Release Notes 11.129.1

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Release Notes 11.129.1


Release Date

 24 August 2017

HO Version 11.129.1
POS Version 1.129.0
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 02
Bug Fixes 06

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker

1  31738 

31738 The Sales and Distribution, Finance and Inventory module has more GST compliant document reports


Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Return

Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer Out

Finance - Voucher - AR Voucher

Finance - Voucher - AP Voucher

Finance - Voucher - General Voucher

Finance - Journal - Debit Journal

Finance - Journal - Credit Journal

Inventory - Requisitions - Miscellaneous Issues

Inventory - Transfer - Stock Point Transfer

Inventory - Logistics - Incoming

Enhancement Summary:

The following document report templates have been provided in the above mentioned modules to make the reports GST compliant:

Sales Return

Sales Return Invoice Note with MRP (GST)
Sales Return Invoice Note 01 (GST)
Sales Return Invoice Note 02 (GST)

Transfer Out

Consignment/Stock Transfer with MRP (GST)

AR Voucher

Voucher Note (GST)
Voucher Note (Date Only) (GST)
Voucher Note (without Creation Time) (GST)
Payment Advice (GST)

AP Voucher

Voucher Note (GST)
Voucher Note (Date Only) (GST)
Voucher Note (without Creation Time) (GST)
Payment Advice (GST)

General Voucher

Voucher Note (GST)
Voucher Note (Date Only) (GST)
Voucher Note (without Creation Time) (GST)

Debit Journal

Debit Note (GST)

Credit Journal

Credit Note (GST)

Miscellaneous Issues

Miscellaneous Note2 (GST)

Stock Point Transfer

Inter Location Transfer Note with Transfer Rate (GST)

Inter Location Transfer Note with Std Rate (GST)

Inter Location Transfer Note MRP wise(Document) (GST)

Inter Location Transfer Note RATE wise(Document) (GST)

Logistic Incoming

Logistic Note - Incoming (GST)




32139 GRT document selection related enhancements in Sales Return


Sales and Distribution - Outright - Sales Return

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier while tagging GRTs with Managed track secondary sites' Sales Return documents, the GRT document number could not be tagged. Now, even the GST document number can be tagged with the Sales Return.

Changes made in the Sales Return form

The GRT No. LOV, in the Sales Return form GRT Document Details section, will now show Return No., GST Doc. No. and Date.

Changes made in the Sales Return GST Invoice Note document report

The Return No. (earlier displayed as Invoice No.), Return Date (earlier displayed as Invoice Date) will now be displayed along with GRT Doc No. and GRT Date in the above report.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 31563  N.A.

31563  When generating payment advice for multiple voucher from AP entry screen, the party-wise page-break was not seen in report  


Finance - Vouchers - AP Vouchers - Payment Advice 

Reported Version:



  1. Generate the Payment Advice document report from AP Vouchers.
  2. Observe that the report has no party-wise break up.
2 31574N.A.

31574 BI Report based on Document number field could not be generated


Procurement - Goods Receive Challan 

Reported Version:



  1. Generate auto Purchase Invoice through GRC 
  2. Now, create a cube with Document Numbering scheme for Purchase Invoice.
  3. Run the report and observe that it is coming blank.
3 31887N.A.

31887 While creating Delivery Challan against Order in Advance mode, the alert for no pending quantity was not displayed


Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan (Against Order) - Advance Mode

Reported Version:



  1. Create Delivery Challan (Against Order) - Advance Mode with an Order whose items are out of stock.
  2. Attempt to save the document.
  3. The alert for "No pending Quantities" not showing.
4 32250N.A.

32250 Negative Cess amount was not getting posted from POS consolidation


HO - Dashboard - Settlement

Reported Version:



  1. Attempt to settle Consignment POS data
  2. Observe that Negative Cess amount was not getting posted from POS consolidation
5 32255N.A.

32255  Error message displayed while generating doc scheme, where padding character is blank


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Document Numbering scheme 

Reported Version:



  1. Create a doc scheme with blank padding character.
  2. Tag it with any HO menu.
  3. Assign the document scheme to the organization site.
  4. Now try to create a document using this doc scheme.
  5. Observe that 'Internal error' message is displayed while generating the same.

26873 Job Receipt entry date is getting change to current date after modification


Production - Job Receipt 

Reported Version:



  1. Make a Job Order at back Date 
  2. Make Job Receipt for that Job Order.
  3. Now Log in into Current Date.  
  4. Retrieve Job Receipt and delete One Item and again save the entry.
  5. Retrieve that Job Receipt and see that its date has been updated with current date.




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