Release Note 11.152.6

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Release Note 11.152.6


Release Date

03 July 2020

HO Version11.152.6
POS Version1.152.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements00
Bug Fixes06

Important information regarding this update

  1. The following features and their respective menus have been completely removed from the Ginesys Desktop Application- 
    1. Admin - Utilities -  SQL Reports Designer/Viewer
      • Reason: Reports can now be designed through Web Reports, hence the above module is no longer required.

    2. Admin - Utilities - Resequence Documents
      • Reason:  Audit tracking has been released and it allows the identification of the deleted entries. Therefore re-sequencing of documents is not required any further.

    3. Procurement - Invoicing - Purchase Form Entry 
      • Reason: Post implementation of GST regime, it is not required any more.

    4. S&D - Consignment - Transfer Form Entry
      • Reason: Post implementation of GST regime, it is not required any more.

    5. S&D - Outright - Sales Form Entry
      • Reason: Post implementation of GST regime, it is not required any more.

    6. Finance - Voucher - AR/AP Vouchers
      • Reason: Now the separate AR & AP Vouchers will soon be available in Ginesys Web version.

    7. Finance - Documents - Letters Designer/Previewer
      • Reason: Reports can now be designed through Web Reports, hence the above module is no longer required.

    8. Inventory - Logistics - Incoming - Permit 
      • Reason: Post implementation of GST regime, it is not required any more.

    9. Inventory - Logistics - Outgoing - Permit
      • Reason: Post implementation of GST regime, it is not required any more.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
173243 N.A.

73243 Quantity is not populating in the Bundle module


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Conversion - Bundle

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Conversion > Bundle.
  2. Create a Bundle.
  3. Select Owner Site, In Stock Point, Out Stock Point.
  4. Select the items with quantity.
  5. Observe that Quantity is not populating in the main grid.

73258 Sometimes Verify and Update Stock Audit Plan is not working properly


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Stock Audit - Stock Audit Plan

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web >Inventory > Operations > Stock Audit > Stock Audit Plan.
  2. Attempt to Verify Stock Audit plan.
  3. Observe that sometimes Verify and Update Stock Audit Plan is not working properly.

73040 RSP value is getting updated with the listed MRP value while saving of Sales Return


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return.
  2. Create a Sales Return with the items having RSP and MRP value.
  3. After saving verify the RSP value of the document.
  4. Observe that RSP value is getting incorrectly updated with the listed MRP value.

73255 Sometimes system is not responding when user populates items from Goods Return in Managed Site


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return.
  2. Provide all the required values.
  3. Select a Managed Site.
  4. Select a GRT created from that site.
  5. Try to populate its items.
  6. Observe that sometimes system is not responding when user populate items from Goods Return in Managed Site.

73106 Wrong Stock Point saved from Stock Point Transfer Entry


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations -Transfer - Stock Point Transfer

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Transfer > Stock Point Transfer.
  2. Select A as the Source Stock Point.
  3. Select B as the Destination Stock Point.
  4. Select some items.
  5. Save the entry.
  6. Observe that stock point B is wrongly inserted as Source Stock Point.

 72907 The system is not allowing to save the document if Net Amount is zero on saving of Sales Invoice, Sales Return, Transfer IN & Transfer OUT documents


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Return

Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Transfer - Transfer IN

Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Transfer Transfer Out

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Return, Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Invoice, Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Transfer > Transfer IN and Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Transfer Transfer Out
  2. Create the documents.
  3. Try to save the documents with Net Amount Zero.
  4. Observe that he system is not allowing to save the document if Net Amount is zero.

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