stock points needed to be removed from all analytic reports for proper reflection of stock at POS sites.


Changes in site policies done by HO were not being reflected in the POS sites


Retail - Setup - Site Policy

Reported Version:



There was an issue with the changes in site policies done by HO not being reflected in the POS sites.




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