Release Notes 11.107.2 - 1.107.2

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Release Notes 11.107.2 - 1.107.2


Release Date


HO Version11.107.2
POS Version1.107.2
Web Database Compatibility Version1.4.0
Features & Enhancements7
Bug Fixes8

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


OFFPOS-I-28 Balance amount is now to be made forfeit in Deposit / Refund bill


POS - Back Office -Transactions - Deposit Bill POS - Normal POS - Tasks (F5) - Take Deposit POS - POS as Collection center - Tasks (F5) - Take Deposit
POS - Back Office -Transactions - Refund Bill

Enhancement Summary:

In case of payment done against a debit note, if any small amount balance is left over and change/refund can't be given against the MOP used to make the payment, then voucher type mode of payment (with negative value acceptance) can be used in order to reduce such excess payment, and book it as profit/income. This type of mode of payment can also be used to reduce the liability of an expired credit note or GV. The refund amount can also be reduced through this feature against any Gift Voucher/Credit Note/Redemption Token.

Note: The feature is already available for POS Bill.


Suppose you are adjusting credit notes or gift vouchers against a Deposit Bill. The amount billed is INR 999 while the credit note or gift voucher to be adjusted is of INR 1000. Since Rs. 1 is still pending, then till now, either it had to be refunded via cash or issue a Rs. 1 credit note which was practically not demanded by the customer. Thus using this new feature, Rs. 1 can be booked as company's profit.


15213 Barcode importing is now available in Sample Testing in Web.


GINESYS Web - Retail Management – Promotion – Sample Testing

Enhancement Summary:

Barcodes can now be imported into the Sample Testing module from CSV (Comma Separated Files) and text files. This feature will enable users to create their own combination of large number of items and perform a sample testing on them in a fast and efficient manner. In case of testing a sample promotion with a large number of items, it was usually troublesome to scan in each item separately. Now click on the import barcode button and select the CSV or text file which has the barcodes.

Steps to import:

Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Promotion > Sample Testing.

Click on Import Barcode button.

Select the relevant CSV or text file.

Click on the column headers to map the relevant columns to barcode and quantity.

Click on the Import button.

The invalid barcodes are displayed but not populated.

The valid barcodes get populated along with the quantities you specified.


OFFPOS-I-45 Document number of POS specific transactions will now be visible during Document creation


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Goods Receive
POS - Back Office - Transaction – Packet
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Goods Return
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Stock Point Transfer
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Gift Voucher Issue
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Deposit/Refund
POS - Back Office - Transaction - Petty Cash
POS - Back Office - Transaction - POS Order

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier the Document Numbering Scheme for the above transaction documents was not visible in the documents while saving them. Now the document numbering schemes for each of the POS specific transactions will be displayed at the time of saving the documents.


The display of the document numbering scheme is essential to track the documents. Now all POS specific transactions can be tracked efficiently with Document Numbering Schemes chosen from a list available by clicking on the Select Scheme lookup button. The following messages will be seen on saving the documents, for example -
In case of Goods Receive Challan the following message will be shown –
Goods Receive No. <Scheme Document Number> generated successfully.


OFFPOS-I-45 Selection of Document Numbering Scheme and Stock point will now be available for Goods Receive Advice


POS - Back Office - Transaction - Goods Receive Advices

Enhancement Summary:

While receiving a Goods Receive Advice (GRC Advice), presence of multiple document numbering schemes did not allow the creation of the particular document, an error message was shown to alert the user. The stock point displayed also flowed from the default stock point defined. Now while receiving GRC Advice, there is an option of selecting Document Numbering Scheme and Receive Stock Point through the GRC Document Scheme and Stockpoint Selection pop-up.




OFFPOS-I-42 The details of the user who voids a bill and time of voiding of bills can now be seen in Daily Summary reports


POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary - Void Pos Bill Summary
POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary - Void Pos Bill Collection Summary
POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary - Void Delivery Slips Summary
POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary - Void Deposit Refund Bill Collection

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier only the creation time and the user who created the void bill were the two details provided in the Daily Summary Report. Now, the time when the bill was made void and the user who voided it will also be displayed.


The bills may be voided due to any reason. It is not possible to keep track of who voided the bill or when a bill was voided. Now it will be possible to know the time and the user who voided each bill in the Daily Summary Report for a particular day.


OFFPOS-I-47 MOP name wise breakup can now be seen in the Drawer Summary and Daily Summary Report


POS - Back Office - Reports - POS Drawer Summary
POS - Tasks - Drawer Summary
POS - Back Office - Reports - Daily Summary

Enhancement Summary:

The MOP type summary will now show a MOP name wise breakup in the POS Drawer Summary as well as Daily Summary reports. Same will also be seen in Drawer Summary from POS>Tasks.


Now, MOP Name wise details along with MOP type wise totals will be reflected in above mentioned reports. Example: Payments made with Credit Card can be made using various EDC(s), belonging to various banks. So information will now be displayed with each Bank's EDC related calculations separately and it will not show a summation of all under a single “Credit Card” amount.


15784 The idle time of the connected users can now be seen through the License manager in GINESYS HO.


GINESYS Launchpad - License Manager

Enhancement Summary:

The License Manager in the GINESYS Launchpad earlier showed the connected users along with their Login time, Last Access time, IP and Platform. Now, the License Manager will show the idle time of the connected users.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
116411 N.A.

16411 The “Copy from another site” buttons in the Document Scheme tab and in the Ledgers tab were not working.


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Site - Document Schemes
GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Site - Ledgers

Reported Version:



  1. Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup - Manage > Site > Document Schemes or GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Setup > Manage > Site > Ledgers
  2. In the Document Scheme tab and the Ledger tab the Copy from another site button was not working.

16490 The user was not being able to update the Web DB.


GINESYS Launchpad - Web DB Updater

Reported Version:



  1. Clicked on Web DB Updater in the GINESYS Launchpad.
  2. In the connected users window it showed a list of users connected, although these users were not accessing the Web DB.

16519 Miscellaneous Issue at GINESYS HO was getting authorized twice due to simultaneous handling of same document in multiple terminals. After sync at POS site, the error message of unique constraint violation was shown.


Inventory - Requisitions - Miscellaneous Issues

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Inventory > Requisitions > Miscellaneous Issues and create / modify the same Miscellaneous Issues document from multiple terminals.
  2. The altered data must be saved by any one terminal.
  3. Synced the altered data to the store.
  4. Modified and saved the same document or directly saved the document from the other terminal.
  5. Synced the data again to the store.
  6. The error message was shown and sync was not completed successfully.

16499 The client was not being able to hold a POS bill; an error message was showing.


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. Go to POS > Normal POS or POS > POS as Collection Center.
  2. Scan some items.
  3. Attempt to hold the bill.
  4. The error message was shown where the software was looking for the default report layout of Held POS Bill which was not meant to exist at all.


16506 While trying to make payment for certain scanned items included or excluded in some promotions, a database error message was shown.


POS - Normal POS
POS - POS as Collection Center

Reported Version:



  1. Go to POS > Normal POS or POS > POS as Collection Center.
  2. Scanned some items included or excluded in some promotions.
  3. Attempted to make payment by pressing F8 or clicking on payment button.
  4. The error message was shown and bill could not be saved.

16560 Modified PTC head, matching with pre-existing PTC head, could not be downloaded in the store.


POS - Data Exchange

Reported Version:



  1. Created 2 PTC heads - P1 and P2 and allocated them to a store and synced.
  2. Now interchanged the name P1 to P2 and P2 to P1 and saved.
  3. Synced the modified data to store again.
  4. On downloading the PTC head an error message of unique constraint violation was shown.

16399 Running Debit Note Analysis analytic report in HO in a Oracle 12c database was generating the following error message: "PLS-00905: object LFGL_SFP_DEBITNOTE_ANALYSIS is invalid".


GINESYS Launchpad - POS Analytics - Debit Note Analysis

Reported Version:



Go to GINESYS Launchpad > POS Analytics > Debit Note Analysis
Attempt to run the report.
The above error message was displayed.


16614 Voucher Sale form getting hanged when saving document with large number of gift vouchers tagged.


GINESYS Web - Retail Management - Gift Voucher - Manage - Voucher Sales

Reported Version:



  1. Go to GINESYS Web > Retail Management > Gift Voucher > Manage > Voucher Sales form.
  2. Selected and tagged a large number of vouchers.
  3. Attempted to save the document.
  4. It took some time and then the system got hanged.
  5. After some time a time out information was displayed.




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