Release Note 11.151.25

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Release Note 11.151.25


Release Date

10 April 2020

HO Version11.151.25
POS Version1.151.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements11
Bug Fixes00

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

14271 / 36659GIN-852 / GIN-1181

4271 All 3 modes of Goods Return Challan has been migrated to Ginesys Web application under a single menu named ‘Returns’


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operation – Goods In/Out - Returns

Enhancement Summary:

Goods Return Challan module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make it more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. Module for Goods Return Challan - Adhoc, Goods Return Challan – Agst Goods Receive and Goods Return Challan - Wizard is now merged into Returns. Depending upon selected logged user’s profile, respective mode will be allowed.
  2. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  3. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert. These action are no more profile dependent.
  4. Profile related changes:
    1. New setting has been introduced for Allow creation of Goods Return  with below options and behavior -
      1. Adhoc Only is selected if the user is allowed for only adhoc returns.
      2. Against Receipt Only is selected if the user is allowed to return goods only against reference Receipt entry.

        Default selection

        Note: By default this option will be selected.

      3.  Both Adhoc and Against Receipt is selected in case the user is allowed to return via both Adhoc and Against Receipts.


        Note: Modification of entries are also dependent.

    2. 'Allow generation of multiple Returns through Wizard Mode' – this setting must be enabled to allow creation of Goods return via Wizard mode.

    3. ‘Display rate and value in Receipts and Returns’ – New option has been provided in order to restrict user to view rate and amount for the goods returned. must be selected so that rate and value are displayed while creating Goods Returns.

    4. 'Allow rate modification in Adhoc Returns' - user profile setting must be enabled to modify rate in Adhoc Returns.

    5. Profile options removed as no longer applicable: ‘Allow Authorization of GRT made from Store Site' and 'Allow to Revert GRT made from Store Site'.

  5. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Return. It cannot be modified in edit mode.

  6. Toggle switch introduced for Entry Mode – Against Receipt or Adhoc. Default Value – Against Receipt. Switching is allowed only if User Profile setting Allow creation of Goods Return is ‘Both Adhoc and Against Receipt’ option selected. Otherwise, fixed values  for either Against Receipt or Adhoc will be displayed based upon the User Profile assignment.

  7. A display field for Return Type  has been added. In case of Return Against Receipt – the return type flows from the selected receipt. Whereas for Adhoc Return it will always be Non Consignment.

  8. Item selection options are different for Entry Modes.

    1. Adhoc – has four (4) modes of item selection; Select Item, Scan Item, Import Barcode and Copy Return.

    2. Against Receipt - has single mode of item selection - Select Receipt Items.

  9. Goods Return Challan - Wizard has been migrated under Action button options for Wizard.

  10. In Wizard mode, Document Numbering Scheme for both Adhoc and Against Receipt will be same as selected in initial window.

  11. Return can made either Adhoc or Against Receipts; Mixed mode is not allowed.

  12. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated authentically on saving.

  13. Charge Addition or deletion is not allowed. Modification of charge formula is also not allowed. Only change in Factor, Sign are now allowed for populated charges.

  14. Charge Summary Block to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.

  15. Charge details can be seen from three section - Hyperlink of the Charge Block, Item Charge of Receipt Information block and Item Charge of Item Information block.

  16. Option to perform actions like Release, Revert, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.

  17. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.

  18. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.

  19. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.

  20. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.

  21. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.

  22. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Vendor Details and Vendor Statistics as in other modules.

Important information


  1. New profile options introduced, needs to be assigned with respective values. 
  2. A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.
  3. Import Excel is currently provided in D2K as a generic feature within Select Item. Logically, creation or modification of item in Goods Return shouldn't be the desired behaviour. Hence not considered in this migration.
  4. Export to Excel feature is introduced to export the grid data into Excel sheet from 'Items with Receipt', 'Items without Receipt' and 'Generated Returns' block in Goods Return - Wizard.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing GRT (Goods Return Challan) in Ginesys Web




41315 Purchase Invoice(PI) has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with several new features


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operation – Purchase / Assets Invoicing - Purchase Invoice

Enhancement Summary:

Purchase Invoice module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Purchase Invoice more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. Module for Consignment Invoice is now merged with Purchase Invoice. Depending upon selected Vendor and logged user’s profile, respective Invoice will be generated.
  2. New option has been added in User Profile for ‘Purchase Invoice Mode’ with user options for ‘Consignment / Non-Consignment / Both’. User can be restricted for creation of Consignment or Non-Consignment Invoice with separate profiles.
  3. Field for GRC Type has been made in enabled for modification, if Invoice Mode for the user is set to Both, as well applicable for the selected Vendor.
  4. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  5. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent.
  6. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creation. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  7. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are two sections – Receipt Information and Item Information. Item details will be populated as per selected challan.
  8. Different Item selection modes are provided for Consignment and Non-Consignment type of Invoice. For Consignment Invoice - Item wise selection option i.e. FIFO mode and Select Receipts with item selection option is provided. For Non-Consignment Invoice only Receipt selection option is provided.
  9. Modification of Invoice Qty and Rate is allowed only when the GST Applicability for the selected Document Numbering = No.
  10. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated authentically on saving.
  11. Charge Addition or deletion is not allowed. Modification of charge formula is also not allowed. Only change in Factor, Sign and Ledger are now allowed for populated charges.
  12. Charge Summary Block to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.
  13. Charge details can be seen from three section - Hyperlink of the Charge Block, Item Charge of Receipt Information block and Item Charge of Item Information block. 
  14. Auto Debit Note/Credit Note can now be generated for Consignment Invoice also, depending upon the difference of Invoice Rate. (Note: Difference in quantity is not eligible for generation of DN/CN in consignment type of entry)
  15. Option to perform actions like Release, Revert, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  16. Purchase Ledger, if defined in Purchase Term, will get populated from Purchase Term. In this case, Purchase Ledger modification is not allowed. If no Purchase Ledger is defined in Purchase Term, then any non-extinct and General type of ledgers can be selected.
  17. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  18. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.
  19. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  20. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  21. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  22. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  23. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Vendor Details and Vendor Statistics as in other modules.

Important information


  1. New profiles introduced, needs to be assigned with respective values. 
  2. Allow Release of Un-Posted Document is still remain in the profile because the Purchase Credit Note and Debit Note. It has not impact with release and revert privilege in Sales Return.
  3. Form selection has been removed from the Web module.
  4. A default filter has been added in list page, created as Last 7 days. This filter is removable.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing PI (Purchase Invoice) in Ginesys Web




37665 Purchase Return has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operation – Purchase / Assets Invoicing - Purchase Return

Enhancement Summary:

Purchase Return module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Purchase Return more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. Purchase Return Invoice is termed as Purchase Return in web application.
  2. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  3. New app operations are introduced for Release, Revert and Auto Release. These action are no more profile dependent.
  4. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Purchase Return. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  5. The Item section has got some UI changes. There are two sections – Document Details and Item Details. Item details will be populated as per selected return challan.
  6. Item selection can be done from option provided of ‘Select Returns’. Adhoc item selection is not allowed.
  7. Auto Charge Calculation is introduced. If the user do not calculate the charge manually, the charge will be calculated authentically on saving.
  8. Charge Addition or deletion is not allowed. Modification of charge formula is also not allowed. Only change in Factor, Sign and Ledger are now allowed for populated charges.
  9. Charge Summary Block to display the details of applied charges, with an hyperlink on charge names displaying the applicable items in a separate window.
  10. Charge details can be seen from three section - Hyperlink of the Charge Block, Item Charge of Document Details block and Item Charge of Item Details block. 
  11. Option to perform actions like Release, Revert, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  12. Auto generation of Purchase Return from Return challan, will open the Purchase Return module, with data populated from the source challan.
  13. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  14. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.
  15. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  16. Ledger View button has been provided to get the details of the accounts posting, will be reflecting data in Edit mode only.
  17. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  18. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  19. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Vendor Details and Vendor Statistics as in other modules.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Releasing, Reverting & Printing Purchase Return in Ginesys Web




49095 Site Stock Transfer has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Invoicing – Site Stock Transfer

Enhancement Summary:

Site Stock Transfer module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make it more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. Select Item option here displays only those items which were transferred to the source site. Item which was never sent to source site will not be displayed in item selection.
  3. Negative stock validation is applied based on Item master and User Profile.
  4. Option for creation of multiple transfer entries via Import Excel can be done from Admin – Utilities – Manage – Data Import: class name - Site Stock Transfer
  5. Option to perform actions like Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  6. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  7. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  8. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  9. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary.
  10. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  11. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry. 

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing Site Stock Transfer in Ginesys Web




37704 Stock Point Transfer has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Transfers – Stock Point Transfer

Enhancement Summary:

Stock Point Transfer module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make it more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creation. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  3. The Item section has all three item selection options, Select, Scan and Import barcode.
  4. Option to perform actions like Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  5. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  6. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  7. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  8. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary.
  9. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  10. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.

To know more - Adding, Editing and Deleting Stock Point Transfer in Ginesys Web




41220 Stock Audit Plan has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Stock Audit – Audit Plan

Enhancement Summary:

Stock Audit module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make it more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete
  2. Menu for Verify/Update Stock in desktop Application has now been merged into Audit Plan. New App-operation has been introduced in the name Verify/Update and the option is provided in the Action menu from landing page.
  3. Landing page will display all the plan created, with their status and other information’s.
  4. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creation. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  5. Existing field of ‘Plan Description’ has been renamed to Plan Name
  6. On creation of new plan, option has been provided for selection of Plan Mode,e.g. Item wise or Assortment wise.
  7. Plan detail section will be displayed as per Plan Mode. If Item wise, then all three options for item selection will be provided and grid will be disabled for modification of properties. If Plan mode is Assortment wise then item selection option will not be available and grid will be enabled for specification of item group and category information to create assortment.
  8. If Assortment based plan is selected, then selection list of Item Group will display an option for Entire Stock. This can be used if all items for the organization are to be considered in the said plan. No other field value section is required on selection of Entire Stock.
  9. Show Items window has been provided to view the items catered in the selected plan. This can be seen in Edit mode only when the plan status is not in New or Complete state.
    1. Export Item option has been provided from Show Items window. It will generate a file with all the item barcode considered within the Plan.
    2. Refresh option is also provided in Show Item window. It will be displayed only when the plan mode is Assortment wise and state is Active.
  10. Plan Status is displayed in header block i.e. General information block. Modification is not allowed. Change of Status can be done with the help of function button from Edit mode only, provided at the bottom of the page. Split button with multiple action option is also provided.
    1. If Status = New, then Save and Activate is provided along with option to Save only.
    2. If Status = Active, then
      1. If Stock Entry is not done then button for Revert, Save & Lock is provided along with option to Save only.
      2. If Stock Entry is done, then button for Save & Lock is provided along with option to Save only.
    3. If Status = Locked for Verification, then button for Revert and Save is provided.
    4. If Status = Updated Plan, then button for Revert and Save & Complete is provided along with option to Save only.
  11. Verification of Stock Entry is made very easy and simple as it is provided in Grid View, with option of Sort, Filter, Search. Document report print is not required to check the audit report. Even if required can be generated from Web Reports module.
  12. After Update of Stock Audit, Adjustment entry number generated is now displayed in List page for the respective plan. Report for detail of Adjustment entry, if required, can be generated from Web Reports module. 

    Important information - Removal of module

    Note: Module for Stock Adjustment has been removed from the application.

    To know more - Adding, Editing & Verifying Stock Audit Plan in Ginesys Web




41243 Stock Entry has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Stock Audit – Stock Entry

Enhancement Summary:

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creation. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  3. Plan Name selection is required for proceeding with Stock Entry.
  4. Inventory month closure and user lock days check has been validated from Stock Entry proceedings.
  5. The Item section has all three item selection options, Select, Scan and Import barcode.
  6. Option to perform actions like Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  7. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  8. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary.
  9. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  10. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.

To know more - Adding, Editing & Deleting Audit Entry in Ginesys Web




37613 Bundle has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Conversions - Bundle

Enhancement Summary:

Bundle module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Bundle more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. New app operations are introduced for Release. This action is no more profile dependent.
  3. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Bundle. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  4. In Stock Point is made optional if the Receive tab contains no data. Similarly, Out Stock Point is made optional if the Issue tab contains no data.
  5. The Item Information section has got some UI changes. There are two tabs – Issue and Receive. Separate item population tools are provided for each tabs.
  6. Option to perform actions like Release, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  7. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  8. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  9. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  10. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Jobber Details.
  11. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  12. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.
  13. Finance Month checks not to be performed as Bundle is an Inventory Document.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Releasing & Printing Bundle in Ginesys Web






41268 Production has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Conversions - Production

Enhancement Summary:

Production module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Production more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. New app operations are introduced for Release. This action is no more profile dependent.
  3. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Production. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  4. In Stock Point is made optional if the Production tab contains no data. Similarly, Out Stock Point is made optional if the Consumption tab contains no data.
  5. The Item Information section has got some UI changes. There are two tabs – Consumption and Production. Separate item population tools are provided for each tabs.
  6. Stock Point Transfer records can now be filtered using desired Date range.
  7. Option to perform actions like Release, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  8. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  9. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  10. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  11. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary, Jobber Details.
  12. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  13. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.
  14. Finance Month checks not to be performed as Production is an Inventory Document.
  15. Lot No. Field is now renamed as Reference No.
  16. Import Excel option is not provided.
  17. Track No. field is removed due to no use.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Releasing & Printing Production in Inventory




44910 Split has been migrated to Ginesys Web application with some new features


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Conversions - Split

Enhancement Summary:

Split module has been migrated to the Ginesys Web Application from Desktop Application with various enhanced features. Major UI changes have also been made in our quest to make Split more user-friendly –

Major Features:

  1. User Role privileges has now been app-operation based like Add, Modify, Delete, Print etc.
  2. New app operations are introduced for Release. This action is no more profile dependent.
  3. A new field Owner Site (Mandatory Field) has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Split. It cannot be modified in edit mode.
  4. The Add items window has got some UI changes. Separate section is provided for Edit Item Information in the right hand side. Assign New RSP section is moved to a separate button at the bottom of the window.
  5. New Item Barcodes will now be created on SAVE, not on the population of old item(s) from Add Item window.
  6. Quantity modification is allowed in the base grid.
  7. Both Old and New Barcodes are now hyper-linked. Respective Item Properties can be viewed by clicking on the respective hyperlinks.
  8. Option to perform actions like Release, Delete and Print for multiple entries can now be done from module list page itself.
  9. Print Preference has been added to web module to enable Print on save option.
  10. User Defined Fields (Number, Date, Memo etc.) have been introduced.
  11. Attachment has been introduced to attach any documents.
  12. Side Panel provided in the top right hand corner opens to provide a view of the Document Summary.
  13. Grid level demarcation option is provided to filter Stop/Warning rows.
  14. Alert Icon in header panel is introduced revealing the reason(s) behind unavailability of Save option for the entry.
  15. Finance Month checks not to be performed as Split is an Inventory Document.

To know more - Adding, Editing, Deleting, Releasing & Printing Split in Ginesys Web




39151 Alert to be displayed to specify reason of restriction during modification of the web modules


Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operation – Goods In/Out - Receipts

Ginesys Web – Procurement – Operation – Goods In/Out - Returns

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Delivery – Delivery Adhoc

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Delivery – Delivery Against Order

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Delivery – Delivery Against Reservation

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Invoicing – Sales Invoice

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Invoicing – Sales Return

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Transfer – Transfer In

Ginesys Web – Sales & Distribution – Operations – Transfer – Transfer Out

Ginesys Web – Inventory – Operations – Miscellaneous Entry

Enhancement Summary:

Now an alert icon can be seen in the header panel of the above modules in edit mode; only when the document being viewed cannot be modified by the logged in user. Clicking on the alert icon will show the reason why modification was restricted.

Important information regarding this update

  1. The following features and their respective menus have been completely removed from the Ginesys Desktop -
    1. Procurement - Goods Return Challan Adhoc
    2. Procurement - Goods Return Challan Against Goods Receive
    3. Procurement - Goods Return Challan Wizard
    4. Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice
    5. Procurement - Invoicing - Consignment Invoice
    6. Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return
    7. Sales & Distribution - Outright - Site Stock Transfer
    8. Inventory - Stock Audit - Plan Stock Audit
    9. Inventory - Stock Audit - Stock Entry
    10. Inventory - Stock Audit - Verify/Update Stock
    11. Inventory - Stock Audit - Stock Adjustment
    12. Inventory - Transfers - Stock Point Transfer
    13. Inventory - Conversion - Bundle
    14. Inventory - Conversion - Split
    15. Inventory - Conversion - Production
    16. Inventory - Setup - Process Master

      While the rest are being migrated to Ginesys Web, Inventory - Setup - Process Master, is being completely removed as our users do not need it.
  2. The module Admin - Utilities - Application Tools - Navigator is being completely removed. Ginesys recommends using SQL Developer for those users who might require this feature. 

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