Release Notes 11.145.12

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Release Notes 11.145.12


Release Date

30 May 2019

HO Version11.145.12
POS Version1.145.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.15
Features & Enhancements02
Bug Fixes00

Alert: Check before update

Note: Ginesys recommends that users take a full backup before every update.

Important points regarding this update


  1. This update may take a little time. We recommend a little patience.
  2. Patch update will be restricted in following cases - 
    1. If same document numbering scheme was created menu-wise and tagged to both GRC Adhoc and GRC against Order. Solution 
      1. Either declare the document numbering scheme as 'Extinct'.
      2. Or log a ticket with Ginesys Care.
    2. If GRC Adhoc is still available to you on Ginesys Desktop.
      1. Log a ticket with Ginesys Care.
  3. You may find that the number of records in your Receipts list view has come down by a large number. This scenario may be due to the new 'Last 7 days' filter which is applicable by default on GRC list view. However, it may be removed by user and disabled from becoming default. 

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker



4177 Goods Receive Challan (GRC) in Ginesys Web Application has now been enhanced with several new features


Ginesys Web Application  –  Procurement – Operation – Receipts

Enhancement Summary:

The entire Goods Receive Challan module has been transferred to the Ginesys Web Application from Ginesys Desktop with various enhanced features. 

Major Features

  • GRC Against Order has been migrated to web. Now the module is known as only Receipts.

  • Items from one or more purchase orders can now be selected in single GRC.

  • Items can be selected both Adhoc and Against Order can be created in same form. This is called  Mixed GRC and will be reflected in the same way in the list page of GRC module.

Profile related features

  • Setting for Select Order Item can be enabled through '
  • Setting for Alternate Order Item can be enabled throughAllow selection of items from Alternate mode in Receipts'.

  • Setting for 
  • Setting for 'Rate modification in Receipts' can be enabled for rate modification of both adhoc and ordered items. Previously, different profiles were available for Adhoc and Order items separately.

    Add-on Features

  • A new field  Owner Site (Mandatory Field)  has been provided. It will be auto populated with the connected site and if required can be changed by the user while creating Receipts. It cannot be modified in edit mode.

  • Vendor Document Date has been included in the General section of GRC. This will enables users to record the date of the Vendor's reference document and will flow to auto Purchase Invoice if applicable.

  • Currency cannot be modified in Receipts in which order items are selected.

  • Exchange Rate flows from the Currency Master. You can modify Exchange Rate after selection of item(s). Modification of exchange rate after selection of order items will automatically re-calculate the rates of those items on user confirmation.

  • If Logistics is applicable for the vendor it has to be selected before item selection. Moreover, a new field Shipment Tracking Applicable has been added in the look-up list to enable tracking of order items. NoteLogistics information has been removed from List page view, to enhance performance of data loading on the page.

  • Term selection has been made optional for order items but is mandatory for ad-hoc items. 

  • Charge calculation has been automated at the time of saving Receipts. Charge will be calculated for adhoc items from Term selected in General section and for order items it will be populated based on respective Purchase Order.

  • Multiple item selection is now available while modifying charge factors in Charge Summary Modification has been included for the individual items present in the GRC.

  • Now in Select Order Item window, users have the option of Selecting Items from Pending Orders or Selecting Pending Orders of specific items for populating items in the grid.

  • In Item Details, a few columns of information from respective orders have been added for Order items. If required user can select them from available column list.

  • Auto Purchase Invoice (PI) creation option has been included. On saving GRC, Auto PI generation option will come if the setting - 
  • Release option has been added to the Action menu. Multiple Receipts for managed sites can now be released from list page itself. 

  • Menu for Document Report Re-Print has been present in Ginesys Desktop > Admin > Print Document. 

  • GRC can be deleted in the Edit mode. You will get the Delete icon at the top right corner of the window (4th icon from the right).

  • A default filter has been added to Search operation of GRC list, created in last 7 days. This filter is removable.

  • GRC Wizard has been removed totally from new GRC module in Ginesys web Application. The GRC wizard was provided as a help to create GRC from multiple PO of the same vendor. But now, since Mixed GRC is allowed in Goods In/Out > Receipts, the GRC wizard is no longer required.

To know more details about GRC, please visit the links given below:

Adding, Editing, Deleting & Printing GRC (Goods Receive Challan)

GRC (Goods Receive Challan) FAQs


15025 All register reports and document reports for GRC now available in Web Reports along with a new report


Ginesys Web Application – Report

Enhancement Summary:

The entire Goods Receive Challan module reports has been transferred to the Ginesys Web from Ginesys Desktop with one new report.

ModuleTypeName of ReportDescription

Goods Receive Register

Through this report, you can get details of all GRC entries along with item information.
ProcurementRegisterPurchase Order Tracking SummaryReceive Quantity under Goods Receive to be shown as only that quantity which has been received for the selected PO only.
ProcurementRegisterPurchase Order Tracking DetailGRC Receive Quantity As on with respect to selected PO
ProcurementDocumentGoods Receive Challan

This report is to be used for document printing purpose and should be executed from Goods Receive Challan only.

ProcurementDocumentGoods Receive Challan - Item Wise Margin (New Report)This new report has details of Item Margin and should be executed from Goods Receive Challan only.

Alert - Role Menu and User Profile Migration Restrictions

Please note that users who were previously able to make GRCs (Adhoc or Against Order or both) may not be able to do the same after this update. The reason for the above scenario will occur due to following reasons - 

  1. Suppose there are two users (A & B). User A has privilege only for GRC Against Order whereas User B has access to only Ginesys Web - Receipts. Now if the same User Profile is tagged to both the users (A and B), then after this update both the users will not be able to select items in receipts. This is due to mismatched Menu roles which admin users are now trying to assign to both the users through same user profile.
    1. Solution - Either A and B, both, must be allowed to select Adhoc as well as Order items or separate profile needs to be created and assigned to respective user. You can always provide access to all Receipt modules through enabling the required settings from Ginesys Web - Admin - Security - User Profile > Procurement (tab).
  2. Operations assigned to the user roles for Web - Receipts, will remain applicable for Receipts Against Order items. It may happen that a user was having permission to only Add for Web - Receipts, whereas he had permission to AddEdit and Delete also for Receipts Against Order. Now after this update, he will not be able to Edit or Delete records in Receipts module. Re-assignment of operation is required for the user to get back his access to all the app operations, which will impact both items with order and without order.


Bug Fixes


Dev ID
Issue Tracker

14380 Actual product quantity is not reflected in Stock Point wise stock report


Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan[Adhoc]

Reported Version:



  1. Add an Item in web.
  2.  Now go to Procurement-Order Management-Purchase Order and add a Purchase Order tagging that new item of quantity = 500.
  3.  Now go to Procurement-Order Management-Goods Receive Challan Against Order module and create a GRC tagging that Purchase Order of quantity = 500 and save it.
  4.  Now go to Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan[Adhoc] module and select that item- here Stockpoint wise stock is showing as 500.
  5. Again go to Procurement-Order Management-Goods Receive Challan Against Order module and modify previously saved GRC- change quantity to 300 and save.
  6. Observe that in Sales & Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan[Adhoc] the item's Stockpoint wise stock is still showing as 500. 

17155 Cannot Save record: Reason: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Couldn't store <date value> in EXPIRY_DATE Column. Expected type is DateTime... - Error showing while importing Item with Expiry Date > 12


Procurement - Operations - Goods Receive Challan against Order

Reported Version:

11.145.4 - 41567


  1. Create a Term including IGST and Reverse IGST
  2.  Now create a Purchase order tagging newly created Term
  3.  Now create a GRC tagging this PO
  4.  Observe that in Charge details section, IGST and Reverse IGST is also getting calculated in 'Net Amount'

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GRC (Goods Receive Challan) FAQs
GRC (Goods Receive Challan) FAQs
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