Release Note 11.152.5

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Release Note 11.152.5


Release Date

25 June 2020

HO Version11.152.5
POS Version1.152.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements00
Bug Fixes10

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
172348 N.A.

72348 MRP column is getting updated with Listed MRP value while items are selecting from FIFO mode


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - DC against Order

Reported Version:



  1. Create Sales Order having different RSP and MRP value.
  2. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing > DC against Order
  3. Create Delivery Challan Against Order.
  4. Select FIFO mode for item selection.
  5. Scan items or Search items to select.
  6. Click on Populate.
  7. Save the DC Against Order.
  8. Observe that the MRP column is getting updated with the listed MRP value.

72446 GST Charge ledger is populating from source site GSTIN number instead of owner site GSTIN number


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Transfer - Transfer In

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Transfer > Transfer In.
  2. Open a transfer in document in add mode.
  3. Select a managed or un-managed site in source site selection and providing necessary details.
  4. Click on calculate charge button.
  5. Observe that GST Charge ledger is populating from source site GSTIN number instead of owner site GSTIN number.

72147 'Unable to update Stock' - Error message is shown when GRC is tagged Purchase Invoice


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts.
  2. Create GRC in the last inventory month.
  3. Close the last inventory month.
  4. Create a Purchase Invoice in the current month against last inventory month's GRC.
  5. Select GRC from pending GRC window.
  6. Click on OK Button
  7. Observe that an error message is shown - 'Unable to update Stock'.

72024 The charge is calculating from Term instead of selected GRC when users modify Goods Return Challan against GRC


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Goods Return Challan

Reported Version:



  1. Create GRC with item level charge.
  2. Create an Invoice for Non-Consignment GRC.
  3. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out> Goods Return Challan.
  4. Create Goods Return Challan against GRC.
  5. Select Item from GRC.
  6. Calculate charge.
  7. Observe that Charge is calculating from Term instead of selected GRC.

72156 'An internal error occurred during your request' - Error message is shown if selected GRC item charge having factor value null in Goods Return Challan Wizard


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Goods Return Wizard

Reported Version:



  1. Create Goods Receive with item charge.
  2. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Goods Return Wizard.
  3. Scan the items which was taken in that GRC.
  4. Click on Generate button.
  5. Observe that an error message is shown - 'An internal error occurred during your request', if selected GRC item charge having factor value null.

72291 Net Amount and Quantity are showing negative in all GRT while creating GRT through wizard


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Goods Return Wizard

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Term containing one of the Line Item Charge as Fixed basis with Discount. 
  2. Create a non-consignment GRC by selecting one Item with certain positive quantity.
  3. Create Purchase Invoice against the GRC.
  4. Go to  Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Goods Return Wizard.
  5. Create GRT from Wizard against the above GRC with positive quantity.
  6. Observe that Net Amount and Quantity are showing negative in all GRT.

71930 Stockin Date  is not updated in the Item master when the Items are created from Split module


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Split

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion > Split.
  2. Scan a item.
  3. Save split entry.
  4. Observe that Stockin Date is not updated in the Item master when the Items are created from Split module.

71199 Search Criteria is getting closed and the search criteria values are cleared after populating the items in Sales Return


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return.
  2. Provides all the required values for Search Criteria.
  3. Click on Search button.
  4. Searched values will be populated.
  5. Observe that search Criteria is getting closed and the search criteria values are cleared after populating the items in Sales Return.

72614 'An internal error occurred during your request' - Error message is shown on document release


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Bundle

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion >Bundle
  2. Create Bundle entry for Managed Outright site.
  3. Release the document from the list page or from the document.
  4. Observe that an error message is shown on document release - 'An internal error occurred during your request'.

72618 System is not allowing to cancel linked Delivery Challan


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Cancel Delivery Challan

Reported Version:



  1. Auto DC will be created from Sales Return or Transfer In module,if Site having transit via applicable.
  2.  Select Linked DC.
  3. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing > Cancel Delivery Challan.
  4. Try to cancel linked DC.
  5. Observe that system is not allowing to cancel linked Delivery Challan.

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