We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
We’re excited to announce that the latest information is now available on our new site, the Ginesys One Wiki!. Visit the site for up-to-date resources and insights. We look forward to continuing to support you there!
Release Note 11.153.10
Release Date | 11 December 2020 |
HO Version | 11.153.10 |
POS Version | 1.153.0 |
Web Database Compatibility Version | 1.16 |
Features & Enhancements | 01 |
Bug Fixes | 08 |
Navigation |
Features & Enhancements
Serial | Dev ID | Idea Tracker | Description |
1 | 100213 | N.A | 100213 Field locking in Item master to be retained user wise, enabling user to skip unwanted data fieldsModule: Ginesys Web > Inventory > Item Master Enhancement Summary: Once the datafield is locked for the user, it will remain stored for that user. Value provided in the lock field should also be retained in Add mode. If 'Others' block is collapsed by a user in a session it will remain collapsed when if he opens the form again, unless otherwise open. |
Bug Fixes
Serial | Dev ID | Issue Tracker | Description |
1 | 100002 | N.A. | 100002 Incorrect applicable amount is calculated after auto creation of Purchase Debit Note entryModule: Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Purchase/Assets Invoicing > Purchase Invoice Reported Version: 11.153.8 Scenario:
2 | 100210 | N.A. | 100210 User profile - 'Allow Ad-hoc item selection in Receipts' in procurement module is impacted in delivery challan against order alternate modeModule: Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Delivery Challan Against Order Reported Version: 11.153.6 Scenario:
3 | 100294 | N.A. | 100294 Duplicate item validation is shown while deleting some items in GRC in edit modeModule: Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Receipts Reported Version: 11.153.1 Scenario:
4 | 101791 | N.A. | 101791 Incorrect user showing in Created by field under panel information in GRTModule: Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Goods In/Out > Return Reported Version: 11.153.7 Scenario:
5 | 101900 | N.A. | 101900 Negative stock alert is shown when already stock exists during item scanning in Delivery Challan Against ReservationModule: Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Packing> Delivery Challan Against Reservation Reported Version: 11.153.8 Scenario:
6 | 101909 | N.A. | 101909 Date wise individual filter is not working in Delivery Challan AdhocModule: Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution > Operations > Delivery Challan Adhoc Reported Version: 11.153.8 Scenario:
7 | 102572 | N.A. | 102572 Saved Transfer Out document is taking too time to openModule: Ginesys Web > Sales and Distribution> Operations > Transfer Out Reported Version: 11.153.8 Scenario:
8 | 103511 | N.A. | 103511 Duplicate entry is generated while clicking on save of Purchase InvoiceModule: Ginesys Web > Procurement > Operations > Purchase/Assets Invoicing > Purchase Invoice Reported Version: 11.152.18 Scenario: