Release Note 11.152.16

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Release Note 11.152.16


Release Date

31 August 2020

HO Version11.152.16
POS Version1.152.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes08

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


84461 'Import Set Barcode' option is now available in GRC Adhoc module 


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Enhancement Summary:

Sets are often the most popular items to be sold. Earlier set barcodes had to be scanned for GRC Adhoc module. But 'Import Set Barcode' option has now been provided in GRC Adhoc module to increase efficiency. 


79402 Three decimal places is considered for rate calculation in Delivery Challan Adhoc and Sales Invoice modules for Outright sale through Import Excel


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Adhoc

Ginesys Web - Sales and Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Enhancement Summary:

Currency conversions in international sales often botches up the profits. Ginesys now allows rate to be considered for calculation up to three decimal place in Delivery Challan Adhoc and Sales Invoice modules to prevent this. Please note that this feature will only work for Outright sale and incorporated via Import Excel only.

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
183537 N.A.

83537 Rate column of Item Information section is not updated in Split module for new item creation


Ginesys Web - Inventory - Operations - Conversion - Split

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Inventory > Operations > Conversion > Split
  2. Select item for Splitting.
  3. Assign New RSP value.
  4. Now save the entry.
  5. Observe that Rate column of Item Information section is not updated.

84089 Short/Excess Amount is not changed when user populate GRT(Packet) details by clicking on 'Receive Selected packet' button without providing it manually


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Transfer - Transfer In

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Transfer > Transfer In
  2. Select a managed site as Destination Site.
  3.  Select GRT packet from Transfer Out Details section.
  4. Open Select Packet window.
  5. Click on Search button.
  6. Select all GRT after populating the GRTs.
  7. Click on Receive Selected Packet.
  8. Now click on Populate.
  9. Observe that after receiving all grt packet, Short/Excess Amount showing still negative instead of zero.

83726 'Document date must be less than Entry date' - Wrong validation message is shown in Document Date field in Purchase Return 


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Purchase / Asset invoicing - Purchase Return

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Purchase / Asset invoicing > Purchase Return.
  2. Observe that wrong validation message is shown in Document Date field - 'Document date must be less than Entry date'

84098 'Unable to update stock' - Error message is shown when user cancel the Delivery Challan for which the month has been closed


Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Adhoc
Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Order
Ginesys Web - Sales & Distribution - Operations - Packing - Delivery Challan Against Reservation

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales & Distribution > Operations > Packing > Delivery Challan Adhoc / Delivery Challan Against Order / Delivery Challan Against Reservation.
  2. Select Delivery challan for which the month has been closed.
  3. Cancel the Entry.
  4. Observe that an error message is shown - 'Unable to update stock'.


84371 Sometimes stock is not updated properly in Sales Invoice edit mode when user changes Destination Site


Ginesys Web - Sales and Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Invoicing > Sales Invoice.
  2. Open a SI in edit mode.
  3. Change the Destination Site.
  4. Observe that stock is not updated properly.


84107 'An internal error occurred' - Error message is shown while user doing import file with quantity column mapping in GRC Against Order


Ginesys Web - 

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Ginesys Web > 
  2. Select Vendor and other information
  3. Open Select Order Item window.
  4. Open Import Barcode option.
  5. Select txt file and mapped the Barcode and Quantity column.
  6. Observe that an error message is shown - 'An internal error occurred'.

84449 'Cannot save record, Reason Duplicate item rate combination exists' - Error message is shown when user create GRC with different set code but the set is created with the same item and same purchase order


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Create a purchase order which is set applicable with two different set having same item.
  2. Go to Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts.
  3. Provide necessary details to create a GRC against the created Purchase Order.
  4. Observe that an error message is shown - 'Cannot save record, Reason Duplicate item rate combination exists'.

84538 Multiple entry numbers are generated on subsequent saving in various modules


Ginesys Web > All Modules

Reported Version:



  1. Open an transaction module in Ginesys Web
  2. Provide all necessary details.
  3. Click on save button twice, one after another.
  4. Observed that multiple entry numbers are generated on subsequent saving.

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