Release Notes 11.139.7

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Release Notes 11.139.7


Release Date

01 October 2018

HO Version11.139.7
POS Version1.139.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.13
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes05

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


5849 System will generate unique barcode for each quantity of each item in the imported Excel


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Receipts
Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Miscellaneous Entry

Enhancement Summary:

The system will now provide new unique serialized barcode to each unit quantity of an item. Suppose a red shirt has been created in five (5) different sizes - XS, S, M, L and XL, each with 20 quantities. Now if we import it through Excel, it will create 100 (5 X 20) new barcodes. This will allow the tracking of each item individually through all interactions.

New Import class has been added for 'Serial/Unique Item Creation' and the import class is available in Transaction modules only.

Column mapping changes in Excel file for Serial Item Creation are as follows:

  1. Quantity column mapping is now mandatory.
  2. OEM Barcode and Short Name column are not provided for mapping.
  3. If status of Allow creation of new item /barcode  profile is Not allowed in User profile then import Excel from this class is not allowed and the following message is displayed: Item creation is not allowed from transaction module.




5832 Items can now be created while receiving Miscellaneous stock by importing Excel


Inventory - Operations - Miscellaneous Entry > Receive tab

Enhancement Summary:

Users can now create items while importing Excel for Miscellaneous Entry > Receive tab. 

If Barcode or OEM Barcode, provided in the Excel file, is already found in the item master, then the values specified in the columns mapped with Excel file will be updated.

Role permission, for such modification, will be checked in User Profile for Inventory tab: Allow item editing from transaction entries and will work accordingly as below -

If the value is Not Allowed: On click of Edit item in item grid, modification is not allowed.

The following message is displayed - Edit Item is not allowed. Please contact administrator.

If the value is Allowed (All item properties): On click of Edit item in item grid, the window for item modification opens, with selected item information getting populated.

Modification of fields values for Barcode, and Inventory item are not allowed.

Rest all field modification is allowed, validating item master working checks.

If the value is Allowed (Price change restricted): On click of Edit item in item grid, open the window for item modification, with selected item information getting populated.

Modification of Pricing information is not allowed, i.e. Standard Rate, RSP, WSP, MRP

Modification of field values for Barcode, and Inventory item are not allowed.

All other field modification is allowed within checks provided in Item master.

If Barcode is not provided and specified OEM Barcode does not exist in Item master, then new item will be created (as per User Profile option of Allow creation of New item/Barcode). 

Note: App-operation assigned to connected user role with relation to Item master will not be validated for modification of item. User not having permission in Inventory module, can modify item from transactional modules in Procurement if permission is available in the User Profile assigned to that user.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
12816 N.A.

2816 Error message not showing while creating Miscellaneous Entries for Managed Sites


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Miscellaneous Entry

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Miscellaneous Entry.
  2. For a managed site, try to make an entry which has a date before the operation start date of that site.
  3. Now save the entry.
  4. Observe that the entry is getting saved.

    Similar Case

    Note: Similar case is also showing for Settlement date.

    Document cannot be created before store operation start date. - Error message will now be shown.


2828 Created On field is already showing value in Document Summary panel


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Miscellaneous Entry

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Miscellaneous Entry.
  2. Try to add a document.
  3. Observe that the Created On field is already showing value in Document Summary panel.

4263 Same price information is already defined for this effective date. - Error message is being incorrectly shown while importing Excel


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Reported Version:



  1. In an Excel provide Duplicate items in same combinations of Item - Site - Effective Date - MRP - RSP.
  2. Import the file.
  3. Observe that system is displaying the following incorrect message - Same price information is already defined for this effective date.

4467 System is getting hanged and progress window is also not coming when Copy from Site option is selected in Price Control


Retail Management - Setup - Price Control > Site wise

Reported Version:



  1. Open the Price Control - Site wise window
  2. Select the new site.
  3. Choose the Copy from Site option.
  4. Now try to save the changes.
  5. Observe that the system is getting hanged and progress window is also not coming.

6115 Item master list view taking too long to load


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy - Item

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Product Definition > Item Hierarchy > Item.
  2. Observe that it is taking too long to load the Item master.

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