Release Notes 11.107.1

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Release Notes 11.107.1


Release Date


HO Version11.107.1
POS Version1.107.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.4.0
Features & Enhancements3
Bug Fixes12

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker




BO-I-60 New search and select options provided in Service Invoice – Against Document for Conversion, Job Receipt and Logistic services


Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice[Against Document]

Enhancement Summary:

  1. Now all documents of the following types which are to be tagged in the Service Invoice [Against Document] have been provided a Select All / Deselect All option through a check box.
    1. Service Invoice[Against Document] for Conversion type services
    2. Service Invoice[Against Document] for Job Receipt type services
    3. Service Invoice[Against Document] for Logistic type services

    Now all documents of the following types which are to be tagged in the Service Invoice [Against Document] have been provided a Select All / Deselect All option through a check box.

  2. New search options have been provided for following types of Services as specified below.
    1. For Conversion type services the search criterion is PRC. No.
    2. For Job Receipt type services the search criterion is JRC. No.
    3. For Logistic type services the search criteria are LR. No. and Document No.




GIN-I-261 Pending Accounts Receivable documents and pending Accounts Payable Documents can now be adjusted through the AR and AP modules respectively and can also be adjusted through the Document Adjustment Module.


Finance - Voucher - AR Voucher
Finance - Voucher - AP Voucher
Finance - Journal - Document Adjustment

Enhancement Summary:

2.1 Advances received towards goods or services to be delivered can now be displayed and adjusted in the AR documents themselves.

  1. Go to Finance > Voucher > AR Voucher
  2. Create or Select the Voucher
  3. In the Party Information grid, click on the Adjust button beside your selected SubLedger entry.4. In the Adjustment Entry window press F2.
  4. In the Selecting Pending Document window, select the documents you wish to adjust.
  5. Save the AR document.

2.2 Advances paid towards goods or services to be delivered can now be displayed and adjusted in the AP documents themselves. 


  1. Go to Finance > Voucher > AP Voucher
  2. Create or Select the Voucher
  3. In the Party Information grid, click on the Adjust button beside your selected Sub Ledger entry.
  4. In the Adjustment Entry window press F2.
  5. In the Selecting Pending Document window, select the documents you wish to adjust.
  6. Save the AP document.

2.3 Advances received and paid for goods and services can now be displayed and adjusted in the Document Adjustment module itself.


  1. Go to Finance > Journal > Document Adjustment
  2. Select the Sub Ledger of the Party
  3. In the Adjusted Document Information grid, press F2 button
  4. In the Selecting Pending Document window, select the documents you wish to adjust.
  5. Save the document.


Earlier negative adjustment in AR & AP vouchers was allowed but AP to AP or AR to AR adjustment was restricted. AP to AP tagging was allowed from Payment workbench, but not from Document Adjustment form and Document Adjustment window of the respective form.
Now, AP to AP and AR to AR adjustment has been allowed at all levels - Payment workbench, Document Adjustment and Document Adjustment of the relevant form.


16310 Performance of Cost Center Summary Register Report is improved


Finance - Register - Cost Center – Summary

Enhancement Summary:

Cost Center Summary Register Report in the Finance module is now enhanced in its performance.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116496 N.A.

16496 At F7 (Entry mode) option, Item scan unit was not getting picked from Item Master in Item Details of Goods Receive Challan.


Procurement - Goods Return Challan - Goods Return Challan - Adhoc

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Procurement>Goods Return Challan>Goods Return Challan - Adhoc
  2. Create a Goods Return Challan - Adhoc
  3. Go to Item Details and press F7
  4. Select manual Entry
  5. Enter item (with a scan unit defined as a whole number) and a decimal quantity.
  6. On trying to populate the record in the Item Details grid, an error message shows in which the scan unit is also mentioned.
  7. The message shows the wrongly entered quantity as the scan unit.

    Note : Item scan unit is now getting picked from Item Master.


16190 Default Issue and Receive stock point were not populating in Inventory - Production module


Inventory - Conversion - Production

Reported Version:



  1. Define issue and receive stock point for a Jobber in Jobber master - Organization Owned sites - Inventory Tab.
  2. Select jobber in Production entry but issue and receive stock point do not populate.

16436 User was unable to delete AR/AP journal


Finance - Journal - AR / AP Journal

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Finance >Journal > AR / AP Journal
  2. Create a journal entry.
  3. Retrieve it
  4. Attempt for delete.

16539 The "Find" function in the Delivery Challan Adhoc document selection window did not allow full document number in the text box.


Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan[Adhoc]

Reported Version:



  1. Open Sales & Distribution > Delivery > Delivery Challan[Adhoc]
  2. Open the "Delivery No" LOV.
  3. Attempt to type the full Delivery No. in the “Find” function.
  4. Unable to provide the full number.

16405 Terms could not be modified in saved Purchase Return Debit Note


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase return Debit note

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Procurement > Invoicing > Purchase return Debit note.
  2. Retrieve a saved Purchase Return Debit Note.
  3. Attempt to change the terms through F2 lookup option (lookup was not showing any term).
6 16267N.A.

16267 Last financial year logistic details were not showing in present financial year logistic LOV.


Inventory - Logistics - Incoming LR - Gate Entry

Reported Version:



  1. Create a logistic in last financial year
  2. Now log in new financial year
  3. Open the logistic form and open the LOV.
  4. The last year's record does not show.
  5. Unable to create the gate entry for respective logistic document.
7 16337N.A.

16337 Check label could not be modified in General Voucher


Finance - Voucher - General Voucher - Cheque Label

Reported Version:



  1. Create a GL with proper Check Label.
  2. Open General Voucher and populate the respective Check Label by selecting cash/bank type.
  3. Once the Check Label populates from GL, modify the Check Label and save the General Voucher.
  4. Now retrieve the General Voucher details and the Check Label does not update.
8 16479N.A.

16479 Some of the cost centers are showing double value in Cost Center Analysis report


Finance - Register - Cost Center 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Finance > Register > Cost Center
  2. There were entries against some particular Cost Centers in last financial year and in the current financial year.
  3. The report for those cost centers was being viewed at the current date.
  4. Then some of the cost centers were showing double value in Cost Center Analysis report.
9 16138N.A.

16138 The Cost Sheet files were missing from the Version 11.100.0 software


Production - Setup - Cost Sheet

Reported Version:



Proper files for Cost Sheet functionality were not present.

Note: Proper files have now been uploaded.

10 16375N.A.

16375 General Ledger Detail report is not showing correct data in the Particulars block.


Finance - Register - General Ledger (Detail)

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Finance > Register > General Ledger (Detail)
  2. Create a General Journal Entry with ledgers - A, B & C.
  3. Now see the report for ledger A.
  4. Report will show only ledger A's detail in Particular's block; leaving out the balancing details of ledger B and ledger C.
11 16454N.A.

16454 Same DC was getting tagged in multiple Sales Invoices and Transfer Outs. When an already tagged DC was getting tagged in another Sales Invoice or Transfer Out, the DC was being transferred to POS store again (via the Transfer Advice). A SYNC error was coming at Store side due to violation of the unique constraint on GRC Advice Packet ID.


Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan [Against Order]
Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan [Adhoc]
Sales & Distribution - Invoicing - Sales Invoice
Sales & Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Out

Reported Version:



In some rare cases, the same DC (whether Against Order or Adhoc) was getting tagged in multiple sales invoices or transfer outs.

Note: Now it is being handled in the HO side itself.

12 16563N.A.

16563 The following error was showing while attempting to open the Stock Entry form:
FRM-40735:ON-ERROR trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-06508


Inventory- Stock Audit - Stock Entry 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Stock Audit > Stock Entry.
  2. Attempt to open the Stock Entry Form.
  3. The above error message is displayed.




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