Release Note 11.152.15

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Release Note 11.152.15


Release Date

28 August 2020

HO Version11.152.15
POS Version1.152.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes15

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


62463 Price List - exception details can now be created or updated through Excel Import


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Enhancement Summary:

Data import facility for price list -exception data creation and update at only detail level is being enabled to reduce the manual activity and increase operational efficiency for users. 




54338 Purchase Service Invoice [Adhoc] details can now be created through Excel Import


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import >Purchase Service Invoice [Adhoc]

Enhancement Summary:

Data import facility for Purchase Service Invoice [Adhoc] data creation is being enabled to reduce the manual activity and increase operational efficiency for users. 



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
122206 N.A.

22206 Unable to make General Voucher entry in the previous accounting year through import Excel


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operation - Goods In/Out - Receipt

Reported Version:



1. Create a General Voucher entry from Import excel on 01/04/2019 from userid say = a
2. Close Finance month April 2019.
3. Create another General voucher entry from Import excel on 01/05/2019 from anyone userid. It may be a or others.
4. Validation error message shown as "Finance Month is Closed no entry is possible for the date".

53546  "Reference Site Short Name is not applicable." - Incorrect validation message showing while importing General Voucher for Outright mode Franchise Store


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Reported Version:



  1. Prepare Excel data for General Voucher for Outright mode Franchise Store.
  2. Go to web Excel Import utility.
  3. Select General voucher.
  4. Try to import the data.
  5. Observe that invalid validation message is showing.

62714 Invalid category 1 creation due to creation of new item through Purchase Order module


Procurement - Operations - Purchase Order

Reported Version:



  1. From Purchase Order module, go to- Item Details - Click on F5
  2. After selecting Group Details, select any category (except Category 1) and click on Create Item.
  3. Observe that despite selection of other category value is being put into Category 1.

70529  Allow change of Sales Term - User profile check not working in Sales Order


Sales & Distribution - Operations - Sales Order

Reported Version:



  1. Set the User Profile - Allow change of Sales Term as unchecked
  2. Let user having that profile login.
  3. Create a Sales Order- go to charge details and from Term option try to change the term details.
  4. Observe that the changes are applied although user doesn't have user profile privilege.

71942 Multiple issues in document printing for multiple documents


Admin - Utilities - Print Document

Reported Version:

11.152.2             78596


Following documents cannot be printed properly through Print Document - 

Delivery Challans adhoc - Issue in report format
Delivery Challans against Order module- Adhoc Delivery Challans are showing instead of Delivery Challans against Order 
GRC Adhoc - Not showing document
GRC against Order - Adhoc GRC are showing instead of GRC against Order 

72125 RSP is showing wrong in import print document for imported Delivery Challan Adhoc


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import - DC Adhoc 

Reported Version:

11.148.1             78326


Case 1-

  1. Create a DC scanning item and print it by template - 'Delivery Challan note with Rate & MRP (GST)'
  2.  From web import-> DC adhoc module, import one DC for same site with same item. Print the document by template - 'Delivery Challan note with Rate & MRP (GST)'
  3.  If we compare both the report documents, we can see that RSP is coming different.
  4. Web imported adhoc DC is showing wrong RSP.
  5. If we import excel from module itself, then RSP is matching with scanned item RSP.
Case 2-
  1. User created Sale invoice tagging the web imported DC. In the print document, MRP is also showing wrong for the item. But for scanned items, MRP is showing correct in Sale Invoice. 

72881 Data Inconsistency - Error message is showing when importing last financial year's DC Against Order for unmanaged site


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import - DC Against Order

Reported Version:

11.148.1            78840


  1. Create a Sales Order in last financial year where destination site type is "Unmanaged"
  2.  Now from Data Import module, select 'DC Against Order' and try to import DC for those sale orders in current financial year.
  3.  Observe that the above error message is showing.

72916 Wrong Item Name showing in Purchase Order


Procurement - Operations - Purchase Order

Reported Version:

11.151.30         78623


  1. Go to Purchase Order module and use F5 from Item Details option

  2.  Provide Category 6 name as = PACKING BED SHEETS PREMIUM 3 ( Create Category - F7)
  3.  Provide other details and click on Create Item.
  4.  In Created Item section, full category name is not showing and Category 6 name is also getting truncated.  

73429 Error showing for Unmanaged Franchise (Secondary) Store Sale import


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Reported Version:

11.151.12          78439


  1. Prepare an Excel for importing sale of Unmanaged Franchise (Secondary) Store where the sale date should be before Ginesys Start Date.

  2. From Data import option select -  Unmanaged Franchise (Secondary) Store Sale.
  3. Try to import.
  4. Observe that an error log is generated.

74006 Department wise filter for search not working in PO Authorize module


Procurement - Approval - Authorize Order

Reported Version:

11.152.1          78434


  1. Go to Purchase Order Approval.
  2. Provide Department as Search Criteria for order item.
  3. Observe that the orders are not filtered despite such orders being present.

75948 Unable to import Customer via Import Excel as previously non-mandatory column was showing as mandatory


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data Import

Reported Version:

11.152.2     80696


  1. However on trying to map the sheet, the same LST and CST field is showing as "not mandatory".
  2. Try to import the Customer master through Excel import
  3. Observe that LST No. and CST No is showing  as "mandatory".

77502 Error occurs in Purchase Order for DATE UDF


Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Purchase Order 

Reported Version:

11.152.7             81131


  1.  Create a Date UDF and one Text UDF for PO module.
  2.  Create a PO - after providing value in Date UDF field and click on OK.
  3. Observe that the error occurs.

80276 DC Against Order not showing in LOV of DOC Printing


Admin - Utility - Document Printing

Reported Version:

11.152.10              82741


 1. Create DC against Order and save it.
 2. Go Doc Printing module.
 3. Select DC Against Order from drop down box.
 4. Put Date Range and open LOV.
 5. Observe that the newly created DC will not appear in LOV.

83560 Duplicate items are getting created for same combination


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data import - Item Creation / Item Modification

Reported Version:

11.151.30              80169


  1. Ensure that in the Group master properties, For Change in Seasons = Use Existing Codes
  2. Try to import an item, with same combination of values in the same fields in different season.
  3. Observe that new item is getting generated.

77299 Duplicate items are getting created for same combination


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Data import - DC against order

Reported Version:

11.148.1             80499


  1. Go to Data import module and import - DC against Order 
  2.  After successful import, click on Show Details button
  3.  Here, no Document Numbering scheme field is showing.
  4.  But Document_numbering field is showing in DC adhoc import
  5. Document_numbering field should show in DC against Order module import.

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