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Release Notes 11.130.3


Release Date

6 September 2017

HO Version 11.130.3
POS Version1.130.0
Web Database Compatibility Version 1.9
Features & Enhancements 00
Bug Fixes 04

Bug Fixes


Dev IDIssue TrackerDescription
1 29079 N.A.

29079 While creating Gift Voucher Journal, an error is being displayed "ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000"


Retail Management - Gift Voucher - Voucher Sales 

Reported Version:



1. Create a booklet.
2. Generate 5000 GV under booklet.
3. Create GV journal with the newly created booklet.
4. Issue booklet containing 5000 vouchers and click on 'Save & Close'.
5. Observe that an error is being displayed:
"ORA-01795: maximum number of expressions in a list is 1000"

2 32608N.A.

32608 Unable to search and tag customers in large customer database through Retail Sale


Sales and Distribution - Retail Sale

Reported Version:



1.  Create more than 1 Lakh customer.
2.  Open any sub module under Sales and Distribution > Retail Sale.
3.  Search any customer.
4.  Observe that customers cannot be searched and tagged. 
3 32626N.A.

32626 Track secondary sites are not displayed while tagging vendors to sites


Ginesys Web - Procurement - Setup - Vendor - Assign Organization Site

Reported Version:



1. Open Assign Organization Site form.
2. Click on Assign button.
3. Select a vendor.
4. Click on Add Organization Site button.
5. Observe that Track Secondary sites are not getting displayed.
4 32610N.A.

32610 Benefit value is getting saved as zero, irrespective of value assigned during assortment creation


Ginesys Web - Retail Management - Promotion - Assortment 

Reported Version:



1. Create or Modify an Assortment whose type is Benefit Value.
2. Scan item and enter proper benefit value.
3. Save the Assortment.
4. Open the same Assortment again
5. See that the all 'Benefit value' entered are changed to zero.