Release Note 11.151.3

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Release Note 11.151.3


Release Date

06 January 2020

HO Version11.151.3
POS Version1.151.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes06

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


37245 Now unusable report layouts can be marked extinct in HO and reflected in POS


Ginesys Launchpad - POS Report Template

Enhancement Summary:

Users in Ginesys HO create and assign various report templates to POS. Some of these might become obsolete and useless after some time. However these templates remained in the allocated template list of the POS and could be mistakenly assigned to a terminal, leading to loss of business.

Now, there is a front-end mechanism (checkbox) to make the unused templates extinct. Once synced, these extinct templates will show as marked extinct in those POS where these templates were used.


38196 Cash acceptance limit introduced in POS for Gift Voucher Bills too


Retail Management - Setup - Master Policy / Site Policy
POS - Administration - Master Policy
POS - Normal POS / Collection Center
POS - Back Office - Transactions - Deposit
POS - Back Office - Transactions - Gift Voucher Issue

Enhancement Summary:

Government had introduced a restriction on accepting cash of 2 Lacs or more from the customers as follows:

  • in aggregate from a person in a day, or
  • in respect of a single transaction, or
  • in respect of transactions relating to one event or occasion from a person

Now Ginesys has introduced this feature in the system for Gift Voucher Bills also - which shall restrict the cashier from receiving cash "of and above" as specified in the new system policy setting (Restrict cash transactions of and above <specify value>).

In such cases, the cashier should ask the customer to pay balance by other mode of payments like Credit Card, Digital Payments, Vouchers, etc.


If cash restriction limit is set to Blank/Null, then no cash receive limit validation will be applicable.

Applicability of the restriction across all bills in Ginesys POS

Note: The restriction is applicable across POS Invoices, GV Bills and Deposit bills.
Suppose, the value given in Restrict cash transactions of and above is2,000,000 and a customer raises a POS Invoice for 100,000 and a GV Bill for 50,000 and a Deposit Bill for 60,000. In that case, he can only pay cash for 1,99,999.99 and pay rest by other mode of payments like Credit Card, Digital Payments, Vouchers, etc.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription

39353 Error executing records: Reason: An internal error ...- Error message is showing while creating Stock Reservation documents 


Ginesys Web - Inventory - WMS - Transactions - Stock Reservation

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > WMS > Transactions > Stock Reservation
  2. Create a new Stock Reservation entry with 3-4 orders (contains 1000+ Items)
  3. Observe that the following error is showing - Error executing records: Reason: An internal error occurred during your request!
238790 N.A.

38790 Error executing records: Reason: An internal error ...- Error message is showing while searching items by big alphanumeric OEM Barcode


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Product Definition - Item Hierarchy - Item

Reported Version:



  1. GO Ginesys Web > Inventory > Product Definition > Item Hierarchy > Item
  2. Create an Item with big alphanumeric Barcode (e.g. 1234E5678901234)
  3. Search the item with that Barcode.
  4. Observe that the following error is showing - Error executing records: Reason: An internal error occurred during your request!

38727 The line item not populating in GRC against Order when pending quantity is provided through order selection


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts.
  2. Try to select the items from a partially fulfilled Purchase Order and provide the pending quantities.
  3. Populate them to the main grid.
  4. Observe that the line items are not populating.

38424 Organization owned sites could not be filtered while adding or editing cubes


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Manage - Cube Manager

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Manage - Cube Manager.
  2. Try to filter the sites while adding or editing a cube.
  3. Observe that the Organization sites are not showing.

38083 'State' filter cannot be applied in promotion allocation


Retail Management - Promotion - Manage - Allocation

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Retail Management > Promotion > Manage > Allocation
  2. Create filter with STATE = WEST BENGAL OR STATE = ASSAM
  3. Observe that the applied filter is not working

37892 Purchase Order was not showing while editing GRC due to Excise Applicability mismatch


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts.
  2. Create a GRC against Purchase Order where PO is Excise Applicable and the GRC doc scheme number is also Excise Applicable.
  3. Now open the above GRC in edit mode.
  4. Observe that the applicable Purchase Order cannot be found in the LOV.

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