Release Notes 11.139.2

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Release Notes 11.139.2


Release Date

14 September 2018

HO Version11.139.2
POS Version1.139.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.13
Features & Enhancements04
Bug Fixes09

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


41782 Status alert messages for Purchase Return Credit Note / Debit Note will now be available while adjusting Purchase Invoices in AP vouchers


Finance - Voucher - AP Voucher
Finance - Voucher - AP Workbench

Enhancement Summary:

At the time of creating an AP Voucher, if any Purchase Invoice is tagged against which un-adjusted Purchase Credit Note or debit Note is available; Ginesys will alert the operator with a warning message.  This feature will allow users to avoid over payment to vendors.


41785 Multiple site's document tagging will now be allowed in a single Service Invoice


Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Against Document)

Enhancement Summary:

Post GST Implementation, it is mandatory by the Government to match invoices as per vendor's invoice in order to claim Input Credit. But even if the Ginesys user dispatches from multiple cities or states, the transporter raises single invoice for multiple sites within same GSTIN. So after this update multiple site's documents could be tagged to a single invoice. Currently, 3 types of documents can be tagged from multiple sites - Job Receipt, Logistics and Conversion.

Note: Documents of site with different GSTIN will continue to be restricted.


  • Connected Site: Site A
  • Connected Site's GSTIN: 19JMNKU8765TGY6
  • Other Sites with its GSTIN:
    • Site B - 19JMNKU8765TGY6
    • Site C - 21JMNKU8765TGY6

While creating any Service Invoice against document from Site A, documents of only Site B will be available for adjustment.


41786 Quick population utility provided to populate amount by providing a specific percentage or an amount in Purchase Debit Note / Credit Note and Sales Debit Note / Credit Note


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Debit Note
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Credit Note
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Debit Note 
Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Credit Note 

Enhancement Summary:

A quick populated option has been provided in aforesaid modules, with the help of which item amounts can be populated for all rows at once. Ginesys has provided two modes of doing so:

  • Percentage Mode:
    When any percentage value is entered, for each of the selected rows invoice amount's given percentage value will be populated in amount column.
    For example, suppose 2 rows are selected, with invoice amount 500 & 1500 respectively. Now if, 20% is inputted in value and populated - 20% of Invoice amount will be populated in the amount column for all selected rows. I.e., 100 & 300 respectively.
  • Amount Mode:
    Amount entered will get apportioned between all selected row on the basis of weighted average on Invoice amount of the item.
    For example, suppose 2 rows are selected, with invoice amount 500 & 1500 respectively. Now if 200 is populated in value: same will get apportioned on the basis of invoice amount. I.e., 50 & 150 respectively.

41787 Reconciliation of previous financial year's documents can now be done without logging in previous year's date


Finance - Vouchers - Bank Reconciliation

Enhancement Summary:

Previously, only currently logged in financial year's data could be reconciled. The operator can now modify the date range and reconcile data of previous financial year(s).

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription



40641 WIP transaction entry cannot be created if job order type is 'Reprocess' and issuing job assembly item(As Component)


Production - WIP Material Transactions

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Job Order where the Job type is 'Reprocess'.
  2. Issue Assembly Items defined as 'Pull on Completion'.
  3. Now create a WIP transaction entry.
  4. Observe that Issue stock point is showing 'WIP'.

40956 Charge calculation and Round off logic not working properly in all Service Invoice module(same as Sales Invoice)


Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Adhoc)
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Against Order)
Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Workbench)

Reported Version:



  1. Go to any of the above modules.
  2. Create and save a document in the module opened.
  3. Observe that charge calculation and round off logic not working properly in any of the Service Invoice modules.

41274 During Site Stock transfer showing error log


Sales and Distribution - Outright - Site Stock Transfer

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Site Stock Transfer form.
  2. Select option "Create from Excel".
  3. Select Excel and import data.
  4. Observe that on completion of the action error log is showing.

41604 Job receipts are getting created without issuing raw materials.


Production - Job Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Ensure that the value for user profile 'Allow Job Receipt for order having component pending to be issued' has been defined as 'No'.
  2. Create a working plan and assign a raw materiel for the first process.
  3. Create a Job order with Supply Item issued as 'Push'.
  4. Observe that system is allowing creation of Job receipts without issuing pending raw materials.

41623 Component not being properly consumed in Job Receipt


Production - Job Receipt

Reported Version:



1. Make two plans with 10 quantity of same item.
2. Add component item with Pull-on-Completion type.
3. Make Job Orders for same Jobber against above Plan.
4. Now make part Job Receipt of each Job Order for 5 quantity.
5. Open a Job Receipt and un-tag and re-tag another Job Order.
6. Go to Component Summary window.
7. Observe that there are no components showing for that Job Receipt.

41690 Document no. and Document Date not reflecting in Gate Entry form and neither reflecting in related forms


Inventory - Logistic - Gate Entry

Reported Version:



Symptom 1
  1. Open Gate Entry module.
  2. Put in all relevant details, specially Document No. and Document Date.
  3. Save the Gate Entry document.
  4. Retrieve the same document.
  5. Observe that In Gate Entry form, "Document No" and "Document Date" is not being reflected in Gate Entry Receive Details section.
Symptom 2
  1. Observe that "Document No" and "Document Date" from Gate Entry form is not being reflected in every module where it gets tagged (Gate Entry selection LOV)
    1. Good Receive Challan
    2. Sales Return/Transfer In
    3. Job Receipt
    4. WIP Material Return. 

41749 Item = ORA 01400: cannot insert NULL into () - Error message showing while term modification of Purchase Return Debit note and Purchase Return Credit note


Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return Debit Note
Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Return Credit Note

Reported Version:



    1. Open Purchase Return Debit / Purchase Return Credit Note module.
    2. Retrieve a saved document.
    3. Go to Charge detail section and modify some GL and formula from Edit term.
    4. Do not click on OK button.
    5. Observe the following message is being displayed - Item = ORA 01400: cannot insert NULL into ().

41750 Filter value not displayed in Production Component Short / Excess Status report


Production - Analysis - Component Short / Excess Status report

Reported Version:



  1. Go to above module.
  2. Provide some filter and run report.
  3. Observe that report filter value is not shown in the report.

41819 In Bank Reconciliation form, sub ledger name not showing in the drop-down for sub ledger applicable ledgers


Finance - Voucher - Bank Reconciliation

Reported Version:



  1. Open above form and fill in Bank Name and then select a sub ledger applicable ledger.
  2. In the Ledger column of the Reconciliation section, observe that the values for the selected sub ledger are not being displayed for General Vouchers.

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