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Release Notes 11.132.1


Release Date

09 November 2017

HO Version11.132.1
POS Version1.132.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.9
Features & Enhancements00
Bug Fixes03

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
134986 N.A.

34986 Image is not being displayed in Web module if image convention is Category 2 and it is uploaded from Ginesys Desktop application


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product definition - Item Hierarchy - Item

Reported Version:



1. Create a department where image convention is Category 2.
2. Create an item from desktop application against the created department.
3. Upload an image for the created item.
4. Copy the image from Installed directory\Shared\Application\Extras\Images to Installed directory\Shared\ItemImage
5. Open the item in Web module.
6. Observe that the image is not getting displayed.

34900 The code of the User Profile is being displayed instead of Profile name, if the profile is selected from 2nd page of the drop-down list


Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - User - Users

Reported Version:



1. Click on 'Add' in Users module.
2. Provide all valid data.
3. While selecting user profile name, select from the 2nd page of the drop-down list.
4. Save the user.
5. Open the newly created User.
6. Observe that the User Profile Id is being reflected in the details instead of the User Profile Name.

34991 Blank tree hierarchy is displayed in Inventory group when a department is created


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product definition - Item Hierarchy - Group

Reported Version:



  1. Attempt to create a Department in the above module.
  2. The tree goes blank.