Release Note 11.151.5

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Release Note 11.151.5


Release Date

13 January 2020

HO Version11.151.5
POS Version1.151.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements00
Bug Fixes03

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
141899 N.A.

41899 Application is bringing user back to pick-list screen instead of bin list screen, although Pick-list is partially complete


Ginesys WMS Android App

Reported Version:



  1. Select a pick-list which has multiple items from multiple bins in it
  2. Select a bin and take full quantity of one of the items in the bin.
  3. Observe that user is being thrown back to the pick-list screen.

42107 User is unable to access the internal modules of WMS android application although proper app-operation permissions are assigned to that user


Ginesys WMS Android App

Reported Version:



  1. Ensure that a user with valid Ginesys WMS Android app-operation permissions is created.

  2. Try to login to the Ginesys WMS Android App using the newly created user mentioned above.
  3. Observe that the user is unable to access the internal modules of WMS android application although proper app-operation permissions are assigned to it.


42058 Some changes have been made in WMS Android application


Ginesys WMS Android App

The following issues were noticed in Ginesys WMS Android App - 

  1. The settings had to be configured at every login but now they can be saved device-wise, connected site-wise.
  2. The Bin list within Pick-list was displayed Pick-list rule wise but will now be displayed in sequential ascending order of bin creation.


  1. Suppose User A has logged on from Site 1 and saved stock-points STP1 and STP2 under it. Now, when he or any other user logs in through same device in same connected site (Site 1), then STP1 and STP 2 will still be displayed under it. However, an user logging in from Site B will not find the same settings saved.
  2. Earlier the Bin list within Pick-list was displayed as per defined Pick-list rule. However, now the Bin list within Pick-list will be displayed in sequential ascending order of bin creation, i.e. now the bin list will be listed as Bin 1, Bin 2, Bin 3, Bin 4.......etc in the same order as they were created.

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