| | | |
1 | 563 | N.A. | 563 Section is not getting printed in barcode while giving print from GRCModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In / Out - Receipts Reported Version: 12.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Goods In/Out > Receipts Select a barcode and print barcode. Observe that the item's Section is not getting printed although Division is printing.
2 | 570 | N.A. | 570 Unnecessary vertical space appearing between two rows of promotion names in Promotion list viewModule: Retail Management - Promotion - Definition Reported Version: 12.4.0 Scenario: Go to Retail management > Promotions > Manage > Assortment Create an assortment and add items as per requirement. Go to Promotions and define a promotion Set conditions as per the requirement. Select the assortment created before.
Save the promotion. Go to list view of promotions Observe that unnecessary vertical space is being displayed between names of two promotions.
3 | 689 | N.A. | 689 General Ledger population taking time when selected from drop-down in any form in FinanceModule: Finance - Operation Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: 1. Go to Finance > Operation > any transaction. 2. Open any form where General Ledger/Sub Ledger/Site(s) is selected. 3. Observe that the system is responding slowly while selecting General Ledger if there is huge amount of data. |
4 | 705 |
| 705 Data sync has failed at store due to database problemModule: Retail Management - Utilities - Explore - Data Sync Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Retail Management > Utilities > Explore > Data Sync. Run sync. It is observed that data sync is getting failed.
5 | 719 |
| 719 Entry date is getting changed and Document Numbering Scheme is getting blank after creating AP voucher with past date Module: Finance - Operations - Vouchers - AP Voucher Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Ginesys Web > Finance > Operations > Vouchers > AP Voucher. Click on Add. Create a back-dated AP Voucher with adjustment and save. Observe that the entry date is getting changed and Document Numbering Scheme is blank.
6 | 723 |
| 723 "An internal error occurred during your request! during Season creation" - Error message is displaying while trying to save a session in web for a particular dateModule: Inventory - Product Definition - Setup - Session Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: On the last day of the financial year, Go to Inventory>Product Definition>Setup>Session. Create a new session and Save. Observed that the following error message is being displayed - 'An internal error occurred during your request! during Season creation' .
7 | 732 |
| 732 City, TDS Applicable and TDS Source are not getting updated while trying to import Customer master data through ExcelModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import > Customer Master Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Create a Customer Master Excel file with City, TDS Applicable and TDS Source Go to Admin>Utilities>Data Import > Import class - Customer master. Now browse for the file and map as per requirement. After importing the file observe that City, TDS Applicable and TDS Source are not getting updated and not reflecting in web.
8 | 764 |
| 764 Category Grid is not getting refreshed in edit mode for Item DefinitionModule: Inventory - Item definition > Add or Edit > Select department & article Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Web > Inventory > Item definition > Add or Edit > Select department & article. Observe that Category details have been populated properly while selecting Department and Article name for the first time but after changing the Department & Article Name, category details not fetched correctly. It is showing last fetched one not the current one..
9 | 773 |
| 773 While creating the auto Purchase Debit Note the GST percentage is changing automaticallyModule: Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Debit Note Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement> GRC > Add. Here give item quantity, rate and GST is also applied. rate ( Let, item quantity = 23, Rate=139.1,here GST 5% is applied). Now go to Procurement > Operations > Purchase Invoice and give Quantity, rate and GST(Let, Quantity = 21. Rate=400, here also GST 5% is applied). Now release the Purchase Invoice. Then Auto Debit Note will be created. Observe that, wrong GST percentage is showing (For example, it is showing 12% instead of 5%) .
10 | 776 |
| 776 Decimal value is not accepting in Job Cost field of Cost SheetModule: Production - Set up - Cost sheet Reported Version: 12.4.0 - 2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Set up > Cost sheet. Now Add or Edit a cost sheet. Try to provide a decimal value in the job cost field and observe that it is not accepting that decimal value.
11 | 779 |
| 779 Unable to set different GST rate in multiple tagged Sales invoice in Sales ReturnModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Create multiple Sales invoices for a single destination site. Create multiple Sales Return against multiple Sales invoices. From invoice block, set different GST rates in different Sales Invoice. Observe that the document is updating with the Last GST rate in all the Sales invoices.
12 | 784 |
| 784 Wrong Calculation is showing in Sales OrderModule: Sales & Distribution - Operation - Order - Sales / Transfer order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operation > Order > Sales / Transfer order. Create a new SO/TO and provide all data to create a sales order with a selected term where zero factor amount based charge exists. Click on Calculate Charge button and modify amount based charge and put in new factor and apply. Observe that the Basic value is wrongly calculated as zero .
13 | 786 |
| 786 Unable to create a Job Order after Canceling a Job OrderModule: Production - Operation - Process - Job Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Operation > Process > Job Order. Create Job Order for multiple items from the Working Plan. Cancel Job Order for a single Item. Create a new Job Order for the same item. Observe that the Item is not showing in the pending list.
14 | 789 |
| 789 Amount field is not showing value in Gate Detail block while it is tagged with logistic in Gate Entry moduleModule: Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - Gate Entry Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Open Logistic Entry. Select a vendor where both logistic and gate entry is applicable. Create a logistic entry with the declaration amount. Create Gate Entry against that logistic entry. Observe that the Amount field is showing wrong value in Gate detail block .
15 | 792 |
| 792 Rate is not populating in Item Details grid of Purchase Order after doing Import ExcelModule: Procurement - Order - Purchase Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to to Procurement > Order > Purchase order. Fill all the mandatory fields in purchase Order . Move to Item Details section and do Import excel. Observe that the Rate is not populating in Item Details grid.
16 | 793 |
| 793 RSP value is not showing in GRT of Customer Owned Managed Track Secondary site in Sales ReturnModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Create GRT for the Customer Owned Managed Track Secondary site. Open Sales Return Module and select the Customer Owned Managed Track Secondary site Select the GRT and populate the item from the packet. Observe that RSP value is not showing.
17 | 794 |
| 794 "WebClientPrint Error: The URL ... is not valid (Status Code: 200)" - Error message is displaying while trying to Print barcode level for previous year GRC documentModule: Inventory - Product definition - Print barcode label Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Product definition > Print barcode label. Select previous accounting year date range and GRC as document type. Now Populate the items and select print quantity. Go to print option by selecting the CTL file Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "WebClientPrint Error: The URL ... is not valid (Status Code: 200)".
18 | 796 |
| 796 "Could not execute query[SQL: SQL not available]" - Error message is displaying while trying to search sale invoices in E-invoice generator moduleModule: Admin - Utilities - E-invoice generator Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Admin > Utilities > E-invoice generator. Select owner site and then select type as 'S&D: Sales Invoice / Transfer Out'. Search sale invoices in E-invoice generator module. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "Could not execute query[SQL: SQL not available]".
19 | 797 |
| 797 "<Terminal name> is not a valid terminal." - Error message is displayed while accessing the Planning ModuleModule: Ginesys Launchpad - Planning Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Ensure that the user has access privileges for Planning module. Go to Ginesys Launchpad > Planning. Observe that the module is not opening and the following error is showing - "<Terminal name> is not a valid terminal."
20 | 798 |
| 798 Print Preference option is not showing in Receipts moduleModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipt Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Tagged the report for Receipt from the Report template. Open the GRC Entry. Go to the Print option. Print Preference option is not showing.
21 | 801 |
| 801 Single record is not searchable in Destination Site field of Delivery Challan (Adhoc) page after pressing "Enter" keyModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery - Adhoc Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing > Delivery - Adhoc. Create DC Adhoc with all the mandatory details. In Destination Site field enter a value which is single word (Ex: test11) and then press Enter key. Observe that the record is not searchable.
22 | 802 |
| 802 Service Ledger Reference Site is getting an insert for the TDS ledger instead of the Connected Site for the TDS ledgerModule: Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice Adhoc Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice against Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Open Service Invoice Adhoc or Service Invoice Against Order module. For Service type ledger select Reference Site A. The user is connected for Site B. Save the Service Entry and on Release, TDS journal entry will create. Now observe that the Service Ledger Reference Site is reflected in the TDS ledger instead of the Connected Site.
23 | 809 |
| 809 "Item(s) quantity is greater than pending quantity" - Error message is displaying while trying to import the .csv file in GRCModule: Admin - Security - User Profile > Procurement Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Login to Admin > User Profile > Procurement . Tick the below - (a) Allow receive item (Goods Receive) in excess of Order Qty. (b)Allow to receive in excess of Tolerance. Now create a Purchase Order (Let, say having item quantity as 20 and 100% tolerance). Create one .CSV file as Item and its Quantity. (Eg T1070, 29 of item quantity.) Go to GRC and fill all the mandatory fields. Select Order Items, Purchase order and import Barcode. Now import .CSV file and Map the column .Then Click on Import button and verify. Observe that the following error message is being displayed "Item(s) quantity is greater than pending quantity".
24 | 810 |
| 810 "The total debit should match the total credit in a journal" - Warning message is displaying while trying to create a AP/AR Journal with a decimal valueModule: Finance - Journal - AR/AP journal Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Finance >Journal > AR/AP journal. Click on Add and select any date. Select a sub ledger with a specific value where DR and CR amount should match. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "The total debit should match the total credit in a journal" Warning message is showing". .
25 | 812 |
| 812 "Cannot Save record: Reason: Invalid Trade Group. Please select Trade Group LOCAL.Billing customer is not selected or GST state is not provided in billing customer, so you can only select the following trade groups: Local & Export." - Error message is displaying while trying to create a new owned sale by selecting a billing customerModule: Sales & Distribution - Retail sale - Owned Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Retail sale > Owned. Select Sales No. Select Mode of Payment a/c control , Stock Point and provide Reference Number. Now select a billing customer (not having GST state). Then scan the item and calculate tax. Now save the invoice. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "Cannot Save record: Reason: Invalid Trade Group. Please select Trade Group LOCAL.Billing customer is not selected or GST state is not provided in billing customer, so you can only select the following trade groups: Local & Export."
26 | 813 |
| 813 In Purchase Debit Note all the records are not showing after exporting to ExcelModule: Procurement - Invoicing - Debit Note Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Invoicing > Purchase Debit Note . Select the documents. Go to Action and select export to Excel. After exporting successfully observe that all the records are not showing in Excel.
27 | 819 |
| 819 Duplicate entry is being created at the time of General Voucher creationModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Admin - Utilities - Data Import. Now import a General Voucher. Observe that the same voucher is created twice at the same time.
28 | 820 |
| 820 User is not receiving POS SMS (as per new Govt. approved Template)Module: Ginesys Launchpad - SMS Notification Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Configure the SMS body as per Govt. approved Template. Create POS Bill, Settlement transaction. Observe that the SMS is not getting received by the end user.
29 | 821 |
| 821 Auto TDS Journal Entry is showing Scheme Document value for Connected Site instead of Owner SiteModule: Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice Adhoc Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice against Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Assign Scheme Doc no (For example, A1 for Site 1 and B1 for Site 2). Create a Service Invoice Adhoc or Against document for TDS applicable without release. Now open the document, and try to release it. Auto TDS journal Scheme Doc no lookup value is showing as per Connected Site instead of Owner Site.
30 | 826 |
| 826 "An internal error occurred during your request" - Error message is displaying while trying to reopen the list page of Sales Service InvoiceModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Service Invoice Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to the Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Service Invoice module. Do Sorting on Invoice date column. Try to reopen the List page. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "An internal error occurred during your request".
31 | 827 |
| 827 Purchase Return and Purchase Invoice cannot be created for already settled dates Module: Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: 1. Go to Purchase Invoice and Purchase Return module. 2. Create the entry for Manage Site. 3. Try to save for that date which is already settled. 4. Try to release the document for that date which is already settled. 5. Observe that the documents cannot be saved. |
32 | 828 |
| 828 TDS Round Amount is posting wrong value in TDS JournalModule: Finance - Operations - TDS - TDS Journal Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Finance > Operations > TDS > TDS Journal. Create a TDS Journal with round off value or create a AP Voucher with TDS Applicable. Observe that TDS Round Amount is posting wrong value.
33 | 833 |
| 833 Job receipt is not being allowed with zero (0) service rateModule: Production - Setup - Manage - Process > Update Job Receipt Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Create Job Order with service rate. Create Job Receipt against the above Job Order. Open the Process and then click Update Job Receipt. Search the Job Receipt and provide the Custom Service rate' Zero'. Observe that the Job receipt is not being allowed with Zero service rate.
34 | 834 |
| 834 "Invalid Value" - Error message is displaying while trying to type the supplier name in Vendor fieldModule: Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice. The user press f4 on vendor field to open the Pending Invoice vendor list. The user type the name of supplier at search row of Vendor name. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "Invalid Value".
35 | 836 |
| 836 "First-generation failed, please contact EasemyGST" - Error message is displaying while generating E-InvoiceModule: Sale & distribution - Operations - Delivery Adhoc Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sale & distribution - Operations - Delivery Adhoc. Do transfer out against this delivery challan Save the invoice Now go to Admin > Utilities > E-invoice generator. Select that site, date range and Search for invoices. Select the document from IRN window. Now click on proceed to generate. After generating observe that the following error message is being displayed - "First-generation failed, please contact EasemyGST".
36 | 837 |
| 837 "The numbering scheme's document type is not matching with the module. Unable to tag" - Error message is displaying while trying to tag Credit Note and Debit Note document no scheme in Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note module respectively in Document Scheme windowModule: Admin - Utilities - Manage - Document Numbering Scheme Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: 1. Open the Document Numbering Scheme module. 2. Select Credit Note and Debit Note document no scheme in Sales Credit Note and Sales Debit Note module respectively. 3. Observe that the following Error message is being displayed - "The numbering scheme's document type is not matching with the module. Unable to tag". |
37 | 838 |
| 838 "An internal error occurred on your request" - Error message is displaying while trying to filter the Date field in Stock Point Transfer list pageModule: Inventory - Operation - Transfer - Stock Point Transfer Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Operation > Transfer > Stock Point Transfer. Try to filer the Date field in List page. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - ""An internal error occurred on your request".
38 | 839 |
| 839 "Invalid Charge Amount for Service..." - Error is displaying while trying to save an entry in Service Invoice against documentModule: Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Invoice Adhoc Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses Service Invoice against document. Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Service invoice Adhoc or Service Invoice Against Order module. Provide the all required value for header block. Select the service and calculate the charge. The calculation value should be in round off value( For example,Rs.1 divided in 3 service list .33,.33.34 . i.e- last row will round off). Try to saving the entry. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "Invalid Charge Amount for Service...".
39 | 840 |
| 840 Item Quantity is showing wrong while the user trying to tag item through the Excel import for manage site in Sales ReturnModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return. Provide the all required value in header block. Now select source site as managed Site. Then select GRT no. (Same item in multiple packet with same rate). Tag item(s) through the excel import. Observe that Item quantity is showing wrong.
40 | 841 |
| 841 Destination Site lookup is taking time to open in Sales Order CancelModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Orders - Cancel Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Sales & Distribution > Operations > Orders > Cancel Order. Provide all the required value in header block. Open Select Order item window. Open Destination Site lookup. Observe that the Destination Site lookup is taking time to open.
41 | 845 |
| 845 In Sales Return, GST rate is not showing as per SLAB while trying to change the discount percentageModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to the Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return. Provide the all required header value. Select the item Price. Item HSN Code (For example, Item price - Rs.1005 and item HSN Code - 6203.If rate is above 1001 then 12 % Slab is applicable ). The user provide the discount(For Example, 400). Observe that the GST rate is not showing as per SLAB.(For example, Item rate is 600 then GST slab will be 5 % instead of 12. But the system is calculating 12 %).
42 | 847 |
| 847 For Sale Service Invoice IRN QR Code is not displaying in reportModule: Admin - Utilities - Process - E-Invoice Generator Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Admin - Utilities - Process - E-Invoice Generator Try to generate Sale Service Invoice Observe that IRN QR Code is not displaying in report
43 | 848 |
| 848 Service lookup is showing only Order type services instead of all type of services in Sales Service InvoiceModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing > Sale of Service Invoice Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to the Sale Service Invoice. Provide the all required general block information. Observe that in the Service Lookup. only Order type service is showing instead of all type- Logistic, Job Receipt, Order and conversion.
44 | 853 |
| 853 " You are not allowed to enter date "......" and "........" after" - Error message is displaying while trying to authorize the order in Service Order authorization Module: Procurement - Operations - Service / Expenses - Service Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Service / Expenses >Service Order. User having lock day 1 in user master. The user opens the service order of two days old. Try to Authorized the order from the list page. The system is generating the message " You are not allowed to enter date "......" and "........" after.
45 | 854 |
| 854 Negative Stock checking is not working properly in Stock Point Transfer modificationModule: Inventory - Operations - Transfer - Stock Point Transfer Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory > Operations > Transfer > Stock Point Transfer. Provide the all required information. Scan the item and save the entry. (For example, scan item where stock availability is 1. Now save the entry with 1 quantity). Retrieve the entry and scan the same item. Observe that the system is showing stock in negative value(For example, the system is showing stock as -1 for above example). If the user provide quantity manually and save then available stock is also showing wrong.
46 | 855 |
| 855 "Maximum number of express 1s 1000" - Error message is displaying while trying to modify a GRC which has more than 1000 itemsModule: Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipt Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipt. Select more than 1000 items. Then save the entry. Now retrieve that entry. Observe that the following error message is being displayed - "Maximum number of express 1s 1000".
47 | 856 |
| 856 Order lookup of Select Order Item window is not showing pending Order in Delivery Challan Against OrderModule: Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery - Against Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: GO to Sales order module. Create Sales Order. Now Open the Delivery Challan Window. Provide the all required information. Open the Select Order Item window and go to Order lookup. Observe that the pending order is not showing .
48 | 857 |
| 857 Unable to save Site Master when replenishment source is having more than 1000 sites in Manage Site windowModule: Retail Management - Setup - Manage - Site Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Retail Management> Setup> Manage> Site. Provide the all required information. Tag a replenishment source which has more than 1000 sites and try to save it. Observe that user is unable to save the site.
49 | 858 |
| 858 Sales Service Invoice is generating wrong Scheme Doc No. while importing file through ExcelModule: Admin - Utilities - Data Import > Sales Service Invoice Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Import Excel and select Sales Service Invoice. Upload/Import the file. Observe that Site Doc in Scheme Doc no of Sales Service Invoice is taking destination site instead of Owner Site
50 | 859 |
| 859 Unable to change Stock Point value for Reprocess and Adhoc type order in Job Order Cancellation Component windowModule: Production - Operations - Process - Job Order Cancel Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Create Job Order for Reprocess or Adhoc type. Now try to cancel that Job Order. Observe that the Stock Point value is not getting changed.
51 | 860 |
| 860 Unable to define the Component Quantity with more than 3 decimal place in Bill of MaterialModule: Production - Setup - Manage - Bill of Material Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Setup > Manage> Bill of Material. Select Assembly item and define the route group. Select the component item and provide the quantity with more than 3 decimal places. Observe that Component Quantity is not taking more than 3 decimal places.
52 | 863 |
| 863 "Cannot read records Reason: An internal error occurred during your request" - Error message is displaying while trying to open any document under Sales Service Invoice in edit modeModule: Sales & distribution - Operations -Invoicing - Sales service invoice Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: 1.Go to Sales & distribution > Operations > Sales service invoice. 2.Try to open any document in edit mode. 3.Observe that the following error is being displayed - "Cannot read records Reason: An internal error occurred during your request". |
53 | 870 |
| 870 While trying to open any Document in In General Voucher it is taking huge timeModule: Finance - Voucher - General Voucher Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Finance > Voucher > General Voucher. Select any document and try to open it in edit mode. Observe that It is taking huge time to open.
54 | 871 |
| 871 The available quantity is showing zero in edit mode for Job Order CancelModule: Production - Operations - Process - Job Order Cancel Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Production > Operations > Process > Job Order Cancel Select the Job Order which is going to cancel. Populate the Pending item of the selected order. Observe that the available quantity is showing zero.
55 | 872 |
| 872 Unable to modify the quantity In Job OrderModule: Production - Operation - Process - Job Order Reported Version: 12.4.0 Scenario: Create a Job Order. Retrieve the Job Order. Try to modify the Quantity field. observe that Quantity field is not getting modified.
56 | 882 |
| 882 Unable to print a particular file in Print LR BarcodeModule: Inventory - Logistic - Incoming - LR > Print LR Barcode Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Inventory> Logistic> Incoming Logistic> LR. Select the control file. Then go to Action and Select Print LR Barcode option. After filling all the necessary fields click on the Print button. Observe that file is not getting printed.
57 | 883 |
| 883 Return year is showing wrong value for previous financial year while checking status in E-invoiceModule: Admin - Utilities - E-invoice generator Reported Version: 12.4.0 -2.4.0 Scenario: Go to Admin > Utilities > E-invoice generator. .Select owner site and Sales invoice as document type Give the previous financial year as Date range Search > Select one document > proceed to generate from IRN window Click on Generate IRN and data gets submitted in EMG IRN is also generated But while checking status from Ginesys ERP Observe that it's showing Failed.