We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Release Note 12.4.5
Features & Enhancements
Serial | Dev ID | Idea Tracker | Description |
1 | GIN-I-3496 | Ginesys provides for Statutory compliance of deduction of TDS on purchase of goods after crossing relevant threshold limitModule: Finance - Setup - TDS - TDS Section Procurement - Setup - Vendors - Vendor Sales & Distribution - Setup - Customers - Customer Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Others Finance - Setup - Chart of Accounts - Sub Ledger - Employees Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice Enhancement Summary: TDS deduction on Services was formerly allowed in Ginesys, now with new statutory changes being put in place through TDS Section 194Q - deduction of TDS on purchase of goods worth more than fifty lakh rupees (₹ 50,00,000) has been enabled. Please note the following major points as encapsulated in the section194Q -
Categorization of TDS Section
Reflection in Vendor Master
Changes in Purchase InvoiceIntroduction of the TDS Information block
Derivation of TDS Rate
Creation of TDS Journal
Reflection in Charge views
Reflection in Panel Information
Reflection in List View
To know more, click here for FAQs | |
2 | 105643 | GIN-1566-1 | 105643 TDS Information has been added in Purchase Invoice Document Report with TDS applicability in Purchase InvoiceModule: Procurement - Documents - #Purchase Invoice# Enhancement Summary: TDS Information has been added in Purchase Invoice Document Report. This information would be visible if the particular Purchase Invoice is TDS applicable. |
3 | 105644 | GIN-1566-2 | 105644 TDS Applicable Amount and TDS Amount is now visible for Purchase Invoice Register Report with TDS applicability in Purchase InvoiceModule: Procurement - Register - #Purchase Invoice Register# Enhancement Summary: TDS Applicable Amount and TDS Amount is now visible for Purchase Invoice Register Report. This information would be visible if the particular Purchase Invoice is TDS applicable. |
4 | 105645 | GIN-1566-3 | 105645 TDS information has been added in Purchase Invoice Cubes with TDS Applicability in Purchase InvoiceModule: Ginesys Web Report Enhancement Summary: Purchase Invoice Cubes are available in Procurement > Cube > Purchase Invoice Analysis & Procurement > Cube > Purchase Invoice Summary Analysis respectively. TDS information has been added in Purchase Invoice Cubes. This information would be visible if the particular Purchase Invoice is TDS applicable. |
Bug Fixes
Serial | Dev ID | Issue Tracker | Description |
1 | 2482 | N.A. | 2482 TDS Amount is not being rounded off to the upper valueModule: Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice Adhoc Procurement - Invoicing - Service Invoice (Against Document) Reported Version: 12.4.4 Scenario: