Release Note 11.152.13

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Release Note 11.152.13


Release Date

19 August 2020

HO Version11.152.13
POS Version1.152.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements01
Bug Fixes09

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


82922 Import Set Barcode' option is now available in DC Adhoc Set Orders


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Delivery Challan Adhoc > Import Set Barcode

Enhancement Summary:

Earlier through Ginesys, customers could not import Set Barcodes into adhoc delivery challans. But this update onward they would be able to do that providing more flexibility to our customers as per their selling planes.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
180656 N.A.

80656 Charge Details not getting updated in SI if user changes the term in Sales Invoice against order document


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Sales Order with GST and non GST charge.
  2. Create a DC against the above order.
  3. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales invoice > Charge Calculation.
  4. Create a Sales Invoice selecting above DC.
  5. Change the selected Term and Recalculate the charge.
  6. Modify non GST charge factor from Challan Details section .
  7. Observed that Charge Details not getting updated in si if user changes the term.

80623 Jobber name is not showing if connected site is Managed Track Secondary type site


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Production

Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Bundle

Reported Version:



  1. Login with Managed Customer Owned Outright Track Secondary type site.
  2. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion > ProductionGinesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion > Bundle
  3. Select Jobber type.
  4. Observed that Jobber name is not showing.


80617 'Internal error occurred during your request' - Error message is shown while user authorize the Production entry for Managed Track Secondary type site


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Production

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion > Production.
  2. Create an entry. 
  3. Now Authorized the entry.
  4. Observed that an error message is shown - 'Internal error occurred during your request'

81593 Incorrect charge is calculated when the user gives individual item wise charge 


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operation - Goods In/Out - Goods Receive Challan

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operation > Goods In/Out > Goods Receive Challan.
  2. Provide necessary details to create a GRC with multiple item, taxable and non taxable charges.
  3. Calculate charge.
  4. Go to charge summary window and select a Amount Based charge.
  5. Provide different individual item wise charge.
  6. Observed that Incorrect charge is calculated.

82165 'Cannot save record Reason : Error in array ...' - Error message is shown while the user saved the Purchase Invoice 


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operation - Purchase/Assets Invoicing - Purchase Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operation > Purchase/Assets Invoicing > Purchase Invoice 
  2. Provide necessary details to create Purchase Invoice.
  3. Click on Save button.
  4. Observed that an error message is shown - 'Cannot save record Reason : Error in array DML Cannot INSERT NULL('BKRO','PURINVDET','ICODE')'.

81581 Performance issue in Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice in ledger population at the time of charge calculation


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Invoicing - Purchase Invoice
Ginesys Web - Sales and Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Invoicing > Purchase InvoiceGinesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Invoice.
  2. Provide necessary details to create Purchase Invoice and Sales Invoice.
  3. Try to calculate the charges.
  4. Observed that Charge calculation is taking long time.

80611 'Internal error occurred during your request' - Error message is shown while user selecting document type 'Job Order Component Item (Production) on searching from Select Item option 


Ginesys Web - Select Item

Reported Version:



  1. Go to the Transaction Entry modules.
  2. Open Select Item window.
  3. Select Document Type as 'Job Order Component Item (Production)'
  4. Select Entry No. and press Search button
  5. Observe that an error message is shown - 'Internal error occurred during your request'.


80270 'This month is already closed, further transaction is not allowed' - Wrong validation message is shown while releasing the Purchase Invoice from edit mode


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Purchase Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Create a GRC.
  2. Close the current inventory month.
  3. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Purchase Invoice.
  4. Create a Purchase Invoice against the GRC (user do not have auto-release permission) in next month
  5. Save the PI.
  6. Open the PI in edit mode and click on Release.
  7. Observe that wrong validation message is shown - 'This month is already closed, further transaction is not allowed'.

46122 Total of Pending Quantity not showing while selecting Order Items in Delivery Challan (Against Order)


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan (Against Order)

Reported Version:

11.151.12           68862


  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing > Delivery Challan (Against Order)
  2. Observe that total of Pending Quantity is not showing while selecting Order Items. 

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