Release Note 11.151.12

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Release Note 11.151.12


Release Date

12 February 2020

HO Version11.151.12
POS Version1.151.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.16
Features & Enhancements01
Bug Fixes01

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


44954 Edit Item has been enabled for Set Item in GRC


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Operation - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Enhancement Summary:

Option for Edit item has been provided in details of Set tabs just like the Item tab. The following cases for modifications are allowed -

  • For Modification of RSP, MRP, WSP:
    • In Add mode: Grid will display the modified values (RSP, MRP, WSP) of the Set items.
    • In Edit mode: Grid will display the already stored values. If user wants to display the modified value, then he will have to delete the item from the grid and select it again.
  • For modification of properties other than RSP, MRP, WSP for Set items:
    • Modification of items will refresh the display grid with modified values, in both Item tab and Set tab.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription

45049 The first row checkbox of the Search Result grid of Search Challan window was getting auto selected


Ginesys Web - Sales and Distribution - Operations - Transfer - Transfer Out

Ginesys Web - Sales and Distribution - Operations - Invoicing - Sales Invoice

Reported Version:



  1. Open Sales Invoice or Transfer Out module.
  2. Provides all required value in the header section.
  3. Now open Search Challan Window and provide any criterion to search for records.
  4. Observe that the checkbox on the first row of search result grid is auto selected. 

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