Release Notes 11.137.5

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Release Notes 11.137.5


Release Date

6 June 2018

HO Version11.137.5
POS Version1.137.0
Web Database Compatibility Version1.12
Features & Enhancements12
Bug Fixes07

Features & Enhancements


Dev ID

Idea Tracker


34107 Cube Manager has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Utilities of the Admin Module


Ginesys Web – Admin – Utilities – Cube Manager

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was called Create Data Cube under the Analytics module in Ginesys Desktop. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module there are some functional changes as well.

The changes are:

A new user profile has been added to the Inventory tab - Allow data cube access as Administrator. The Administrator is allowed all operations on all public and private cubes irrespective of the app operations assigned to his User role. It is unchecked by default.

Cube-sets can now be created and managed through a separate window enabled from the Action menu. The cube history can also be seen from the Action menu.





28923 Tax Rates master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Tax Definition of the Inventory Module


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Product Definition – Tax Definition – Tax Rates

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Tax Definition menu of the Inventory module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there are no functional changes.




28920 Tax Region master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Tax Definition of the Inventory Module


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Product Definition – Tax Definition – Tax Region

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Tax Definition menu of the Inventory module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there are no functional changes.




28921 Tax Group master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Tax Definition of the Inventory Module


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Product Definition – Tax Definition – Tax Group

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Product Definition > Tax Definition menu of the Inventory module and was called the VAT Group. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there are no functional changes as well.




28922 Excise Tariff master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Tax Definition of the Inventory Module


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Product Definition – Tax Definition – Excise Tariff

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Inventory module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module however there are no functional changes.





30244 Opening Stock has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Stock Points of the Inventory Module


Ginesys Web – Inventory – Product Definition – Stock Points – Opening Stock

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Inventory module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module with no functional change at all.




30242 Ledger Opening has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Finance Module


Ginesys Web – Finance – Setup - Opening Entries – Ledger

Enhancement Summary:

Ledger under Opening Entries records the various ledgers and their values when starting the software for the first time. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module however there are no functional changes.

The ledgers provided at the opening must select sites if they are site applicable and in such cases the opening values have to be provided at site level and will reflect at the ledger level.

Ledgers which are sub ledger applicable cannot be selected from here, their opening values have to be provided from Opening Entries – Sub ledger only.




30243 Sub Ledger - Opening has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Finance Module


Ginesys Web – Finance - Setup – Opening Entries – Opening Sub Ledger

Enhancement Summary:

Opening Sub Ledger allows the entry of all sub ledgers required at the time of starting the software. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module however there are no functional changes.

There are three (3) types of entries made in this module:

  • General Ledgers which are sub ledger applicable but not site applicable – These sub ledgers can be updated with credit or debit values in the grid itself.
  • General Ledgers which are sub ledger applicable and site applicable – These sub ledgers can only be updated with credit or debit values in the Applicable Sites window.
  • AR/AP Ledgers which are sub ledger applicable – These sub ledgers can only be updated with credit or debit values in the Documents window.

Site Applicable Sub Ledger

Site Applicable Sub Ledger will show a link, Sites. The link when clicked will open a form, Applicable Sites, with a list of sites that are applicable for the selected sub ledger. The list allows entering values for credit and debit as per the selected sub ledger for each of the selected sites. These values will be summed up to display the sub ledger balance.

Sub Ledgers belonging to AR/AP ledger

Sub Ledgers belonging to AR/AP ledger will show a link, Documents. The link when clicked will open a form Document that allows addition or view of pending documents for respective sub ledgers at the time of system opening. The Document has a list of Entry Types which are pending. Please note that for Sales type documents, only Debit amount can be provided, for Purchase type only Credit amount can be provided and for AR/AP type documents either Credit or Debit Amount can be provided. The following Entry Type may be selected for this functionality –

  • Purchase Invoice
  • Sales Invoice
  • Purchase Return Debit No.
  • Sales Invoice
  • AR/AP Vouchers
  • Debit Note
  • Credit Note






38127 Process master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Production Module


Ginesys Web – Production – Setup – Manage – Process Master

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Production module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there is no functional change.




38132 Route Group master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Production Module


Ginesys Web – Production – Setup – Manage – Route Group Master

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Production module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there is no functional change.




38128 Route master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Production Module


Ginesys Web – Production – Setup – Manage – Route Master

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Production module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there is no functional change.




38133 Sub Assembly master has now been transferred to Ginesys Web as part of the Setup of the Production Module


Ginesys Web – Production – Setup – Manage – Sub Assembly Master

Enhancement Summary:

Previously it was under the Setup menu of the Production module. The UI has been made web compatible leading to a complete change in look and feel of the module but there is no functional change.



Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
135306 N.A.

35306 Delivery Challan against Reservation is getting an error when item is being populated from Pick list


Sales and Distribution - Delivery - Delivery Challan Against Reservation

Reported Version:



  1. Create a Put Away document with some items.
  2. Create a Reservation against Sales Order.
  3. Create a Pick List document against the above reservation.
  4. Confirm the Pick list.
  5. Create a Delivery Challan Against reservation for the above reservation.
  6. Cancel the Delivery Challan.
  7. Now try to create another Delivery Challan against Reservation But it the following error is displayed when the user is selecting the pick list
    "Application error : FRM-40735: WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger raised unhandled exception ORA-20002. 
    Database error : -1403: ORA-01403: no data found"

41079 Un-managed sites can be tagged with (Site Document Identification) prefix or suffix


Inventory - Requisitions - Miscellaneous Issues

Sales and Distribution - Consignment - Transfer In (Adhoc)

Reported Version:



  1. Create a scheme document number with SDI(Site Document Identification) prefix or suffix.
  2. Tag any un-managed site.
  3. Observe that the tagging is successful.

41165 Master cube data not displayed in List view


Ginesys Web - Admin - Utilities - Manage - Cube Manager

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Admin - Utilities - Manage - Cube Manager.
  2. Verifying data in the List view of Cube Manager.

41166 Application displays error when user try to do "Transfer ledger balance" 


Ginesys Web - Admin - Organization - Periods - Accounting Year

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Admin- Organization - Periods -Accounting Year.
  2. Select a accounting year.
  3. Click "Transfer ledger balance" option from Action menu.
  4. It was observed that application throws error "Required permissions are not granted. All of these permissions must be granted: AdminAccountingYear Transfer" after clicking above option.

 41171 Event not getting created after releasing a GRC for managed site


Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts

Reported Version:



  1. Go to Procurement - Operations - Goods In/Out - Receipts
  2. Change the connected site to any Managed site. 
  3. Click on 'Add'.
  4. Provide valid data to all the fields.
  5. Select 1 or multiple item(s).
  6. Click on 'Calculate Charge' button.
  7. Click on 'Save'.
  8. Select 'Yes' from the confirmation message displayed 'The stock will be posted on the entry date. Do you want to authorize this document?'
  9. Observe that Data saved, stock posting done, but local purchase event not generated for the document.

41022 Inventory valuation reports not matching with COGS


Inventory - Analysis - Inventory Valuation

Admin - Utilities - Application Tools - Recalculate COGS

Reported Version:



  1. Run OLAP report for Stock Book Summary and Inventory - Analysis - Inventory Valuation.
  2. Run COGS.
  3. Observe that the stock values are not matching for the above reports.

41157  Production Costing Calculating wrong


Admin - Utilities - Application Tools - Recalculate COGS

Reported Version:



  1. Run COGS.
  2. Observe that the Production Issue valuation is coming wrong for some finished goods.

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