We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Release Note 12.4.1
Features & Enhancements
Serial | Dev ID | Idea Tracker | Description |
1 | 105402 | GIN-1551 | 105402 UDF Strings and some relevant columns have been added in Delivery Challan data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: UDF Strings and some relevant columns have been added in Delivery Challan Data source so that the data is suitable for getting delivery status, cancelation and registers etc. |
2 | 104536 | GIN-1526 | 104536 Cost rate column has been added in Miscellaneous Entry data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: Cost Rate column has been added in Miscellaneous data source so that user can get issue details and receive details of Miscellaneous Transaction Entry. |
3 | 104763 | GIN-1533 | 104763 Cost rate column has been added in Sales Invoice data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: Cost Rate column has been added in Sales Invoice data source so that user can get item details in Sales Invoice Document. |
4 | 104732 | GIN-1531 | 104732 Posted Records can only be seen for Composite GST WEB ReportModule: Ginesys Web - Finance > Register> Composite GST Report Enhancement Summary: Posted Records can only be seen for Composite GST WEB Report. Unposted Records are also available in data source so that the user can view that by modifying the Report. |
5 | 104458 | GIN-1521 | 104458 UDF field has been added in Purchase Invoice data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: UDF field has been added in Purchase Invoice data source so that it can be used for any specific purpose. |
6 | 105419 | GIN-1543 | 105419 Last Receive Price (LRP) field is available now in POS Analytics Bill Detail ReportModule: Ginesys Web - POS Analytics Report > Bill Detail Enhancement Summary: Last Receive Price (LRP) field is now available in Bill Detail Report of POS Analytics to calculate the profitability. The reports is available in HO and POS both but user can only view the relevant information in POS as it is not available in HO. |
7 | 105421 | GIN-1546 | 105421 UDF fields has been added in POS Analytics Sales Stock ReportModule: Ginesys Web - POS Analytics Report > Sales Stock Enhancement Summary: UDF fields has been added in Sales stock Report of POS Analytics in stock category. |
8 | 105399 | GIN-1550-1 | 105399 Journal Reference Site column is now available in Debit Journal data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: Journal Reference Site column is now available in Debit journal so that it can produce debit document report. |
9 | 105400 | GIN-1550-2 | 105400 Journal Reference Site column is now available in Credit Journal data sourceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: Journal Reference Site column is now available in Credit Journal data source so that it can produce credit document report. |
Bug Fixes
Serial | Dev ID | Issue Tracker | Description |
1 | 104879 | N.A. | 104879 Data is getting mismatched in WIP Valuation ReportModule: Production - Register - WIP Valuation Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario:
2 | 104952 | N.A. | 104952 Opening and closing balance is showing wrong while selecting more than one financial year in Sub Ledger SummeryModule: Finance - Register - Sub Ledger Summary Reported Version: 11.153.1 Scenario:
3 | 105176 | N.A. | 105176 Data is not flowing in Voucher (AR/AP) Document - Linked ReportModule: Finance - Register - Sub Ledger Detail Finance - Register - Sub Ledger Summary Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario:
4 | 105197 | N.A. | 105197 AR/AP Voucher Document report is having Clearing Adjustment & Total issueModule: Finance - Document - AP Voucher Finance - Document - AR Voucher Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario:
5 | 105200 | N.A. | 105200 Agent Parameter LOV is not showing in Sub Ledger Details & Sub Ledger Summary ReportModule: Finance - Register - Sub Ledger Summary Finance - Register - Sub Ledger Details Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
6 | 105262 | N.A. | 105262 Data of LWTD_QTY field is not showing any data as per given informationModule: Sales And Distribution - Retail Sale - Retail Sale Achievement Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
7 | 105265 | N.A. | 105265 Alignment issue is happening in some bank chequeModule: Finance - Setup - Print Cheque Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario:
8 | 105277 | N.A. | 105277 Wrong data is showing in Purchase Order Tracking DetailModule: Procurement - Register - Purchase Order Tracking Detail Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
9 | 105323 | N.A. | 105323 Error is showing in Sales Return Tax SummaryModule: Sales And Distribution - Register - Sales Return Tax Summary Reported Version: 12.2.2 Scenario:
10 | 105326 | N.A. | 105326 Original order quantity and Pending order quantity is showing 0 and negative value respectively in Purchase Order AnalysisModule: Cube - Purchase Order Analysis Reported Version: 12.2.1 Scenario:
11 | 105332 | N.A. | 105332 Net amount of Sale Service Invoice is showing wrong in Composite GST ReportModule: Finance - Register - Composite GST Report Reported Version: 12.2.0 Scenario:
12 | 105335 | N.A. | 105335 Document Quantity in Service Invoice in showing wrong informationModule: Ginesys Cube - Procurement - Service Invoice Analysis Reported Version: 12.4.0 Scenario:
13 | 105348 | N.A. | 105348 "ORA-12899: value too large for column "MISRETAIL"."T$RETAILSALE_10"."BILLING_CUSTOMER_NAME" - Error message is displaying while trying to refresh the Retail Sale Detail in Cube ManagerModule: Admin - Cube Manager > Sales And Distribution > Retail Sale Detail Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
14 | 105351 | N.A. | 105351 "ORA-12899: value too large for column ..." - Error message is displaying when a Particular filed value is more than 1000 characters in Ledger DetailModule: Finance - Register - Ledger Detail Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
15 | 105450 | N.A. | 105450 Credit Journal/Debit Journal Document report is not showing General Ledger Information as per entry sequenceModule: Finance - Document - Credit Journal Finance - Document - Debit Journal Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
16 | 105456 | N.A. | 105456 Miscellaneous Entry No. is not showing in the report which is created from the cubeModule: Admin - Cube Manager > Inventory > Miscellaneous Issue Analysis Reported Version: 11.153.5 Scenario:
17 | 105459 | N.A. | 105459 Inventory Status Ledger web report is having multiple issuesModule: Inventory - Status - Inventory Status Ledger Reported Version: 11.153.10 Scenario:
• Parameter of Division Section Department is not Working in Web Reports. • Date wise Inventory Quantity Balance missing in the Web Reports. • Closing Balance is not available in Web. |
18 | 105203 | 105203 Return Rate in local GRT is not showing when the HSN has not been calculatedModule: POS - Back Office - Transaction - Goods Return Reported Version: 12.4.0 Scenario: